More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MistyBlue on 2008 March 03, 16:03:34

Title: Can't earn enthusiasm points
Post by: MistyBlue on 2008 March 03, 16:03:34
How long does it take for sims to gain enthusiasm? I've been playing a test family with a kid whose predestined hobby is nature, but I had him playing the violin. He's been playing since he was a child. He is now an adult. He has ZERO enthusiasm points for music and dance. I tried on several other sims and none of them are gaining enthusiasm for anything. I'm assuming this is not supposed to be a long arduous process and the first few should be easy to gain like skilling. Is anyone else having a problem like this? Is it fixable?

My hack list is:
updated FFS hacks
sit on floor to watch tv

Title: Re: Can't earn enthusiasm points
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 03, 16:32:25
Gaining enthusiasm sometimes takes a long time, but should not take that long.  With awesome hacks and ACR loaded, my sims are able to gain enthusiasm on home lots, but not on comm lots.  Macrotastics hobbinate function pops errors as well.  In my game, I am viewing this as a "tight pants" issue, or a possible conflict with non-awesome CC content at this point.

You may want to try eliminating all other CC (clothes, meshes, objects, etc.) as well as all non-awesome hacks and run a test hood (to avoid affecting your regular hood), to see if the problem persists.  Make sure you have the latest FFS hacks for FT, as these are being updated daily or more often at present.

Title: Re: Can't earn enthusiasm points
Post by: Karen on 2008 March 03, 16:40:07
Is the "Macro...Hobbinate" working without errors for *anybody*?  I haven't seen anyone (yet) who says it works in their game, regardless of what other hacks they have loaded.  I posted an error log yesterday in the Macrotastics thread (,208.msg317244.html#msg317244).


Title: Re: Can't earn enthusiasm points
Post by: jolrei on 2008 March 03, 16:50:57
Is the "Macro...Hobbinate" working without errors for *anybody*?  I haven't seen anyone (yet) who says it works in their game, regardless of what other hacks they have loaded.  I posted an error log yesterday in the Macrotastics thread.

Saw your error log - my game is doing the same thing, but since it's essentially the same error I didn't post a second log.  New version of macrotastics is up this morning.  In my game, I also have to eliminate other CC to make sure something else is not conflicting. 

Wait and see I guess what the diagnosis is on your error log.  There's lots going on and it's likely not possible to manage all issues at once.  But no, you're not the only one, if that helps.

Title: Re: Can't earn enthusiasm points
Post by: mitchellcjs on 2008 March 03, 16:58:56
Hobbinate works well on tinker, if one has the buildable car, and on film/literature.  The rest error out after macro->call friends.

Title: Re: Can't earn enthusiasm points
Post by: Karen on 2008 March 03, 17:25:56
Hobbinate works well on tinker, if one has the buildable car, and on film/literature.  The rest error out after macro->call friends.

Thanks for the info.  As for the rest, I guess we'll just have to wait.  Pescado replied in the other thread that the "hobbinate" code isn't finished yet.
