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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: JuliWolfe on 2008 March 01, 15:00:51

Title: I broke Simpe trying to unbreak the Brokes
Post by: JuliWolfe on 2008 March 01, 15:00:51
I like to turn Brandi Broke's hair blonde instead of black so she will look like her boys but it seems I've encountered a bug. (Okay I'll stop that now, sorry, couldn't resist.) Anyway, after I load up Pleasantview in SimPE and open sim browser, I get a warning window that reads...

This is just a Warning. It is supposed to keep you informed about a Problem. Most of the time this is not a Bug!

The Sim with GUID 0x00000000 (inst=0x0000) exists more than once. This could result in  Problems during the Gameplay!

Windows Version:

.NET Version:

I clicked "OK" figuring I could find the repeat file and deal with it later... but every time I click "OK" or try to simply close the box, SimPE freezes up entirely and will not load the sim browser. Any idea what I can do to fix this? And make your answer in SimPE for Dummies style. I fail at everything.

Title: Re: I broke Simpe trying to unbreak the Brokes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 01, 15:13:59
SimPE's SDSC plugin cannot read the new FT files at this time. You will need to disable this plugin and edit the SDSCs raw, without the benefit of SimPE decoding which sim it belongs to. Brandi should be given an single recessive blond gene for "correct" genetics. This makes the combination of children she has produced possible without altering her phenotype.

Title: Re: I broke Simpe trying to unbreak the Brokes
Post by: JuliWolfe on 2008 March 01, 18:37:26
Thing is, SimPE will load the sim browser for other neighborhoods. I was just fixing the strangetown genetics earlier. It only freezes on Pleasantview after popping up that error window so I didn't think it was an FT issue.