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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Gamblor on 2008 February 28, 17:23:57

Title: Computer Reboots when installing Free Time
Post by: Gamblor on 2008 February 28, 17:23:57
I haven't been able to figure this problem out. Every time I go to install free time when it hits 95% (support*.* part) installed the computer reboots it self. All my hacks are out I have all EP's and SP's and never had this problem before till now. Could this be Securom causing this?

Title: Re: Computer Reboots when installing Free Time
Post by: KatEnigma on 2008 February 28, 18:01:35
Could be SecuRom, but first try cleaning out any remains of the previous installation manually, both in C/ProgramFiles and your registry. Then try installing with your Sims2 folder removed from MyDocuments.

Title: Re: Computer Reboots when installing Free Time
Post by: Gamblor on 2008 March 01, 22:08:53
Fixed this problem. I had to re install all EP's to get free time to stop crashing when installing it. This totaly sucks but thought I would Let others know if this happens to any one else.