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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 October 27, 01:58:18

Title: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 October 27, 01:58:18
Just curious. I have convinced my hubbie to buy me a PSP in return for support crewing him in a few adventure races. I told him that I need one for when our toddler sleeps and one can only read a book for so long, out there in the Australian bush.

So is anyone planning get it? Does anyone here have a PSP and do you like it?

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 27, 08:06:02
I'd like to hear what other people have to say about it.  I'm considering for a bunch of is a stupid health problem that makes it harder for me to sit at computer for hours on end than it used to be.   :-\

I figure that it's not a replacement for computer Sims, just an addition to.  I'd like to be able to lie down on the couch after work and play for an hour to let off some steam.  Also think that the split screen might make it very nice to play with my children.

Waiting for reviews.  I'd get the GameCube version.

edit, doh, I just realized that the question is about the PSP version specifically.  Have I taken the thread off topic in the VERY FIRST reply?   :-[

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 27, 08:06:38
GameCube is no place for a mighty warrior.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 27, 08:08:36
GameCube is no place for a mighty warrior.

I know.

I'm probably going to hate it, aren't I? 

That's why I didn't preorder.  :(

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Ivy on 2005 October 27, 11:00:35
I have the demo for PS2 and I will admit I'm not all that impressed with it.  I guess I was expecting better graphics from the game. 

It's hard to see the details of the items in the game, like when choosing your belts and other accessories.

You just can't see things as well in it. 

There are some neat interactions from what I saw, but I think I'll reserve buying it til it has come down in price.

Happy Simming,
:) :) :)

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Zythe on 2005 October 27, 11:20:11
GameCube is no place for a mighty warrior.

Link and Samus do just fine.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 October 27, 18:46:41
Eh, I'll rent it most likely.  But unless it really floats my boat I highly doubt I'll buy it.  There's other console games I'm putting priority on right now.  Namely Kingdom Hearts 2 and the two upcoming Castlevania games.

Besides, I can't fathom how anyone could play the sims without a keyboard and mouse.  Just like I couldn't figure out why anyone would get that Nentindo 64 port of Starcraft.  How are you supposed to play a RTS with a controller?  Especially with one as screwed up as the N64's?

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Diala on 2005 October 27, 18:54:46
I don't have a PSP, but I have a DS. If I get a console version of the Sims 2, I'd get the DS one, because using a touch screen for something like the Sims 2 is a LOT easier than using controller buttons.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 27, 19:18:41
We just got a second DS in our household with Nintendogs, thanks to an online contest. I was wondering about Sims2 for DS, but I am waiting to see what people think of it, because it's not like you can add more awesome content to your console game if it sucks.

I love my Gamecube, and I think Mario is a mighty warrior. Who else but a mighty warrior could vanquish monsters by spraying them with water?

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 30, 16:39:08
And mighty warrior Yoshi has defeated many a foe by . . . er . . . eating them and turning them into an egg? I don't really know how else to describe it.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Baa on 2005 October 30, 18:43:31
The only console game that appeared to have nice graphics were the PSP and the xBox versions of the games. All the others seemed mediocre, but you really can't compare a computer with a high-end video card and a measly console. Maybe when the PS3 and the other new consoles come out, Maxis will consider moving the Sims to that format. In my mind, I don't see why they didn't wait. Think about it, they could've waited and made a greater game on a new console, than to put it out on consoles that will soon be replaced and be rendered useless. They could've even worked out a deal with Sony or Nintendo to have the Revolution or PS3 ship with The Sims 2 console version, just like some other game companies do.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 30, 21:18:03
The only console game that appeared to have nice graphics were the PSP and the xBox versions of the games. All the others seemed mediocre, but you really can't compare a computer with a high-end video card and a measly console. Maybe when the PS3 and the other new consoles come out, Maxis will consider moving the Sims to that format. In my mind, I don't see why they didn't wait.

Money! Money now! Not money later! Now!

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Shupinola on 2005 November 01, 22:14:59
I came rather late to consoles - just 2 years ago when I bought a PS2, mainly so I could play SSX 3 and the Final Fantasy games. One of the games I took with my offer package was The Sims: Bustin Out. This was mainly because I had so many problems with bugs in The Sims that by the time I got to Unleashed things had got so bad as to make the game unplayable. But I missed my Sims, so I thought that a PS2 version would be OK because 'Playstations don't crash'. It's true! Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and X-2, Gran Tourismo 3, Buffy: Chaos Bleeds, SSX3 ... not a single crash. Sims: Bustin Out ... er ... OK, so Playstations CAN crash, but only when you try playing a Maxis game on them. Add to that, work buses going to the wrong part of the screen and merging with the school bus, objects becoming stuck and unusable (and with no boolprop or moveobjects that means game over) and Sims getting stuck. Now where have I seen stuff like this before - AND since? Over on the 'official site', I've had the entire gamut of excuses as to why it was my fault and not the fault of shoddy programming from Maxis: 'It's your Playstation.', 'It's a faulty disk.', 'It's your personal hygiene.'. OK, so not the last one, but it might as well of been there as it's as good a lame excuse as all the others.

So, The Sims 2 on consoles might be really great, but having been burned so many times by Maxis, I'll not buy any of them for any format other than PC. My PS2 is for SSX (On Tour should arrive with the postie tomorrow morning) and Final Fantasy. As these two franchises move to the PS3 I'll buy that machine too and continue my relationship with those games on consoles. The Sims 2 is far too big a game to play on consoles and too many things can go wrong with it. Maxis are not keen enough on getting things right or putting them right. The game might be great, but it has to be on a platform where modders can sort out the bugs that Maxis can't be bothered to sort out, and that means the humble PC.

What I can't understand, is why anyone who uses this forum - knowing how shoddy Maxis's programming is - would be fool enough to even consider buying a console version of a game that is almost 100% certain to be buggy? Buggy AND limited in it's gameplay and options.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 November 01, 22:22:50

What I can't understand, is why anyone who uses this forum - knowing how shoddy Maxis's programming is - would be fool enough to even consider buying a console version of a game that is almost 100% certain to be buggy? Buggy AND limited in it's gameplay and options.

Thats why I am asking about the game on this thread ::)

I have never exprienced the problems that you have encountered with the game, be it Sims 1 or 2 and when I have, it has often been my own fault or something that I downloaded. I know nothing about the console game so hence I am asking, wanting to know what people think of it. No game shops in my town have a demo to show me and I refuse to part with AUS$400 on a game machine that I have never held in my hand at least.

So pull your head in and don't be so rude.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: cheriem on 2005 November 01, 23:46:38
I usually just read and laugh a lot.  But must reply to this thread.   I will probably be buying the PS2 version for a friend who loves Sims but doesn't have a computer at the moment.  Am hoping this will be a nice Christmas present for said friend and family.  I love my Sims2 plus all expansions and am a happy camper since I can have my mods as am a super controller  ;D.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 02, 02:43:40
One of my cousins just bought it and loaned it to my sister.  My niece said it's great (of course, she's 13 years old so what does she know? ;)).  I do believe my cousin likes it very well, though.  My personal thoughts on the console versions (I've watched one of my nieces play several console Sims games) has been that if a person just doesn't have and can never get a computer then they'd beat nothing.

I can fully sympathize with health issues that can keep a person down.  I have a nifty set-up at my desk so that I could use my PC from a recliner if I had a recliner.  I have a short filing cabinet at one end of my desk (L-shaped set-up) and a cushion on top of the filing cabinet so I can use it for a footstool.  When I'm typing my keyboard's on my lap, my mouse is on the desktop in front of my monitor, which is sort of facing me.  It's a great set-up, really. I hate to think of the countless hours I've sat in this position when I couldn't do anything else.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Giggy on 2005 November 02, 12:33:19
I'm getting it for my birthday and maybe I'll get the psp game

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Twibil on 2005 November 02, 20:30:42
I made the mistake of buying the Urbz for my X-box.  What a flaming piece of crap that was, so, no I will not be buying TS2 for my console.  I don't want to get burned again.  I really liked the Urbz for the Gameboy, so I thought I would like it for the X-box.  Nobody bothered to tell me that the games were completely different.   >:(

I am enjoying Pirates on my X-box right now, throw in some NFS now and then and thats all I will ever need.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 November 02, 21:59:02
Thanks for everyones input but I guess no one has read the topic correctly. I am after info on the PSP - Playstation Portable not just consoles likes PS2.

But alas I did my own research yesterday lunchtime and finally got to play with one. We don't get the Sims2 for PSP until December so I played a car racing game and really liked it. They showed me the ad for the SIms2 on it and yes, as alot of people have said on the internet generally, the graphics aren't as good, but then again we are holding a little machine not a full blown PC so I can accept that. The game appears to have tasks rather than just the standard game play of sim A meets sim b and gets marrried and has kids so that part interests me. To have a goal which I don't have to dream up would be nice for change.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: Shupinola on 2005 November 04, 20:24:42
So pull your head in and don't be so rude.

Sorry. Re-reading my post, it does appear to be a bit nasty, but that wasn't my intention. I wasn't inferring that YOU were a fool, just that based on their track record, buying new Maxis products is a foolish thing to do. I've also had horrendous problems with Sim City 4. I was very sceptical about buying The Sims 2 and was proved right. Same with University and Nightlife, but I still went ahead and purchased them in the vague hope that Maxis had cleaned up their act. So I KNOW that I'm foolish. Thing is, I love TS2 and put up with all the crap programming just to experience the good bits of the game. But they've burned me too many times now and when the console versions go wrong, there will be no hackers like JMP and Two Jeffs to help out.

Some people say it's EA, not Maxis who are at fault. Whilst I don't think EA are totally blameless, how come other EA products aren't as bad as Maxis games? I bought SSX On Tour two days ago and it runs perfectly. Same with the Command and Conquer series. Only problem I had there was that Red Alert 2 was incompatible with my new PC, but there was a patch available at the official site. If the C&C guys can support such an old product, why can't Maxis sort out their new product? The fact is, they can't be trusted to do anything right and that will be the same for the console versions of The Sims 2. There's no way that three PCs and a brand new PS2 can all be faulty and it seems very unlikely that all of the disks are faulty too, so it has to come down to the programming. Based on the simple fact that so many people have had so  many problems with all of these products, it doesn't bode well for the latest batch of console games - not least of all that there are so many variations covering every console currently available.

So, I'm suitably chastised and head is pulled firmly in. Once again, sorry, but I really didn't mean to offend.

Title: Re: Any getting Sims2 on PSP?
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 05, 01:11:18
I can fully sympathize with health issues that can keep a person down.  I have a nifty set-up at my desk so that I could use my PC from a recliner if I had a recliner.  I have a short filing cabinet at one end of my desk (L-shaped set-up) and a cushion on top of the filing cabinet so I can use it for a footstool.  When I'm typing my keyboard's on my lap, my mouse is on the desktop in front of my monitor, which is sort of facing me.  It's a great set-up, really. I hate to think of the countless hours I've sat in this position when I couldn't do anything else.

Me three. We bought an LCD TV/computer monitor that is mounted above my bed on a hinged bracket. When I'm in too much pain to sit up, I plug the laptop into it and can browse the web or play Sims 2 lying down. It has almost the same resolution as the laptop (1280x768 instead of 1280x800), and lovely clear pixels that can be seen in the dark. I have the mouse on a pillow to provide wrist support, and a crappy cheap USB keyboard for photography purposes. I can't easily type whole posts lying down, but I can use the TAB and Q, E & C keys :).

I love video games in general, but my joints are bad enough that I have to modify console controllers by adding extra padding, and I always have the controller on at least one pillow to support my hands. I have a Nintendo DS that I've barely played, because all the current games want you to use the stylus because the touch screen is the new novelty, and a) I can't hold the DS with one hand if I'm lying down because it's too heavy, and b) I can only use the stylus for short intervals even sitting up, as it does my wrists in. My GameBoy Advance SP is much better, because it's light enough to be held one-handed, and the games I play most often (the Pokemon series) have key mapping built in, that lets you set all the controls to one hand.