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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Zyrcona on 2008 March 04, 10:39:26

Title: Chemistry set/ science reward request
Post by: Zyrcona on 2008 March 04, 10:39:26
Does anyone know if there is, or could someone make, an object something like the description below?

The Science career reward object builds logic and makes useless diseases and medicine that doesn't work. It would be much more useful if you could add the items from it to the inventory so you could sell them, and you could make the cures for the various creatures (vampire, werewolf, etc) sold by the hawkers, and the love potion, etc. It would also be nice if you could make potions that convert sims into the creatures, like the chemistry set in The Sims. In the theme of the chemistry set, it would also be nice if you could make poison, personality inverter, and needs max-out potion. I would like the cures to look like the cures you buy in the game, and it would be nice if the other ones looked like flasks of different-coloured solution like in The Sims. Sims with max logic should be able to choose which potion to make, but any sim below that should only have the option to make a random potion.


Title: Re: Chemistry set/ science reward request
Post by: MuseEgo on 2008 March 04, 11:59:38
Seriously? MATY is really not the place to request hacks, all those posts generally go nowhere in this lurker's experience. Also, two seconds and a basic search on Mod the Sims 2 using 'potion' as a keyword will turn up a bunch of hacked items to do almost all of those things. The Harry Potter project has a cauldron that allows for making a bunch of different potions, new and in game ones.

(Unfortunatly I haven't been around long enough to gain a poking stick.)


Title: Re: Chemistry set/ science reward request
Post by: Kyna on 2008 March 04, 12:11:01
Does anyone know if there is, or could someone make, an object something like the description below?

The Science career reward object builds logic and makes useless diseases and medicine that doesn't work.

The medicine does work, if you use biotechfix (,5624.0.html).

Title: Re: Chemistry set/ science reward request
Post by: Gwill on 2008 March 05, 18:18:41
No one here takes requests.
Try Smonaff or [Black_Spirit] at MTS2, they've done some work with potions and other objects...