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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nocomment on 2008 March 04, 06:52:57

Title: Best way to make copies of owned business lots?
Post by: nocomment on 2008 March 04, 06:52:57
I want to make copies of several owned business lots, to put in my test neighborhood. 

Is it possible to do this by copying the files from the Lots folder?  Will the fact that it's owned cause problems?  Will there be problematic junk in the file?

Title: Re: Best way to make copies of owned business lots?
Post by: Nec on 2008 March 04, 07:25:09
Package the lot. Install the lot. When you first place it, it may still have the original info. If so, then move it to the lot bin and move it back into the hood. That removes all previous ownership information.

Title: Re: Best way to make copies of owned business lots?
Post by: danicast on 2008 March 04, 08:25:08
Use the sims2 clean installer, is highly recommended. Is very possible that some visitor sim comes with the lot.
Been there, done that.

Title: Re: Best way to make copies of owned business lots?
Post by: Nec on 2008 March 04, 08:31:39
That is a good idea, as often persondata gets stuck, though I haven't noticed it with community lots. If you do that , make sure you select lot file only for the install. Also, be sure to remove any hacks that may not be compatible before packaging the lot, as some of them cause errors if they are not in downloads and were on the lot.

Title: Re: Best way to make copies of owned business lots?
Post by: nocomment on 2008 March 05, 11:26:43
A business that comes with a customer?  Sounds great.   ;)

Thanks for the help.  It would be simpler if I would just remember to make a copy of the lot before I use it.