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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Kristalrose on 2008 March 02, 14:08:42

Title: Graphic Problem--Is this a Nvidia problem or do I just need to update my driver?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2008 March 02, 14:08:42
Hi there.  I have done a search and I see that the nVidia graphic cards and TS2 do not play well together.  I'm having an issue since I installed BV.  Every once in a while, I'll get an graphical glitch where the pixels will form a straight line that can be seen straght out to the neighborhood view and, I'm presuming, into the Simmy-sky!  This glitch happens with or without custom content installed.  I first noticed it with a high poly hair file (either Peggy's or Rose's, I can't keep up with who made what LOL) so I removed the high poly hair files from my hair bin. 

My husband and I share our computer, and we both play game on it.  I sim, and he plays FEAR and Call of Duty games.  He updated the drivers for FEAR, and it caused my Sims Game to crash at the neighborhood screen.  I came here a showed him several posts that said that the new nVidia drivers were not compatible with TS2, so grudgingly he went back to an older driver.  My game no longer crashes at the neighborhood screen, but I still get the occasional line-glitch.  Hubby says that FEAR just doesn't play well, and hasn't played it since. 

So, what I'm looking for is a happy medium--what's a nVidia driver that will run both my games and his games well without problmes?  I found a simple but expensive solution for right now--I bought Hubby a PS3 for Valentine's Day, and he's been happily addicted to Portals on the "Orange Box". 

Okay, I'm running a nVidia GeForce 7900 GE graphic card on a Dell XPS 400, Windows XP SP2, Pentium 4 3.2 gig processor.  I have all the games from the base game to Free Time and all stuff packs installed.  It looks like the driver that Hubby has installed right now is 6.14, or at least that's what it says on the nVidia control pannel.   I need to get a screenshot of the glitch in action. . . I thought I had one but I can't locate it now.  I will take another one in game and edit my post later. 

Title: Re: Graphic Problem--Is this a Nvidia problem or do I just need to update my driver?
Post by: swmeek on 2008 March 02, 21:51:24
Well I'm running one of Nvidia's most current drivers at the moment 169.21 to be exact and I'm not having any graphics propblems like that.
 I also play F.E.A.R. ,Half-Life 2 and Oblivion without too many issues either.
I'm using two 7800 gtx cards that are right below the 7900 you're using too so it should be ok to use this driver with that card.
One thing I would highly recommend is that you use the Driver Cleaner Pro program to clean out your drivers on your computer BUT make sure you read the readme in there before you use it.