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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: blossyblossy on 2008 March 10, 01:16:19

Title: Deceased still shows on loading screen
Post by: blossyblossy on 2008 March 10, 01:16:19
I had a vampire which I let sizzle in the sun.  Anyway, she still shows as being part of the family on the loading screen even though I am now playing several generations on in this household.  Is there a way to fix this?  The lot seems to play normally, but it is just one of those things that bothers me.  There she is standing with great grandchildren that never met her.  It just isn't right!

Title: Re: Deceased still shows on loading screen
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 10, 01:25:13
Use the BRING OUT YOUR DEAD button on the Lot Debugger.

Title: Re: Deceased still shows on loading screen
Post by: Inge on 2008 March 10, 13:04:06
If she's a vampire - ie UNdead - isn't it sort of accurate to still show her on the panel?

Title: Re: Deceased still shows on loading screen
Post by: danicast on 2008 March 10, 14:05:37
If she's a vampire - ie UNdead - isn't it sort of accurate to still show her on the panel?
Not if is a dead vampire. Her departed is probably borked.

Try lotdebugger. If doesn´t work, try ressurrect her and kill her again.
Been there, done that.

Title: Re: Deceased still shows on loading screen
Post by: blossyblossy on 2008 March 19, 02:28:07
Just to check I'm not being a complete numpty.

I have clicked the debugger, selected fix/bring out your dead.  Nothing else is required?  It didn't fix the problem and I have tried on several dfferent play sessions.

The other suggestion of resurrection.  I think that is something from the University EP.  Correct?  If so, not an option for me as I don't have this EP.

Looks like I will have a permanent reminder of Jill my first vampire that I accidently killed.  Opps.