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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: unregister on 2008 March 03, 18:07:52

Title: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: unregister on 2008 March 03, 18:07:52
Hi, I haven't seen anyone post this problem before, but it is getting annoying. From the first install of Bon Voage, I have had the hair and beard of Big Foot appear in my males cc hair in the "grey hair" area. I can get as many as 6 copies of this and it will carry names of legit hairs. Even the sims in the "Sims Bin" will appear wearing the hair and beard of Big Foot. It is such an annoyance. I am just guessing but I think it is copying itself unto regular hairs that I've downloaded, but this isn't certain. I have too many cc hairs to remember what was or isn't there. I have never tried making a sim wearing it so I do not know if it would carry into the actual gameplay.

I've deleted these in CAS, and SimPe. It doesn't make a difference as it continues to make it's appearance over and over again. It so darn ugly to look at on a regular sim face. Nothing else has duplicated itself like this has and it began immediately after the BV installation. If there is a way to stop it, Please, let me know. I don't understand why I seem to be the only one with this problem. Thank you.

Edit: I should add that even the "Maxiod Sam" who has claimed to have work on BV, couldn't come up with an answer, just ignored the question. So if no one is able to give a solution/reason, it wouldn't be a surprise to me. I just thought I'd try.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: vikitty on 2008 March 03, 18:36:07
It sounds to me like you have CC meshes missing.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: unregister on 2008 March 03, 18:41:06
What exactly do you mean?That missing meshes from other cc hairs would cause this problem? Would everyone with missing meshes have Big Foot hairs in their cc? Just trying to understand this. Why only Big Foot hair, and why it only happened after BV installed.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 03, 18:49:17
If any custom hair you have has a missing hair mesh and the game defaults to bigfoot hair, then any attempt to use that custom hair will result in your sim appearing with bigfoot hair.  If you know where your various custom hair comes from, you could download the appropriate meshes and reinstall them, and see if this solves the problems.

Other idea - make sure your Downloads folder has a capital "D" (not "downloads", but "Downloads").

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: unregister on 2008 March 03, 18:56:42
Thank you both so much for the enlightenment. I wouldn't have guess that this would be a cause of it as it only began with BV. My Downloads folder is named correctly. I have kept meshes with the hair sets in sub folders. So some hair must be hanging out there as an orphan. Got some work ahead of me with this one. Once again, thank you for the help.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: vikitty on 2008 March 03, 18:58:58
Haha sorry I wasn't more specific, but yes, what jolrei said. You'll have similar problems if you ever lose a mesh for outfits, too -- I end up with those ugly jogging suits for three pages sometimes. It seems to be random (whatever mesh pops up to replace the missing one) but if it's Maxis when it should be custom, that's a sign that there's a mesh problem.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: unregister on 2008 March 03, 21:44:15
Well, Vilkitty, that explains things more. I have seen the game grey suit show up when I've deleted something in cas, but its always one type of outfit.  I've had the short male haircut show up in cc, I just had no idea that the game could use multiple hairs styles that way. Especially a hair style that is not available in the selection bin for use on sims. That Big Foot hair isn't available for general use as the male short hair is. Funny, how one answer can make one wonder about other things. I will just have to clean things up and see where it goes. And I really hope to see that Big Foot hair style go.

But I do appreciate the information and help, thank you.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: Tarlia on 2008 March 03, 22:41:22
Only vaguely related to the topic at hand, but when I open up body shop, very often the randomly generated adult male that's made if you generate a random sim ends up having the Bigfoot hair/beard, even though it's a hidden hair. Same thing happened with the Santa hat when I had a hack that kept it hidden. This wasn't a CC problem, mind, it just used those hairs at random.

Anyway, seems like the game likes to default to that Bigfoot mesh in general.

(For missing meshes, I usually get the 'straight long hair' and the red/white jogging suit thing for females, and a short hair for males.)

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: vikitty on 2008 March 03, 22:47:12
Yeah, I've had different results as far as what shows up. Last time I was missing a child female mesh, they went back to one of the sweater/scarf outfits that came with seasons, but the time before that it was one of the dresses that came with Vacation. Stupid EAxis.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: Sivany on 2008 March 03, 23:25:38
Only vaguely related to the topic at hand, but when I open up body shop, very often the randomly generated adult male that's made if you generate a random sim ends up having the Bigfoot hair/beard, even though it's a hidden hair. Same thing happened with the Santa hat when I had a hack that kept it hidden. This wasn't a CC problem, mind, it just used those hairs at random.

That happens to me too. Everytime I open bodyshop and click to create a new sim I get that stupid bigfoot hair! I have no idea why because I don't have any missing meshes or anything, I'm meticulous about keeping my custom hairs tidy in my downloads folder and within the game. (The rest of it is a mess, but the hairs are tidy!)

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: unregister on 2008 March 04, 00:27:59
Thank you for the above posted information. It does shed more light on the problem. The thing that made me most confused is that this Big Foot hair is a "hidden" item. I've not had any other "hidden" item just appear in CAS and I didn't think the game allowed it. I would normally see the male short hair in CAS. When this typically "hidden" hair showed up too, i began to question the reason for it. Considering  the way it multiplied so rapidly after ep was installed, I wondered if it was a type of virus.  Virus scans were neg on that. Thank you for the help and posting your own experiences with this hair. It has been very helpful as now I know I am not the only one to have the Big Foot Hair experience.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: Nec on 2008 March 04, 01:07:59
The bigfoot hair overwrites one file for Compulsive D's dreads - that I know for sure.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: witch on 2008 March 04, 09:14:34
Ah ha!That might explain why one of my sims lost his dreads. Thanks.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: Invisigoth on 2008 April 12, 02:39:47
When you open up BS and go into "build or clone sims" and then select the green box with the + sign in it (tooltip says "Build a Sim") if the sim that is randomly created as your model sim is male then he has a chance of being spawned with the bigfoot beard. IIRC in BV Body Shop the first rolled male sim would ALWAYS have the bigfoot beard, but I have FT and I just did a bunch of tests and I had that beard roll up about half the time (although I don't claim that it will roll up half the time for everyone, I didn't do nearly enough tests to determine the percentage of the beard showing up; I just did enough to see if it would happen every time or if it would be a regular hair sometimes). From my limited testing the beard would never roll up if it rolled a female sim and you changed her to a male sim, but that can't be considered absolutely conclusive either. I do NOT have any missing meshes or any male hair that shows up looking like the bigfoot beard in any of my hair bins. This happens with no CC in the game. The Body Shop issue is just a standard EAxian bug and it has nothing to do with missing meshes. If you see the hair in the hair bins multiple times like the OP then you DO have a missing mesh and that is actually an entirely different issue.

I also hit the "randomize" button in Body Shop 200 times and the bigfoot beard never appeared in that test. It only seems to happen immediately after hitting the "build a sim" button.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: PlayLives on 2008 April 12, 03:36:38
The bigfoot hair overwrites one file for Compulsive D's dreads - that I know for sure.

Which file exactly? I have been trying to track this down with no luck.

Title: Re: Big Foot Hair and Beard taking my cc over
Post by: witch on 2008 April 12, 03:52:46
Don't know if it's any help, but the dreads that went missing for me were long male dreads in a high ponytail, no scarf.