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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2008 March 04, 21:14:40

Title: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 March 04, 21:14:40
Dear me but Grimmy has got it in for me lately what with wussy unscary ghosts and now this.

Simple enough scenario. I was playing the "Traveller" family from BV. Mum puts some toaster pastries in the oven (those things are bloody lethal), turns the kitchen into a raging inferno and the entire family is toast before you can say "Stupid Sims". As it was a pre-made family and I couldn't really care less I saved and exited the lot only to find that the lot shows in the neighbourhood screen as being still occupied by a dead child.

I can (and did) move the corpse child to the "Families" bin and was amused to find I can move this rotting rug-rat to other lots. The taxi shows but no-one gets out yet that lot will show as occupied. By an invisible and evidently immortal brat.

How on earth do I get rid of this bucket-kicked kid? Not a major problem but an odd one. I'm mac-using  BTW so stuff like Sim PE etc isn't an option.


Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: danicast on 2008 March 04, 22:21:12
Teleport the creature to somewhere and properly kill it this time.
No kiddin.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 March 04, 22:29:52
I can't SEE the kid. She does not exist. Despite occupying lots there is no-one there. I cannot interact with a brat my computer cannot see.

I assume something went wrong with the death token.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Kyna on 2008 March 04, 22:37:24
I had something similar recently (before I installed FT).  One of the sims on my retirees lot invited a widowed sim to move in, and the widower's late partner was also able to be moved in - except I never saw him.  He appeared on the loading screen after that whenever I loaded the lot.  My retirees lot has a grim reaper phone, so I ended up calling grimmy on the phone, resurrecting the sim, and killing him off again.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: kutto on 2008 March 04, 22:57:11
I can't SEE the kid. She does not exist. Despite occupying lots there is no-one there. I cannot interact with a brat my computer cannot see.

I assume something went wrong with the death token.

Did you try the teleporter bush? You can't see the child that way, either?

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 March 04, 23:04:39
I'd say try teleporting her. Then use the lot debugger to kill her. Pause and queue "Smite...CHILD NAME" four times. Four smitings kills anything. That'll take care of things if she isn't properly dead.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 March 04, 23:52:40
What teleporter bush and what lot debugger? As I said I'm mac-using so some common PC tools do not work for me.

I can't ressurrect the brat as no-one outside her family knew her. I'm stuck with her. No matter.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Kyna on 2008 March 05, 00:20:19
Lot debugger is found here, in the hacks directory for your latest EP.  Inge's teleporter bush (or cat statue if you have Pets or later) is found at Simlogical.

Or you can resurrect her using the Tombstone of Life & Death, then kill her again using the tombstone.  (Turn on debug mode, shift click on a sim, and select spawn to get the Tombstone of L&D.)  Does not require any other sim knowing her.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Nec on 2008 March 05, 01:39:21
Deleted 2 (,6205.0.html) :)

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 05, 01:42:07
I believe that the Lot Debugger has a functionality of "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD" under "Fix", to evict all the dead sims in a family.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: kaydee on 2008 March 05, 14:20:48
I'd say try teleporting her. Then use the lot debugger to kill her. Pause and queue "Smite...CHILD NAME" four times. Four smitings kills anything. That'll take care of things if she isn't properly dead.

I tried to Smite a child yesterday and the name did not appear on my list of available Smitees.  Everyone else on the lot appeared, except for the children.  I assumed that the Smite option was not available for kids.  Y/N?

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 05, 15:35:41
I think technically kids can't be killed (or maybe even hit) by lightning -- I've never seen one get hit in my game. You'd have to force a death some other way (fire, drowning, flies) using the testing cheats.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 05, 15:53:07
What teleporter bush and what lot debugger? As I said I'm mac-using so some common PC tools do not work for me.

Those are basic Must-Have hacks.  I can't believe anyone with 260+ posts on MATY could be ignorant of the essentialness of the lot debugger.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 March 05, 20:34:35
Well excuse me for existing  ;D

I still have no clue what the hell the lot debugger is.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 05, 20:37:19
Lot Debugger (,72.0.html). Put it on every lot.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Strangel on 2008 March 05, 21:10:08
I think technically kids can't be killed (or maybe even hit) by lightning -- I've never seen one get hit in my game. You'd have to force a death some other way (fire, drowning, flies) using the testing cheats.

...or satellite. I had that one happen entirely sadorandomly while all the kids were outside, looking at the clouds while they waited for the bus. Of course, unless you using the cheat, I don't think that'd do any good here, if the OP can't see/order the child.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 March 05, 21:19:09
Thank you kindly Gynarchy. I'll install that directly.

OK update, Awesome as the Lot Debugger is is does not help here as  live mode is not accessible and I have no living Sim to use it with.

The toasted tot still appears in the family bin and the option to move her to a lot is still there but the debugger does not work with no live mode.

Would adding her to an existing occupied lot work do you think?

Yup that worked fine. No tombstone or urn but the stiff sprog is no more.

Thank you to everyone.

Title: Re: Only slightly dead?
Post by: cwykes on 2008 March 06, 14:01:05
I suspect there's another of Pescado's tools for this, but if you move a sim into the lot from the hood screen, you'll be able to get at live mode.