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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cmdrjade on 2005 October 26, 20:52:30

Title: All the damn lights...
Post by: cmdrjade on 2005 October 26, 20:52:30
Yup, me again! :)  I swear that one time I saw a hack or something that made the lights in a house "invisible" or whatever you'd like to call it. 

My question is, is this really a hack or was it just a cheat?  And if so, where can I find it/what is it?  Because, seriously, I'm so tired of trying to click on the toilet and instead clicking the lights about a million times...

Title: Re: All the damn lights...
Post by: aqualectrix on 2005 October 26, 21:05:19
I believe it's a hack of Inge's:

Title: Re: All the damn lights...
Post by: cmdrjade on 2005 October 26, 21:24:09
Ah, yes, there it is!  Thanks much.