More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Witches on 2005 October 26, 17:52:09

Title: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 26, 17:52:09
So, I'm a fan of fireworks in the game. Their little fisticuffs crack me up. I've had sims or their dates get jumped by other sims, and it's all sooo amusing.

However, if you don't like that kind of thing, don't date a waiter. My current main sim and her mom both dated the same waiter dude, and suddenly he was working at EVERY restaurant or club they visited. They couldn't go anywhere without running into him. I've resigned myself to the fact that a) my sims will never get to read the paper because it's always being stolen and b) they need to check their garbage cans on a regular basis. Haven't gotten flaming poo yet but I'm sure it's coming ...

Oh, and don't have your sim date the same guy as her mom unless you want them to not be on speaking terms. Also great fun, for those of us more evil minded ... gotta love those romance sims.

So, what pearls of wisdom do the rest of you have to share?

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 18:49:15
So, I'm a fan of fireworks in the game. Their little fisticuffs crack me up. I've had sims or their dates get jumped by other sims, and it's all sooo amusing.

However, if you don't like that kind of thing, don't date a waiter. My current main sim and her mom both dated the same waiter dude, and suddenly he was working at EVERY restaurant or club they visited. They couldn't go anywhere without running into him. I've resigned myself to the fact that a) my sims will never get to read the paper because it's always being stolen and b) they need to check their garbage cans on a regular basis. Haven't gotten flaming poo yet but I'm sure it's coming ...

Oh, and don't have your sim date the same guy as her mom unless you want them to not be on speaking terms. Also great fun, for those of us more evil minded ... gotta love those romance sims.

So, what pearls of wisdom do the rest of you have to share?
I have learned courtesy of Justin to make sure if your sim is not an elder to put gray hair as a turn off so the gypsy brings you a more appropriate blind date. as she has very little qualms about sending an elder to a young stud as a blind date.Justin is a romance sim who is recently divorced and his ex is now married to his brother. after his divorce I had Justin call the gypsy and ask for a blind date the first one she sent him was Tiffany Sampson a disaster as they were repelled by one another. the second blind date she sent him was Arcadia Bradshaw an elder repair person well not wanting Justin to be with an elder I had Justin politely end the date with the speil its not you its me. I am not a fan of being a boy toy in a may/ december relationship ;D now Arcadia feels like she was dumped  as Justins third blind date Heidi Platz arrived on the scene before Arcadia left. now Arcadia  kicks over his trash can dozens of  times a day. in spite of numerous attempts by Justin to get Arcadia to leave him alone this elder is very persistant when it comes to being a pest. and when she does see Justin she get the anger going first then the hearts appear.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 20:38:59
Oh, God, and Arcadia is an ugly elder, at that. She's been aged down to adult and completely transformed in my game. She's very pretty now. She and Justin (my Justin, that is lol) had a fling pre-NL. He'd already been with about 40 or so females at the time, and I was running out of eligible women for him, so off to surgery she went!

Biggest pearl of wisdom I have is to remember to have your romance sims break up with their teenage girlfriends before they grow up. That is, if you don't plan on aging the girlfriend up as well. I had a rather awkward break-up between my Justin and his long-time but long-ago steady teen girlfriend when the matchmaker fixed his son up with her!


Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 20:52:08
Oh, God, and Arcadia is an ugly elder, at that. She's been aged down to adult and completely transformed in my game. She's very pretty now. She and Justin (my Justin, that is lol) had a fling pre-NL. He'd already been with about 40 or so females at the time, and I was running out of eligible women for him, so off to surgery she went!

Biggest pearl of wisdom I have is to remember to have your romance sims break up with their teenage girlfriends before they grow up. That is, if you don't plan on aging the girlfriend up as well. I had a rather awkward break-up between my Justin and his long-time but long-ago steady teen girlfriend when the matchmaker fixed his son up with her!

Poor Justin is so hot the females go ape over him. ;D my pearl of wisdom is make sure the ended date is gone before the new date arrives. poor Justin may never  have a newspaper or trash can in the upright position again.however I  had my Justin Tip Alon his paper boy handsomely and now when Arcadia shows up to steal Justin's newspaper  Alon yells at Arcadia

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 October 26, 21:03:23
Aha! I wondered if there were benefits to tipping NPCs. Once (a couple reinstalls back) I had Mortimer tip his maid until she would hang out with him, so they hooked up. Any other benefits?

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 26, 22:00:33
I've heard some people say that if you tip nannies they will do a better idea if there is any truth to that.

I am eagarly awaiting a mod to stop the damned trash can kicking over.  It's ridiculous.  I had a house where I was having to call the exterminator every single day b/c a jilted love would come over 3-4x a day to kick it over.  The newspaper thing doesn't bother me as much...newspapers just usually collected on the front walk anyways.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 October 26, 22:09:51
I've learned that you need to make sure you're Romance sims have a moderate amount of body skill before they start dating.

That is unless you enjoy watching them get their butts kicked on a regular basis.   ;)

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Dea on 2005 October 26, 22:13:31
I have had adults get teens as dates...I find it hard to believe there isnt at least one adult that he was more compatible with...I love newspaper stealing...I dont need them anyway...I have also done the find a new date before the old one is gone...The jilted date is in permanent furious state since I dont play her I guess.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 26, 22:14:40
put the trashcan just inside the back door or the garage, no more kicking. At least not in my game, they dont come indoors to kick the can.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 22:21:52
I've heard some people say that if you tip nannies they will do a better idea if there is any truth to that.

I am eagarly awaiting a mod to stop the damned trash can kicking over.  It's ridiculous.  I had a house where I was having to call the exterminator every single day b/c a jilted love would come over 3-4x a day to kick it over.  The newspaper thing doesn't bother me as much...newspapers just usually collected on the front walk anyways.

I've found that the roaches cause some lag in my game, so I'm awaiting this as well! With a houseful of romance sims, I have a constant roach problem. Ew.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 October 26, 22:35:06
I've heard some people say that if you tip nannies they will do a better idea if there is any truth to that.

I am eagarly awaiting a mod to stop the damned trash can kicking over.  It's ridiculous.  I had a house where I was having to call the exterminator every single day b/c a jilted love would come over 3-4x a day to kick it over.  The newspaper thing doesn't bother me as much...newspapers just usually collected on the front walk anyways. (

This takes away the option for annoyed and annoying Sims to kick over trash cans, and therefore no roaches and no flu!  You may still occasionally get roaches from other types of garbage, but this was the most frequent reason in most people's games.

This absolutely saved my sanity after NL was installed. I was soooooo sick of picking up the trash can.

Thanks Inge!

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2005 October 26, 23:01:12

I am eagarly awaiting a mod to stop the damned trash can kicking over.  It's ridiculous.  I had a house where I was having to call the exterminator every single day b/c a jilted love would come over 3-4x a day to kick it over.  The newspaper thing doesn't bother me as much...newspapers just usually collected on the front walk anyways.

Try installing street lights near your garbage can and keep them on.  It worked for least so far.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 23:02:00
I use the voodoo bottle to make them fall asleep on the sidewalk or pee their pants, so my sims can point and laugh at them!

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 27, 19:57:04
Aha! I wondered if there were benefits to tipping NPCs. Once (a couple reinstalls back) I had Mortimer tip his maid until she would hang out with him, so they hooked up. Any other benefits?

I made friends with a nanny the very first time I had a sim have a baby. She was a single mom and really needed the nanny's help, plus she was so busy with work and taking care of the kid that the nanny was the only person she could interact with (other than the kid, of course.)

That was the best nanny I ever had. She was a dream nanny, and never annoyed me. I have since had a lot of trouble with them and try to avoid them whenever possible. The patch may fix the nanny glitch, as it claims to do, but I'm still wary of them. I've had entire families jinxed. Those families, I should add, never bothered to befriend the nanny. So maybe there is a connection.

I do notice that the maids do a MUCH better job if tipped. I've had maids leave stinky dishes and toilets, and the next day, after a generous tip, leave the house spotless.

Of course some maids do a good job no matter what. It has nothing to do with which maid, but it does seem to go by house. Wonder if owner charisma has something to do with it? I've never tried to find a link.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: kewian on 2005 October 27, 20:09:10
I have had adults get teens as dates...I find it hard to believe there isnt at least one adult that he was more compatible with...I love newspaper stealing...I dont need them anyway...I have also done the find a new date before the old one is gone...The jilted date is in permanent furious state since I dont play her I guess.

um...ewww... is there a hack in there?  teens?

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 27, 20:27:58
Aha! I wondered if there were benefits to tipping NPCs. Once (a couple reinstalls back) I had Mortimer tip his maid until she would hang out with him, so they hooked up. Any other benefits?

I made friends with a nanny the very first time I had a sim have a baby. She was a single mom and really needed the nanny's help, plus she was so busy with work and taking care of the kid that the nanny was the only person she could interact with (other than the kid, of course.)

That was the best nanny I ever had. She was a dream nanny, and never annoyed me. I have since had a lot of trouble with them and try to avoid them whenever possible. The patch may fix the nanny glitch, as it claims to do, but I'm still wary of them. I've had entire families jinxed. Those families, I should add, never bothered to befriend the nanny. So maybe there is a connection.

I do notice that the maids do a MUCH better job if tipped. I've had maids leave stinky dishes and toilets, and the next day, after a generous tip, leave the house spotless.

Of course some maids do a good job no matter what. It has nothing to do with which maid, but it does seem to go by house. Wonder if owner charisma has something to do with it? I've never tried to find a link.
Remington the maid is one of those who does a terrific Job  even if  you never ever tip him. I usually  dont tip him until the 5th sim day then I have my sim Tip him 500 simoleons .. then he turns into a cleaning dynamo.  the only nanny in my game  that halfway got along with most of my sims Was Kendal Lawson and The Grim Reaper came and got her  one sunday while she was at my sims house working it was right around 6 p.m. sim time If I had known the grim reaper was going to show up for her I would have had my sim plead for her life because the ingame replacement Angie Benson  looks like Kendal but has a hideous disposition and is worse than any of the other nannies in the game when it comes to taking care of the babies

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 27, 20:42:37
I didn't know the help could die spontaneously! Had you invited her to move in? I killed a maid once, but that was on purpose. She refused to leave my house after I installed Uni ... so I locked her in the bathroom.

The nanny I liked was Callista somebody. Kendal was always a pain in my patoot. She spent her entire day on the swingset.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 27, 21:28:35
I've learned that you need to make sure you're Romance sims have a moderate amount of body skill before they start dating.

That is unless you enjoy watching them get their butts kicked on a regular basis.   ;)
You also need the Fight Club, otherwise fights make absolutely no sense and body skill has practically no correlation to the actual outcome anyway. :P

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 27, 22:11:26
I didn't know the help could die spontaneously! Had you invited her to move in? I killed a maid once, but that was on purpose. She refused to leave my house after I installed Uni ... so I locked her in the bathroom.

The nanny I liked was Callista somebody. Kendal was always a pain in my patoot. She spent her entire day on the swingset.

Kendall died very early in my game. When she wasn't peeing in the corner of the kitchen and stinking up the place (this was before hacks, mind you), she was walking around in her granny panties. Here she is at one of my sim's birthday parties:

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 28, 03:51:27
The nanny I liked was Callista somebody. Kendal was always a pain in my patoot. She spent her entire day on the swingset.

I killed her off because she decided to put the toddler in the high chair and feed her when she was about to bladder fail in her pants.

Only sim I ever killed on purpose. I ended up killing her with Rodney's Death Creator  because she wouldn't die properly when I put her in the pool with no ladder.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 04:01:46
I didn't know the help could die spontaneously! Had you invited her to move in?

nope I never ever invite the nannies to move in with my sims.I dont like them as nannies and I cant imagine how horrid they would be as  roommates.Kendal was there to work as My Sim Parents the Loveall's have a new baby in the house as Mom is a patrol officer and Dad is a professional party guest. it was Mom's first day back at work she had been off for 3 days on Maternity leave. while she was pregnant .My sim Moms always have to right back to work the day they give birth unless it happens to be a normal day off.I get the pop up that say So and so has been given an extra 3 days off to spend with the new baby and an hour later the carpool shows up to whisk mom off to work. My sim as a result has to rush to the phone and call one those horrid nannies before she can even cuddle her newborn

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 04:41:10
I've had that same problem with the maternity leave. Very frustrating.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 28, 06:25:20
My sim Moms always have to right back to work the day they give birth unless it happens to be a normal day off.I get the pop up that say So and so has been given an extra 3 days off to spend with the new baby and an hour later the carpool shows up to whisk mom off to work. My sim as a result has to rush to the phone and call one those horrid nannies before she can even cuddle her newborn

Can't you just cancel out the go to work action and let them call you and tell you you've used a vacation day? I can and have...

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 06:25:45
I've had that same problem with the maternity leave. Very frustrating.
and the three days doesnt appear in the vacation time either. it vanishes  in 1 sim hour. so why bother with that stupid popup  in the game (shaking head) ???

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 06:26:54
Yeah...why for?
Three days off, my ass...

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 28, 07:36:24
I've heard some people say that if you tip nannies they will do a better idea if there is any truth to that.

I am eagarly awaiting a mod to stop the damned trash can kicking over.  It's ridiculous.  I had a house where I was having to call the exterminator every single day b/c a jilted love would come over 3-4x a day to kick it over.  The newspaper thing doesn't bother me as much...newspapers just usually collected on the front walk anyways. (

This takes away the option for annoyed and annoying Sims to kick over trash cans, and therefore no roaches and no flu!  You may still occasionally get roaches from other types of garbage, but this was the most frequent reason in most people's games.

This absolutely saved my sanity after NL was installed. I was soooooo sick of picking up the trash can.

Thanks Inge!

Perfect..will have to remember to download it next time I shut off my game!

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 13:54:41
I've heard some people say that if you tip nannies they will do a better idea if there is any truth to that.

I am eagarly awaiting a mod to stop the damned trash can kicking over.  It's ridiculous.  I had a house where I was having to call the exterminator every single day b/c a jilted love would come over 3-4x a day to kick it over.  The newspaper thing doesn't bother me as much...newspapers just usually collected on the front walk anyways. (

This takes away the option for annoyed and annoying Sims to kick over trash cans, and therefore no roaches and no flu!  You may still occasionally get roaches from other types of garbage, but this was the most frequent reason in most people's games.

This absolutely saved my sanity after NL was installed. I was soooooo sick of picking up the trash can.

Thanks Inge!

Perfect..will have to remember to download it next time I shut off my game!
with Justin in my game I get alot of kicked over trashcans .however its alot easier now that I just dumped 7 more people into his house I simply send one of the family member over to pick it up and clean up the trash

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 28, 14:49:38
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Is there a "no crying over roaches" hack by any chance? I mean, toughen up, dude. You can kick the crap out of anyone else in the game, so why are you so upset about a bunch of bugs?

They just spray, or call the exterminator. The problem is, they're vamps, so if the can is kicked over early in the morning there's a real chance that there will be roaches by the time they wake up.

I suppose I could wake one of them up to call the exterminator and then go back to their coffin, but seeing as they're a pair of romance sims this could end up being a daily occurrence.  ::)

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 October 28, 15:16:56
I prefer not to use the NoKickTrash hack, because I find the kicking of trashcans funny. Instead I use a hack to get rid of the roaches. I use Raid from, since that isn't global and I can turn it off if I happen to want some roaches on a lot.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 17:19:46
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Is there a "no crying over roaches" hack by any chance? I mean, toughen up, dude. You can kick the crap out of anyone else in the game, so why are you so upset about a bunch of bugs?

That would be a really great thing. I cry over roaches, personally, but I don't want my military generals and hall of famers doing it, too.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 17:57:30
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Is there a "no crying over roaches" hack by any chance? I mean, toughen up, dude. You can kick the crap out of anyone else in the game, so why are you so upset about a bunch of bugs?

That would be a really great thing. I cry over roaches, personally, but I don't want my military generals and hall of famers doing it, too.
I certainly would hate to see Justin Bawling like a baby over roaches as well

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 28, 20:35:28
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Is there a "no crying over roaches" hack by any chance? I mean, toughen up, dude. You can kick the crap out of anyone else in the game, so why are you so upset about a bunch of bugs?

That would be a really great thing. I cry over roaches, personally, but I don't want my military generals and hall of famers doing it, too.

This guy, as mentioned, is a vampire. A really scary vampire who's apparently very upset by bugs. Kind of blows his whole image as the scariest dude in town.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 20:41:56
Crying over roaches in and of itself is a scary trait for a tough guy!
I have a couple of hot headed sims that I'm quite proud of. They don't take any shit. But put a few little bugs in the room and they turn into blubbering goofballs.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 20:43:01
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Is there a "no crying over roaches" hack by any chance? I mean, toughen up, dude. You can kick the crap out of anyone else in the game, so why are you so upset about a bunch of bugs?

That would be a really great thing. I cry over roaches, personally, but I don't want my military generals and hall of famers doing it, too.

This guy, as mentioned, is a vampire. A really scary vampire who's apparently very upset by bugs. Kind of blows his whole image as the scariest dude in town.
ahem doesnt he know  that  his image as the scariest dude is blown when he bawls like a baby over insects?

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 20:51:46
See, I think that makes him even scarier.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 21:35:38
See, I think that makes him even scarier.
I lkenit the ultra nice sims I have in my nieghborhood that cry over everything. Justin Thank god is not one of those overly nice sims

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 21:39:32
My Justin was born with maxed nice points and only 1 or 2 neat points. Because I didn't want a whiny, messy Justin, I had to turn a few nice points into neat points. Stealing from the nice to give to the sloppy...

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 21:49:08
My Justin was born with maxed nice points and only 1 or 2 neat points. Because I didn't want a whiny, messy Justin, I had to turn a few nice points into neat points. Stealing from the nice to give to the sloppy...
my Justin has four nice points and four neat points enough that he isnt overly grouchy which would be bad for skirt chasing nor is  he a neat freak  but he isnt sloppy either.I made sur he had  some out going and active points. I didnt want a shy Fat Justin either. he is a bit more serious than I would like but you cant have it all I guess.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 21:52:06
Justin also came with his outgoing points fully loaded. He was climbing into the hot tub naked, as a teen, much to the shock and awe of any passers-by. Joe has all 10 playful points and therefore likes to juggle. Justin's at about 6 or 7 in playful, and can be talked into joining Joe for a little juggling session. You know, like real life fathers and sons do.  :P

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 28, 22:02:03
Um, who is Justin? Everyone seems to have a Justin.

And my vamp isn't that nice. He's a bit on the grouchy side, which is why the tears confuse me ... of course, he does clean spontaneously, so maybe it's just the filth that bothers him?

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 22:11:12
Justin is my sim that others have requested. There are several Justins floating around now. We lika da Justin.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 28, 22:17:43
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Haha tell me about it. 

I am also a bit upset that some of my sims who like to roam around kicking ass will bawl like a baby when a sim takes the initiative to slap them back.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 29, 04:29:33
Justin also came with his outgoing points fully loaded. He was climbing into the hot tub naked, as a teen, much to the shock and awe of any passers-by. Joe has all 10 playful points and therefore likes to juggle. Justin's at about 6 or 7 in playful, and can be talked into joining Joe for a little juggling session. You know, like real life fathers and sons do.  :P
Joe was in the kitchen Juggling bottles when I left the house a minute ago. Justin  had a indoor date going on  so the other flames wouldnt see him and start the trashcan kicking again. Jeremiah was on the phone with a date he had the night before that went from a negative score when they first met to a dream date that lasted all night.he was trying to become best friend with her so he can woohoo with her LOL his date was romance sim like he is.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 29, 15:45:20
I find the contanstly tipped over trashcans at one of my lots hilarious. I do not, however, enjoy the fact that my otherwise tough-guy sim cries like a little girl every time he sees roaches.

Haha tell me about it. 

I am also a bit upset that some of my sims who like to roam around kicking ass will bawl like a baby when a sim takes the initiative to slap them back.

Tell me about it. Take it like a man, why don't you? Fortunately, most of my brawling sims kind of growl and hit the other sim back. Helps to be a bit of a grouch, possibly.

My less manly (or womanly) sims cry, but I'd expect it from them. They're tender hearted wussies.  ;D

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 October 29, 17:47:24
I have a little bit of advice.  People probably have figured this out but for newbies.  Wait till the date bringing the flowers has completely left the lot before putting the flowers in their inventory or the date will get stuck on the lot.  Also when you are expecting flowers don't have the speed on triple cause they can lose their flowers or get stuck.  It is also annoying if the sim with the flowers has to alter their course due to people or cars they will walk off with the flowers in their hands.  Also, don't go to an outing with a teen after curfew because they may have a pack of teens with them and give you that --should plan better next time--message and ditch you. 

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 20:14:12
I have actually had to use move_objects on to grab the flowers out of a sims hands who decided the newspaper was in her way. Or something. Did that with a poo bag, too. I'd been waiting for a poo bag, and I was gonna be damned if that little goober was going to change her mind about leaving it. So now poor Jory has a poo bag in his inventory. Never even been lit.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 29, 23:12:07
I have actually had to use move_objects on to grab the flowers out of a sims hands who decided the newspaper was in her way. Or something. Did that with a poo bag, too. I'd been waiting for a poo bag, and I was gonna be damned if that little goober was going to change her mind about leaving it. So now poor Jory has a poo bag in his inventory. Never even been lit.
LOL Justin has a stink letter in his inventory from Tiffany Sampson a disaster the gypsy set him up with.he also has  5 love letters 7 I had a great time floweres and 6 dream date bouquets. I have to go back and see if Jeremiah got a dream date bouquet. he should have his first dating foray  was a dream date with Shelby Shaw. I had him scope the room at the botanical restuaruant downtown and he informed me shelby was hot so I had him ask her on a date. he now has a crush on her but fears Marriage to her not much danger there though Shelby is a romance sim herself. I have him working her up to best friend status so they can woohoo  when the relationship is high enough..jeremiah is the new name for Josh

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Dea on 2005 October 29, 23:43:15
um...ewww... is there a hack in there?  teens?

That was my same reaction.  I ended the date as soon as she fell from the sky.  I probably do have a hack.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 01:16:49
um...ewww... is there a hack in there?  teens?

That was my same reaction.  I ended the date as soon as she fell from the sky.  I probably do have a hack.
yes teens can date! however I have never had the gypsy send my young adult or adult sims teens as dates

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 01:25:43
I've given up on the blind date thing. I had two successful relationships from that method (Colleen Goth-Bayfield was sent Sean Love of the adopted Tricou kids and are now married, and I have another teen female who was sent his brother, Knut Baity, and are now going steady), but every other blind date has been awful, no matter how much money I paid. I have a houseful, about 18 residents, and it was impossible for them to have a blind date who had not already dated someone else in the household. Slappity slappity slap. I also had one of my gay male sims get sent Pao, the mailman, who is not gay in my game. That went over reallllly well...

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 01:44:57
I've given up on the blind date thing. I had two successful relationships from that method (Colleen Goth-Bayfield was sent Sean Love of the adopted Tricou kids and are now married, and I have another teen female who was sent his brother, Knut Baity, and are now going steady), but every other blind date has been awful, no matter how much money I paid. I have a houseful, about 18 residents, and it was impossible for them to have a blind date who had not already dated someone else in the household. Slappity slappity slap. I also had one of my gay male sims get sent Pao, the mailman, who is not gay in my game. That went over reallllly well...
the only sim in Justin's house in my game to use the gypsy so far is Justin.Jeremiah aka Josh scoped the room at the botannical garden resturaunt in Downtown Lover's Lane to find his dream date.Joe is currently flirting it up and tipping the maid Lucy Hanby with thoughts of woohoo of course,Joel,Jory and Jude are in the Uni Bin awaiting placement. so only Lexi and Tiffany are still at home with 5 days to go til they are teens. I have another Romance sim named Lance Walker living in Lovers Lane but I dont think he is in the mood to date right now his son  met up with the insimenator and just died. I did the unthinkable and cleansed my neighborhood of sims that dont fit into  the storyline I am working on so as a result 5 sims are now in the cemetary with the three others that died  one of old age one died by satellite  and the third Kendal Lawson died on the Job at my sims house I have no clue what her cause of death was.the three latter sims died without me doing a thing. it was their time I guess

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 01:50:18
Your Jory, Jude and Joel are now older than mine? Mine will be teens for quite a while. Justin was a teen from his birth last April, until just before I got NL, in September. He was such a cutie-pie teen and I was afraid he'd let me down as an adult. Hoo hoo haw haw! Funny thought.

So what will you do when they die? Sad day in Simsville. I don't want to know when it happens.  ;)

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 01:56:20
Your Jory, Jude and Joel are now older than mine? Mine will be teens for quite a while. Justin was a teen from his birth last April, until just before I got NL, in September. He was such a cutie-pie teen and I was afraid he'd let me down as an adult. Hoo hoo haw haw! Funny thought.

So what will you do when they die? Sad day in Simsville. I don't want to know when it happens.  ;)
actually all of them have quite awhile left I used Merola's painting and Rolled them Back Justin has 58 simdays left as an adult Jeremiah has 60 Joe has 38 .I will turn aging off on them as soon as Lexie and Tiffany are teens and a quick check I have 2 Joels and Jude's in my hood.Justins are still at home its the other Family That has theirs at uni. Joryis also still at home. with all of them having 15 days til adulthood.Joshua the clone of Justin now has 2 boys Jacob and Jonathon. Jonathon is a toddler and Jacob is a newborn. so I doubt that death is imminent for any of the Danforths aka the Bayfields

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 01:58:41
How do you have 2 Joels and Judes? Are they the same sim?

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 02:11:21
How do you have 2 Joels and Judes? Are they the same sim?
nope they are in different families entirely Joel and Jude are twins of my original Family in the hood the Coopers. I rarely ever play that family as they are totally stuck on stupid . But I decided to send the boys to Uni and see if that improves this grouchy stupid families outlook. Jory Brought Joel cooper home the first day he went to school in Lover's Lane and Joel Cooper walked up to Justin and Ventrillo farted him .I laughed when Justin got even with him and threw a water balloon at JC. my daughter named them way back when I first got Uni. they have been in this hood for months on end as they are the family she created. I looked in Sim PE to see who it was I sent to Uni and Sim PE tells me Justins 5 Kids are all in Justins house it says the Cooper Twins are at Uni in an unknown household since they are in the student bin. I also had my game running a minute ago so I could double check and Jory,Jude and Joel are indeed at Justins house where they belong. thecooper twins are in the student bin.I dont have the heart to kill my daughters CAS Family even though I cant stand them

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 02:23:47
Wow, that's a coincidence having a set of brothers named Joel and Jude already in the hood. I'd be so comfuzzled.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 30, 03:15:28
Wow, that's a coincidence having a set of brothers named Joel and Jude already in the hood. I'd be so comfuzzled.
ROFL  I am  I couldnt remember who I sent to Uni until I checked my game and SimPE ;D

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 October 30, 22:22:22
The matchmaker is scarry situation,  Isabelle Monty got Puck Summerdream as a match --that was awkward--I usually make it work when I get a teen and adult (being a perfectionist I have to have all dream dates) but I made an exception with this one and put my foot down.  Just say NO man!!!  Nervous got Erin Singles as a matched date--I would of never put them together.  I have a lot of teens as matched dates--I even had an adult ask a teen on a date( I thought it was an outing--or I would of never said ok).  That is probably the one thing that I don't like about Inteen.  When I pay for a date --I want it to be age appropriate.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 31, 00:23:06
The matchmaker is scarry situation,  Isabelle Monty got Puck Summerdream as a match --that was awkward--I usually make it work when I get a teen and adult (being a perfectionist I have to have all dream dates) but I made an exception with this one and put my foot down.  Just say NO man!!!  Nervous got Erin Singles as a matched date--I would of never put them together.  I have a lot of teens as matched dates--I even had an adult ask a teen on a date( I thought it was an outing--or I would of never said ok).  That is probably the one thing that I don't like about Inteen.  When I pay for a date --I want it to be age appropriate.
Here's a tip I learned the hard way LoL always check your sims if they are male before leaving CAS with them .I have a family that has three adult male Romance sims in it and three teen Romance sims that are male in it  and 2 little girls. I had all the males lined up with various dates .I couldnt figure out why the dates were answering in the negative when asked if they like what they were seeing.everyone here has seen Brynnes pixelated Hottie Justin  well I left CAS today with Justin's Father,Brother and three sons the are also pixelated hotties. well I went SimPE to start the Process of editing Memories  fo the family and as I was looking at character traits I discovered the guys are all wearing MAKEUP. no wonder their dates were saying yuck ;D

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 October 31, 11:39:55
I've had to redo some Sims' TurnOns/TurnOffs to straighten that kind of thing out. ALL my male Sims wear blush and eyeliner ~ subtle, for the most part ~ so at least half my neighborhood is turned on by makeup. An Avon rep could clean up in that town...

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 31, 12:02:37
I should have explained to bangelnuts before her horrific simpe discoverment that my male sims do wear makeup. Just enough to make their lips a  little less brown. Oh, and the veneers they wear are considered "full-face makeup" by the game. I edited them in simpe to have those traits unchecked for them, however. Sorry, bangelnuts!

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 31, 12:22:24
I should have explained to bangelnuts before her horrific simpe discoverment that my male sims do wear makeup. Just enough to make their lips a  little less brown. Oh, and the veneers they wear are considered "full-face makeup" by the game. I edited them in simpe to have those traits unchecked for them, however. Sorry, bangelnuts!
no problem if they had been put in a blank neighborhood rather than Lovers Lane its likely the makeup issue never would have arisen in" do you like what you see" but although Lover's Lane is a custom neighborhood it was already well established before Justin and the gang moved in.. in any case with a bordello moving into town I dont think  finding woo hoo partners will be an issue any longer for my Romance sims. Lance Im Sure will be thrilled to have  the bordello there as well as Justin,Joe and Jeremiah .I canthink of four guaranteed customers among my playable sims right there for the madam  ;D and for Joe  he has the added Bonus that Bella is in Lover's Lane as well and is a Playable sim and yes she is the real Bella .I cloned her from Using Sim PE and imported her Clone to Lover's Lane and fortunately for Joe the clone of Bella took so well that  she has all her original personality traits and aspiration in tact.Brandi on the other Hand  her Clone refused to stick so I gave up and created my own Brandi .the only thing I did to Bella was dress her up in some new Clothes.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 31, 18:41:26
I don't know why, but I can't seem to bring myself to change Bella out of that red dress, or Brandi out of the pink halter top and jeans...I did, however, give Bella shiny new hair immediately after putting her into the game.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 31, 22:09:14
I don't know why, but I can't seem to bring myself to change Bella out of that red dress, or Brandi out of the pink halter top and jeans...I did, however, give Bella shiny new hair immediately after putting her into the game.
I changed her into Jeans and a sexy top and gave her some new makeup. Joe took one look and autnomously started whistlig at Bella. I guess she will soon be in maternity clothes though thank god they wont be the maxis ugly's.I have a downloaded set that replaces the maxis maternity clothes. I could not get Brandi's clone to Take no matter what I did so I created a new version of her. thats who my avatar is My version of Brandi Broke.Ironically in my neighborhood in the Last week I have  Had two other births to 2 different set s of parents.My Family the Aming's were the first of parents to give birth  and Steve and Kris  had twins two girls. the  Loveall's Finch and Kaylynn Just had twins a Boy and a Girl.Now Joe and Bella are expecting twins.I got night life a  couple of daysafter it was released and til now all my born in game sims had been single babies

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 01, 21:24:29
Ironically in my neighborhood in the Last week I have  Had two other births to 2 different set s of parents.My Family the Aming's were the first of parents to give birth  and Steve and Kris  had twins two girls. the  Loveall's Finch and Kaylynn Just had twins a Boy and a Girl.Now Joe and Bella are expecting twins.I got night life a  couple of daysafter it was released and til now all my born in game sims had been single babies

I've noticed this after NL too - lots of twins. I've had twins pretty often normally - enough so that I took out the triplets/quads hack so I could be surprised again. One family had them right before NL, and after NL, out of four births three were twins, all without hacks, unless LizzLove's autonomous bed affects things somehow.

Incidentally, they were all born to Sims who have had one or two single kids beforehand also. I just read the "myths" article here that says twins are born more often to Sims with a certain token, so I wonder if Maxis made sure to add more of those after NL to address some of the "I never get twins, how do you get twins?!" complaints...

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 01, 22:38:20
Ironically in my neighborhood in the Last week I have  Had two other births to 2 different set s of parents.My Family the Aming's were the first of parents to give birth  and Steve and Kris  had twins two girls. the  Loveall's Finch and Kaylynn Just had twins a Boy and a Girl.Now Joe and Bella are expecting twins.I got night life a  couple of daysafter it was released and til now all my born in game sims had been single babies

I've noticed this after NL too - lots of twins. I've had twins pretty often normally - enough so that I took out the triplets/quads hack so I could be surprised again. One family had them right before NL, and after NL, out of four births three were twins, all without hacks, unless LizzLove's autonomous bed affects things somehow.

Incidentally, they were all born to Sims who have had one or two single kids beforehand also. I just read the "myths" article here that says twins are born more often to Sims with a certain token, so I wonder if Maxis made sure to add more of those after NL to address some of the "I never get twins, how do you get twins?!" complaints...
after uni came out my uni grad flooded the neighborhoods with twins, then I had some glitches and had to do a reinstall and still had twins here and there, but after Iput nightlife in absolutely no twins until this week now like I said Bella Goth  is pregnant with what will  the third set in a week. Bella's son's wife is pregnant thank fully it is only a single baby ..  Bella is not married to the father of her youngest children  of which she has a bunch but only 2 live in my neighborhood Brynne has the rest of the children she sent me these two and the father of the  twins to  when she hits 50 hours pregnat I will have the father invite her over make her selectable so the babies are born at the father's house

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 November 02, 16:35:47
Hmmm ... I've only had singletons so far with NL, but I've only let my sims have three babies and adopt another one, so maybe twins are just waiting in the wings?

I am trying to get a sim abducted. Alien twins would be cool.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 November 02, 18:27:58
I also had one of my gay male sims get sent Pao, the mailman, who is not gay in my game. That went over reallllly well...

I just came here to post about Pao, how weird. He is like the forgotten NPC. No one cares about Pao (including me, really).

Anyway, in my game I have a CAS married couple (pre-NL), Harriet and Frank Horsenborg, that I hadn't played in eons. I loaded them up the other night and even after making their turn-ons match, they still had one lightning bolt for each other. Harriet's knowledge and Frank's financial. They were doing that thing where they were acting like family Sims, because I was having them be affectionate a lot, and they both rolled the "have a child" want at the same time.

Since it seemed like they didn't have any red-hot luuuve going on, I decided to have Harriet tramp around a bit. She can have children, but they won't be Frank's! So Harriet got knocked up in the photo booth by a CAS guy who has red hair, light skin, and blue eyes. Did I mention that Frank looks Italian?

This is where the "things I have learned" part comes in....Harriet was home from work and Frank was gone, so I decided to have her befriend another target guy for her next baby (she's having three, with three different baby daddies). Pao walks by to deliver the mail and Harriet gets all swoony over him. She was pregnant and starving, so I had her influence Pao to make her a meal. Then I had Harriet flirt with him a little bit and she went from swoony to disgusted, and had a strike through a bolt! I wonder what he said? Is Pao's grammar atrocious?

Anyway, I learned that Pao makes a kickass chef's salad. AND that you can lean on NPC your Sim doesn't know from Adam to feed desperate pregnant women.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 02, 19:45:13
That's hilarious, Assmitten! Poor Pao. Poor forgotten Pao.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 02, 20:54:01
I have had one set of twins since NL out of like 6 or 7 birhts.

I personally don't think they changed the odds of twins, I think it's just the BBs sheepies being silly agaiin and starting silly rumors.

just came here to post about Pao, how weird. He is like the forgotten NPC. No one cares about Pao (including me, really).

Pao married the 2nd generation of my legacy challenge. He's dead now. I cared about him only because he had avery good skill profile. He was my first sim to max out all skills and reach the top of a career.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Witches on 2005 November 03, 15:52:07
Must be something about the mail carriers. Sheldon Handby also has a lot of skill points and maxxed out fairly easily.

Probably random by game. I didn't like him at all and so haven't checked him out since the new install. He wasn't a nice guy, and made a lousy stepfather. His wife, the former Brandi LeTourneau, ran away in the middle of the night, taking the children with her. And it was her house!

Yes, I know I should have kicked him out, but this way was much more dramatic. Her stepson came back from college and kicked him out, invited her back in and married her, even though she was an elder by then.

How's that for twisted?  ;D

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 03, 16:37:22
I have had one set of twins since NL out of like 6 or 7 birhts.

I personally don't think they changed the odds of twins, I think it's just the BBs sheepies being silly agaiin and starting silly rumors.

I dont think they changed the odds either its just weird how the game decides when an overload of twins should be born and when nothing but single babies should be born. in the last week Ive had 4 births in my custom neighborhood  of those 4 births 3 gave birth to twins  1 gave birth to a single baby. two  sims are currently pregnant in my custom neighborhood  1 is pregnant with a single baby the other is pregnant with sim that is pregnant with twins  is pregnant by a married sim who is a Romance sim   and she has 1 son by this sim who is an adult in my game. my storyline for this sim who is a family sim is to make her the hood  sleep around sim . I have to keep new storylines going for my sims or I get bored quickly.My unmarried Family sim rolled the  have a baby want so I went with that  want and had her invite the father of her adult Son to her house and then had her ask him on a date she obliged and he obliged whe I sent them "to relax" and then clicked try for a baby the first time no lullaby the second time I got the lullaby and the  DMA box confirmed the pregnancy and said twins are on the way.of course the father is a romance sim so he was only to happy to oblige the try for a baby command I gave my My Mom to be. ;D

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2005 November 05, 04:46:58
I dont think they changed the odds either its just weird how the game decides when an overload of twins should be born and when nothing but single babies should be born. in the last week Ive had 4 births in my custom neighborhood  of those 4 births 3 gave birth to twins  1 gave birth to a single baby. two  sims are currently pregnant in my custom neighborhood  1 is pregnant with a single baby the other is pregnant with twins.[/quote]

It's definitely odd - and I have the same situation again right now. Two pregnancies - I peeked at one (it hasn't been born yet) and let the other one be a surprise. And, surprise - twins, again. This makes four sets of twins out of the last five pregnancies, and for all I know the fifth could have been if it had been natural and I hadn't started it using the Insiminator. I guess it's the game's "sado-random" way of choosing, since there's also the all-too-common runs of everyone having boys or everyone having girls that many people seem to experience.

Another oddity with this last one, though - the mother had only WooHooed with the father of her twins once, and it was when she was a teenager. It was the autonomous bed. She's ten days away from elder now, and has moved once in the interim from the regular neighborhood to downtown. I was completely surprised when she started having morning sickness (I have Quiet Pregnancy in for more surprise) and thought the father HAD to be the Sim she's living with, even though I've only made them WooHoo and not Try, and I don't think I even have a Risky Woohoo hack in there. It wasn't, though. So strange. That's a LONG time to wait to show, and I have no idea what caused it.

Title: Re: Never date a waiter, and other things I've learned ...
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 05, 05:55:30
I dont think they changed the odds either its just weird how the game decides when an overload of twins should
It's definitely odd - and I have the same situation again right now. Two pregnancies - I peeked at one (it hasn't been born
Another oddity with this last one, though - the mother had only WooHooed with the father of her twins once, and it was when she was a teenager. It was the autonomous bed. She's ten days away from elder now, and has moved once in the interim from the regular neighborhood to downtown. I was completely surprised when she started having morning sickness (I have Quiet Pregnancy in for more surprise) and thought the father HAD to be the Sim she's living with, even though I've only made them WooHoo and not Try, and I don't think I even have a Risky Woohoo hack in there. It wasn't, though. So strange. That's a LONG time to wait to show, and I have no idea what caused it.
in my hood now I have 5 sims pregnant. the first to deliver will depend on whose house I go to that is pregnant LOL. I have  2 sets of twins that are still babies. I just left the mom with the first set of twins  her twins are now toddlers both girls and she is pregnant with  child #9 I checked the stats  its a single baby .the second set of twins is already toddlers a boy and a girl. the 3rd set is still babies a boy and a girl. the 4th set is also a boy and a girl they are still babies. I have  a total of 5 single babies on the way right now all pregnant moms are only having singles this time around. I have been  dealing with weddings of late so I hadnt had a chance to get back to the houses with babies  that need to grow up til now. I have had 4 weddings in a week the third wedding is by far the best and the largest wedding I have ever done. it even had a few strange twists though.the Grand Vampire showed up while the reception was going on and I used the DMA box to get rid of him. Idont play vampires and Ididnt wwant my wedding guests bitten.I thought vampires were confined to downtown lots .My sim wedding took place in the neighborhood. all my newlyweds are pregnant  now