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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: blackvelvet on 2008 March 04, 23:15:53

Title: Private School Bill Fix - how do I get it to work?
Post by: blackvelvet on 2008 March 04, 23:15:53
I have the updated FT version and a sim in private school, but they don't appear to get charged. What am I doing wrong? Are the charges applied weekly? Is there something I should be clicking to activate the charges?


Title: Re: Private School Bill Fix - how do I get it to work?
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 04, 23:53:14
You don't actually get bills, money is deducted automatically at 6 AM.  Listen for the kaching.

Title: Re: Private School Bill Fix - how do I get it to work?
Post by: blackvelvet on 2008 March 05, 00:01:12
Can you tell me how much and whether it's per child or a flat rate per household?

Or perhaps you could direct me to the Private School Bill Fix Thread please. I've been searching but can't find it.

Title: Re: Private School Bill Fix - how do I get it to work?
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 05, 01:15:31
I believe it's 200 simoleans per kid, supposed to be capped out at a max of 3x regardless of the number of kids, but last I heard it was just taking out one 200 per day.  I don't think it has its own thread -- it's just a DC thing, and those usually aren't documented anywhere other than in various threads/messages here and there.

Title: Re: Private School Bill Fix - how do I get it to work?
Post by: blackvelvet on 2008 March 05, 08:14:25
Thanks also.