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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: songsmith on 2008 March 02, 01:58:42

Title: Duped Characters Redux
Post by: songsmith on 2008 March 02, 01:58:42
I'm running up through Seasons, but not BV or FT. I created a completely clean neighborhood (using the templates found on this site), including a clean downtown.

I know that you can't automatically make downtownies using the tree because it's borked. I'd read that downtownies will eventually appear, only they haven't. I finally got tired of seeing my townies and CAS sims (including the Uni ones) filling in the holes in downtown, so I used the tree and made the downtownies one at a time. Yes, it gave me dupes, but I selected the "kill" option and never thought about it.

I know, I know. I should have created them in CAS and just made them downtownies. I was lazy.

Lo and behold, the next time I was in SimPe I discovered copies of my "killed" NPC attempts (i.e., I should--and do--only have one copy of each archetype).

Is it safe to delete the extras? If so, how should I go about it so I don't destroy my game? I haven't seen any dupes wandering around.

Oh, here's a <a href="">screen cap</a>.

Title: Re: Duped Characters Redux
Post by: danicast on 2008 March 02, 02:09:05
Yes, you can do that but you must check char by char with SIMPE, memos, relationships and only after have all of this clean, so this sim have no link with any file of the hood, you can delete. All of this, through simpe. Backup first.

Check also the deleteme2 thread somewhere at eletric bangaloo, use the search, is how I always find when I need.

Title: Re: Duped Characters Redux
Post by: gynarchy on 2008 March 02, 02:25:33
If you want to use the tree, exit without saving instead of selecting "kill" if you get a spawn you don't like. "Kill" still generates an unlinked character file for each and every Sim created. Electric boogaloo is your best option like danicast said, unless you want to revert to a backup and try again.