More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MidnightVoyager on 2008 February 29, 00:14:58

Title: Enthusiasm Tracker Error
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2008 February 29, 00:14:58
Okay. The only hacks that I am running are Director's Cut. I have other objects and things in, but no hacks.

I tried to tinker with the base game weight machine. Good a target as any, you know? I was in the Mole house with John. He tinkered. ERROR! Then it broke. Then he tried to repair it, ERROR! Then it caught fire (? THe weight machine did this!?) and then he caught fire and this snowballed a bit.

The error was with the "Enthusiasm Tracker." Logs included. Uh, any ideas?

Title: Re: Enthusiasm Tracker Error
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2008 February 29, 01:35:00
Aha. I THINK I found the problem. Thanks anyway.

Title: Re: Enthusiasm Tracker Error
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 29, 01:48:03
And now I am curious. I never had an enthusiastic error.

Title: Re: Enthusiasm Tracker Error
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2008 February 29, 02:00:08
The problem isn't in the MATY mods. Which means... er, it must be the others I have in. I took them out and it works fine. I'll tell you what the actual problem is when I find it.

Title: Re: Enthusiasm Tracker Error
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 29, 03:34:41
I will appreciate that, thank you.

Title: Re: Enthusiasm Tracker Error
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2008 February 29, 04:22:19
...color me utterly freaking mystified. None of my mods caused the problem. I put them all back in and noting went wrong at all.

...I need a drink.