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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: louisacoletta on 2008 March 03, 15:45:23

Title: Pre-FT Sims have no Hobby Enthusiasm-Is it Normal?
Post by: louisacoletta on 2008 March 03, 15:45:23
Hey all,

after installing FT I went and played Desiderata Valley and Strangetown. I noticed that in Strangetown, not a single sim has any predestined hobby! Is this a glitch? Or does the whole predestined hobby thing work like Uni - You only have the extra want slots after attending college? I read some posts where someone said to use Paladin's Predestined Hobby Adjuster, but it would be really time-consuming to use that on all I'd rather not use hacks/mods if I can help it.

Title: Re: Pre-FT Sims have no Hobby Enthusiasm-Is it Normal?
Post by: mitchellcjs on 2008 March 03, 15:51:04
The sim's predestined hobby won't be highlighted until it actually receives hobby points in that hobby.  So you have to do the roundabout hobby run.  Just do two or three seconds of each type of hobby until you get a noise and a pop-up.  The pop-up says something like "Wow, I'm really glad I tried that <whatever> hobby."

Title: Re: Pre-FT Sims have no Hobby Enthusiasm-Is it Normal?
Post by: louisacoletta on 2008 March 03, 16:20:46
ok, I feel like a moron now. Thanks for the reply!