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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Fubuki on 2008 March 01, 08:17:04

Title: Shadow Glitch - Fixed!
Post by: Fubuki on 2008 March 01, 08:17:04
As far as glitches go, I am grateful that this is one of the few things I've had to deal with so far. *knocks on wood* However, it's still annoying the shit out of me. I just want to be able to take a picture of my Sim eating a bag of chips without this ugly shadow popping out of it...


My specs (are probably not necessary, but I'll post them just in case):

Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+
2048MB RAM
DirectX 9.0c

I have all expansions up to OFB. My graphics card is a GeForce 8600 GTS with the latest drivers installed (ForceWare 169.21). Here are my settings:

Anisotropic filtering - Application-controlled
Antialiasing - Gamma correction - On
Antialiasing - Mode - Application-controlled
Antialiasing - Setting - Application-controlled
Antialiasing - Transparency - Multisampling
Conformant texture clamp - Use hardware
Error reporting - Off
Extension limit - Off
Force mipmaps - None
Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration - Single display performance mode
Stereo - Display mode - Use vertical interlace monitor
Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization - Off
Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias - Allow
Texture filtering - Quality - Quality
Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization - Off
Threaded optimization - Auto
Triple buffering - Off
Vertical sync - Use the 3D application setting

Title: Re: Tiny Graphical Glitch (AKA "Optimal settings for 8600GTS?")
Post by: Simsample on 2008 March 01, 12:39:31
I have a shadow fix for this, it says it's by Simscorner but I can't find where I downloaded it from! Do you can get it here if you like:

Title: Re: Tiny Graphical Glitch (AKA "Optimal settings for 8600GTS?")
Post by: Fubuki on 2008 March 01, 20:31:35
Wow... This is common enough that someone made a fix for it? That's great news. Thank you! :D