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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Kala on 2008 February 29, 21:57:24

Title: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: Kala on 2008 February 29, 21:57:24
  1.My computer is having memory problems again and I would like to know how to fix this without reinstalling the game or moving around my downloads.

  2.My clean installed is borked.  I don't have problems installing sims and lots.  However, when I check my downloads for duplicate, none of the duplicates are highlighted.  Can I fix this on my own?  I've reinstalled this program multiple times, but that doesn't help.  BTW I brought up this problem on the clean installer board, but I haven't gotten a response in two months.

I was going to ask about Free Time, but I'm not buying that game for a long while.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 01, 05:11:18
Other than the obvious reinstall suggestions, nothing comes to mind. I don't recall Clean Installer was ever responsible for dupe checking, anyway. It just installs.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: Lum on 2008 March 01, 20:47:02
However, Delphy's Download Organizer DOES check for duplicates, if I'm not mistaken. Try that one instead.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: witch on 2008 March 01, 21:20:23
If you use the compressorizer, back up your downloads first. My experience with Delphy's programme is that it quite often corrupts compressed files. YMMV

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: Kala on 2008 March 01, 22:13:44
Lum, I've read that BV packaging bugs Delphy's problem doesn't always read duplicate files well.  I lost a few files that way.

Witch, I was unable to move or delete some files when I used Delphy's problem in the past.  Does that mean those fiiles may have been jacked up? 

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: Lum on 2008 March 01, 22:39:34
Ooh, I did not know that. Never had any problems, but then again, my downloads are 350mb or so, not as big as some folks' at MATY.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 01, 22:53:18
I don't recall Clean Installer was ever responsible for dupe checking, anyway. It just installs.

It actually does a form of dupe checking -- it'll highlight dupes in a pinkish color (if memory serves) and you can easily find them by sorting on the MD5 number.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: witch on 2008 March 01, 23:01:06
Witch, I was unable to move or delete some files when I used Delphy's problem in the past.  Does that mean those fiiles may have been jacked up? 
What do you mean by 'jacked up' in this context? Compressed? It's possible. I don't know, I just know I tried Delphy's Organiser and had too many anomalies each time I used it. I use the Wardrobe Wrangler if I need to sort clothing now.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: danicast on 2008 March 02, 02:01:07
1. Sims2Pack donīt do a lot of things people thinks it does. Itīs only a installer that allows you to check what you are adding to your game. The rest are lies and propaganda.

2. Deplhyīs organiser is cool but is not awesome. Sometimes donīt find all duplicates, confuses what is orphan with what is not orphan, so basically if you donīt know EXACTLY what are you doing you are on your own.

3. The best tool to check real duplicates is SIMPE. SIMPE not only check duplicates by filenames, what, as the last resource you can do listing folders and visually checking anyway, but check the internal GUIDS, and this is the real information.

4. If you have memory problems there is no solution but
a. remove downloads
b. buy more RAM

Thatīs it.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: BastDawn on 2008 March 02, 06:11:02
1. Sims2Pack donīt do a lot of things people thinks it does. Itīs only a installer that allows you to check what you are adding to your game. The rest are lies and propaganda.

Does anyone still use Sims2Pack?  The Clean Installer is a different program, and it does check for duplicates by GUID -- not when installing, but when scanning.  It also will show a preview picture of the texture inside the package, which is very handy sometimes.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: danicast on 2008 March 02, 13:52:14
I mixed the names, my bad, english is not my best feature.
Replace where I pointed "sims2pack" by "clean installer" and left the rest is the same.

Title: Re: I Broke a Bunch of Crap
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 March 02, 15:02:50
Replace where I pointed "sims2pack" by "clean installer" and left the rest is the same.

Well, then you're still wrong -- clean installer can be used to manage your downloads folder quite nicely.  In addition to previews and scanning for dupes, it's very handy for just turning hacks on and off if you have some you only use occasionally (like, say, zombie apocalypse for only some hoods and not others), and for identifying packages and organizing them (i.e., moving all walls to their own subfolder).