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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Oddysey on 2005 October 26, 00:21:50

Title: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 26, 00:21:50
Was wondering about this. I've been looking for good sites, and have found some good stuff, but the sheer volume of content is just kind of overwhelming. Seeing as several of my favorite sites (Decorgal Designs, Gigge's Simply Skintastic) I've been directed to from people here, I figured that asking where people here got their clothes, objects, and build mode things for their sims would be a good place to start.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 00:29:10
I get a lot of my clothes at simsquirts, All About Style, TSR (when I don't mind spending a lot of time sifting through recolors of the same outfit), Pronupsims, Sunair Sims, and MTS2.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 26, 00:42:15
One of my favorite creators keeps here stuff at

And these are some of my other favorites:

I know there are a few more but those are my very favorites.  I don't go on downloading sprees often but those I hit first.  I also download things from MTS2 occasioinally. :)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 26, 00:53:19
My favorite little site is AroundtheSims2

Every thing Sandy makes is "just so".  I was completely addicted to her for Sims 1...she's hasn't built up the huge content she had (still has) for Sims 1, but I love whatever she does.  (She's still building for Sims 1, so she apparently divides her time.)

As many walls as I've download all over, I end up using her poured walls here

in more than half my houses.   :D

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Myrddin on 2005 October 26, 00:56:14
Some of my favourite sites for downloads: (helpful to have something specific in mind that you are searching for ex/ renaissance clothing) (now (great build items) (paysite with freebies)-have to have a fair amount of time to sift through though (paysite with a limited number of freebies) (this has links to further sites)-every few days will give you links to sites that have updated their content; it really aids in discovering new sites with fab content

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 October 26, 01:09:23
Thanks guys.   :-*  I now have about 10 windows open and I'm d/l like crazy. :P

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 26, 01:30:42
I just found this one today.  EXCELLENT new mesh work!

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Myrddin on 2005 October 26, 01:32:26
I just found this one today.  EXCELLENT new mesh work!

If you like 11dots you will likely enjoy this site as well: 
The simfantasy owner is the parent of the 11dots owner. :)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 26, 01:58:38
I'm trying to think of sites people haven't already mentioned.

SimsGogogo was a good site for male stuff for TS1 and he's recently started doing TS2 stuff. There's a yahoo group too and a link from his page to it:

Aussie Top Enders has more classical type furniture including some new meshes:

A couple of Asian sites that have a fair amount of guy stuff: (though it is kind of young-ish and flashy guy stuff)

Piggi-sims has a lot of matching wood sets for various furniture and build pieces: (site is currently down)

Sunni Sims has railings that match Maxis stairs and floating stairs based on the Maxis ones:

Eye Candy has some interesting stuff like realistic face mask/makeup etc: (look in the Forum Goodies > Regular Simmies section)

SimderZ is a good place to go if you are looking for quality gothic stuff:

Avenida Sims has some various interesting stuff, less oriental recolors of the Maxis NL rugs, some nice male beards and sideburns, finer wrinkles for adults and elders, Japanese textile bedding etc:

I'm really picky about my makeup, but I think Lyran has some of the nicer makeup out there. She's got more natural light blonde hair recolors for most Maxis and a lot of custom hairstyles too:

Also, if you are short on time at TSR or just aren't up to sifting through everything but are looking for nice objects go to objects, then all free and search for all objects by creator name (From the drop down box) Windkeeper, and then DGandy. They make really nice, useful things (IMO) for homes and all of them have reasonable polygon counts.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 October 26, 02:08:37
You know what's kinda sad, and an indication of just how much of a download-aholic I am, is that I recognize, and have pretty much been to every single one of the sites pple have listed. Even the "obscure" ones, some of which aren't that obscure - SimsTV has had major bandwith problems of late, which kinda sux, b/c they have GREAT stuff.

Simshowcase is pretty much *the* best resource for d/l surfing, b/c they give you updates from practically every site out there. It's the main reason why I know all these sites. So if you're looking for new sites, you can pretty much just go there. It's like one-stop shopping for the sims.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 26, 02:16:41
I guess I thought most of the Asian sites were obscure for most of us westerners but then again a lot of people go to Sunair and Peggy's place and I see loads of people with Louis' Sim Cribblings pretty boy skins.  ;)

Anyway, I'll edit the post the take out the obscure part.  :P

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 October 26, 02:22:24
Anyway, I'll edit the post the take out the obscure part.  :P

It's no big deal really. I hope you don't think I meant anything by it. Just noting that some of those sites are pretty popular. Which on the one hand is to be expected if they have good stuff, but on the other hand is a huge drag b/c it takes 9 billion yrs to surf the site and d/l everything you want to.

But I guess its a good way to curb download-aholic-ism (yea, that's not a word. I know), b/c my d/ls folder is getting WAY too big. Just a few months ago, I had 2.5 gigs of d/ls. This month, I open up my d/l folder and check the numbers, and all of a sudden I find I've got 3.5 gigs of CC. Not a good growth rate...WAY too fast.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 26, 02:29:26
I used to have tons of crap probably more than you. I ended up uninstalling the game for a while and I didn't bother making a backup personally. I just wiped clean. It kinda hurt a bit, heh, but then when I reinstalled I did it with a clean slate and a totally different, custom neighborhood. Since then I have been FAR pickier about what I download. I'm still accumulating a fair bit, but nothing like I used to have and still well under a gig and this has been a couple of months now so it seems to have helped.

File management in this game is a total nightmare. When I had all those files I spent so much time trying to prune them out and I still had lots of extra junk I didn't need. I honestly feel like it's just easier to trash everything and start over being much more selective this time than it is to prune your downloads. Not unless you want to spend days and days doing it. :P

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 26, 02:41:15
Anyway, I'll edit the post the take out the obscure part.  :P

It's no big deal really. I hope you don't think I meant anything by it. Just noting that some of those sites are pretty popular. Which on the one hand is to be expected if they have good stuff, but on the other hand is a huge drag b/c it takes 9 billion yrs to surf the site and d/l everything you want to.

But I guess its a good way to curb download-aholic-ism (yea, that's not a word. I know), b/c my d/ls folder is getting WAY too big. Just a few months ago, I had 2.5 gigs of d/ls. This month, I open up my d/l folder and check the numbers, and all of a sudden I find I've got 3.5 gigs of CC. Not a good growth rate...WAY too fast.

I think what this syndrome -- and I'm one who suffers from it too  ;D -- is that Maxis DESPERATELY needs to create a better content organziation system in the game.  I download a lot of stuff, but I rarely use it.  It would nice, for instance, if:

Flexible ordering.  Like just a panel that allows you to group stuff according to the order YOU want it to display in.

..the organizational folders allowed you to put together collections according to individual recolor. (Like if I downloaded that "Tropical Alaska" bathroom set, I could have the toilet, shower, counter, sink, and the ice-encrusted potted palm specific to that set put in one folder if I wanted to.)  And consequently if I came back to it later and realized it wasn't worth hard drive space -- bang! -- I can delete everything in that folder.

How about keeping your "page" on the same one when you delete a skin, object, etc., instead of rolling all the way back to the beginning of the category?  It's a huge waste of time to be constantly clicking forward to the place where you left off if you're eliminating stuff toward the end of a long list. 

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 26, 02:51:03
Oh, shoot, I was a pure download junkie with TS1!  That's why I'm not nearly as much now.  I may take a day every month or two and go on a downloading spree and I've given myself a rule that when it comes to custom clothing, especially, if I get new stuff some of the old stuff has to go.  I did some pruning this past weekend of custom clothing, skins, make-up, etc., then downloaded three new make-ups and made something like 7 shirts for the guys and that was on top of the boxers/swim trunks I made last weekend!  ::)  My Downloads folders and sub-folders is at 947 megabytes right now, and my SavedSims folder is 37 megs.  So far I think I'm not doing too badly! LOL  By the way, that SavedSims folder will end up full of things if you're not careful.  That's where all the stuff a person makes in BodyShop hides out.

I found the easiest way to check out my custom object skins is to go into an empty lot, buy a piece of furniture, then use the Design tool and start going through the textures.  When I get to one I don't want anymore I just hit the trashcan icon and it's gone.  Of course everyone else probably figured this out long before I did. ;)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 October 26, 03:42:13
If you're interested in anime or video game character skins at all this is a nice place.

I've gotten a bunch of Final Fantasy character skins from there, thought I never use them really.  I'm just a big RPG geek and downloaded them for the sake of it.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 26, 04:02:17
I found the easiest way to check out my custom object skins is to go into an empty lot, buy a piece of furniture, then use the Design tool and start going through the textures.  When I get to one I don't want anymore I just hit the trashcan icon and it's gone.  Of course everyone else probably figured this out long before I did. ;)

Unfortunately, we cannot do this with hair,clothes, makeup etc. The game forces us to use the bodyshop or CAS to go through them. And the bodyshop will not cache the damned thumbnails on me and takes a long time to regenerate them every time, while both of them scramble up the order of everything every time you delete something.  ::)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 26, 04:05:49
Damn you all... heh heh,
No it's ok, I'm going to take a pass at the few I wasn't already aware of (for now) because I really need to clean out a lot of crap before adding more.
New meshes are a nightmare. Though I have subfolders for new objects and another for their recolours, and use that feature of SimPE to help, I am still in way over my head.
Also, though I'm usually pretty careful, I have something that crashes my game whenever I try for an expensive curtainless bathtub. It's not a bathtub by the way (that would have been too easy)
Not a creator, but still so disappointed by fabulous 'pot lights', sofas and change tables where you can't click on anything in the room without selecting them. boo.
Don't see listed here where I get some of my most amazing furniture. Beautiful, stylish and well done (some too cheap beds with too great comfort, but stunning work!)
Also, though I suppose it's all female adult, it's well done, pretty and tasteful. Most of my adult women are dressed by (because not all adults think they're 17)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 26, 11:24:54
Ahh all these sites look great...I'm gonna be busy now lol

Need to clean out some things first.  I did a clean out a few months ago and got more selective with my downloads but once again, it needs another one.  I have loads of things I never use..I also  have loads of things that somehow looked wonderful when downloading but proceeded to look like crap in the game..not sure what to make of that..but yeah lol

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 October 26, 15:16:44
I think my favorites have all been mentioned, except maybe for one. It's no longer being updated (not since last year, in fact), but everything is still available, and there are some great items.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: yetyak on 2005 October 27, 02:43:17

This is a finds site, they update every day, with several pages of links.  I'm there checking it out every afternoon.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 27, 02:53:34

This is a finds site, they update every day, with several pages of links.  I'm there checking it out every afternoon.

Yeah, that's in my bookmarks folder, too. Along with Sims Showcase. There used to be a site called Best of Net Sims which was awesome because it categorized the finds. Best clothing finds, best objects, best hacks, best houses etc. That was for Sims 1. I think they were supposed to come back with a sims 2 version, but I haven't checked in a while. Will do so now...

Nope. Still "under construction". It has been under construction for...e...ver...

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Myth on 2005 October 27, 03:11:39
I have a true addiction when it comes to the contemporary furniture and have just recently pruned and organized my downloads. I'm really fighting the urge to add more to the folder.  Lately I've stayed away from the furniture since I was in starter home only build mode, and now since taking on the Legacy cross again I have been making my own $0 floors and wallpapers or downloading outfits only.

I really would like a decent site for better mens fashions, workout clothes and elder fashions.  I haven't been drawn to anything I've found yet.  Maxi men clothes are either too sloppy looking or as in the tucked in polo shirts remind me of the high belt/pants looks that my 8th grade science teacher wore in the mid 80s. 

And the elders, well their bodies is what makes them so unappealing.  The osteoporosis and breast to the waist is just insulting to any elders out there.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: yetyak on 2005 October 27, 04:07:26
Definately need more good men's stuff.  Especially hair.  I keep looking for some that is not too long, not too short and not too messy.  Seems I can only find the stuff that is long short and messy.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 October 27, 08:12:48
I have a true addiction when it comes to the contemporary furniture and have just recently pruned and organized my downloads. I'm really fighting the urge to add more to the folder.  Lately I've stayed away from the furniture since I was in starter home only build mode, and now since taking on the Legacy cross again I have been making my own $0 floors and wallpapers or downloading outfits only.

I really would like a decent site for better mens fashions, workout clothes and elder fashions.  I haven't been drawn to anything I've found yet.  Maxi men clothes are either too sloppy looking or as in the tucked in polo shirts remind me of the high belt/pants looks that my 8th grade science teacher wore in the mid 80s. 

And the elders, well their bodies is what makes them so unappealing.  The osteoporosis and breast to the waist is just insulting to any elders out there.

All About Style is great for elder and men's clothing that is realistic. is good for workout clothes if you don't mind your sims looking like hippie freaks. ;D I usually don't.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 October 27, 09:07:42
How about keeping your "page" on the same one when you delete a skin, object, etc., instead of rolling all the way back to the beginning of the category?  It's a huge waste of time to be constantly clicking forward to the place where you left off if you're eliminating stuff toward the end of a long list. 
Is there a good reason why it rolls back like this? Is it something that could be changed one day?

I always say, "okay, I'm gonna delete tons of stuff today," and then it ends up being too tedious after about 10 items, and I give up.

My downloads folder is 1.45GB. Oh, how much faster the game could load.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Rascal on 2005 October 27, 10:01:09
Oh dear - my already bulging downloads folder just got even fatter.  ::)
One site I haven't seen mentioned is Genesims (
They have good recolours of the maxis hair and some nice custom skin tones.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 27, 20:37:10
Use all those sites, and saw very few that I don't use. I quite like ( and love ( as there are some really original meshes. However, my biggest failing are plants. I'm totally addicted to them and new terrain paints so I can build parks, gardens, desert features, beaches...blah, blah, blah... ::)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 27, 23:45:18

My downloads folder is 1.45GB. Oh, how much faster the game could load.

You're not kidding. I was testing a couple of things in my neighborhood, so I removed my downloads folder. The game loaded lightening fast. But of course my sims were all bald...

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 28, 00:20:46
For the people who were commenting about needing more good stuff for men: I totally agree, and I did find some interesting things at If you are looking for different men's stuff, that's a place to go, and All about Style ( has quite a lot of men's clothing, although some of it is less than aesthetically pleasing.

I get most of the hair for the sims in my stories from The Sims Resource, but it is a pay site.

edited to add: has anyone seen any good ancient greek and or roman clothing anywhere? I was thinking about doing a multi-generational story with a historical storyline.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 01:26:44
I've seen some Greek and Roman stuff yes, a lot if I can't remember where now though.  ::) But here's a couple of male outfits from someone at MTS2:

There's also a satyr in the adult section who's, ahem, very alert.

Sussi Friberg has a nice Greek style female toga (a real one, not that college bedsheet crap)

And you could probably almost get away with using her Josephine dress for an ancient Greek or Roman setting:

Doing a quick search, I found these couple on the exchange which aren't so bad for having to work with default Maxis meshes:

I know I've seen others and some hair too. If I come across any I'll post them.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Lyall on 2005 October 28, 01:36:03
It ate my post. *pokes computer screen* Anyways...

Most of the sites I go to have already been mentioned. I'll try to put links that haven't been posted yet.

Motoki posted a link to SimderZ so here I'll post a link to a similar site, Artemistha's site:

Happy Honey Hunt has some nice clothes, among other things. I'm not too crazy about the other things, specifically the makeup, but there's some nice hair there and I think the site has started to put accesories too:

China Fan Sims is a pretty varied site. It has clothes, makeup, genetics, lots, objects, etc.

If anyone is looking for some good videogame Sims, I recommend Thunderbreak ( and Navetsea ( over at MTS2. Mimewhite ( has some fantastic Final Fantasy Sims too, but most people probably already know about him, what with him having made those Sepiroth and Cloud hair meshes and all.

I can't really remember any more at the moment. :)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: anyeone on 2005 October 28, 01:47:40
Do y'all not have trouble with downloads that were generated pre-University fubar'ing your installation?  Ever since University every time I try to download custom content it ends up hosing my installation and requiring a new OS install to clean up (and I only ever downloaded clothes and hair).  I have been totally afraid to download any content at all since installing nightlife for fear it would be even worse, but I long for some more options.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 03:11:10
I just found this one today.  EXCELLENT new mesh work!

I just got that off Sims Showcase the other day. I've downloaded everything on that site!

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 03:23:21
I'm trying to think of sites people haven't already mentioned.

SimsGogogo was a good site for male stuff for TS1 and he's recently started doing TS2 stuff. There's a yahoo group too and a link from his page to it:

I am so glad that simsGogogo is doing TS2 stuff now! I used their skins for Joe and Gary in my TS1 game. They have really nice stuff.
And many of my TS2 guys wear outfits from h-note.
Good picks!

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: yetyak on 2005 October 28, 04:09:48
Gotta love their Washington State Patrolman's uniform!! 

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 28, 06:44:01
Does anyone know of a site that does good teen boy clothes? I find their selection to be the most lacking. I tend to like quirkier outfits, not into the baggy sweatshirt or bad shorts looks. I also don't like anything with real name brands, like GAP or Tommy.

Motoki, several people are starting to make some good outfits for the fat lady mesh on MTS2. What I want for her is some dresses and I'd like the clothes to be available for her as an elder, so she doesn't suddenly shrink.  ;D I need to learn how to do some of this stuff.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 11:45:14
Reggiko: Have you tried Sim Squirts? They actually have a fair selection of teen male clothing.

And that's interesting about that 'fat' mesh. I like that one and use it but there really wasn't much for it at the time I got it.

And adult stuff can easily be made available for elder. I'm actually going through all the Maxis adult stuff and making everything adult or young adult available for adult, young adult and elder. I'm also unhiding some hidden outfits like the warrior woman and the female camo pants with suspenders and I'm making all the npc outfits buyable. I actually only need to modify the property values to do this so the actual package file is pretty small. It's not hard at all, just a lot of tedious work because I haven't found a way to edit the flags in a batch so I have to do them one by one and there's about a thousand entries.  :o

I'll post the files here when I am done or a link to them if they're too big to be uploaded.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 11:48:54
Many of my teen boys wear simsquirts stuff. That's a really good site.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 12:08:59
I didn't even realize until recently they had teen stuff. When I checked them some time ago I think it was just toddlers and kids, but now it's one of the better sites for teen boy stuff, not that there are many sites for them to begin with.  :P

Oh and does that 11 dots keyboard have the piano no fun bug? I've found most objects cloned from the piano tend to and Pescado's pianofix does not work on them either.  :(

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2005 October 28, 13:02:37
There are some nice teen male clothes here, as well as some other nice stuff:

And I can't believe no one has mentioned Holy Simoly.

Anyone remember PJ from SF? She has a site with some things for Sims2 now.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 October 28, 14:02:13
edited to add: has anyone seen any good ancient greek and or roman clothing anywhere? I was thinking about doing a multi-generational story with a historical storyline.

Try this link site:
I found some Egyptian stuff there at least, there may be more but now it is 4pm and work is out for the weekend.

Sims await!

Edit: Yeah, HolySimoly is my all time favorite sim site. It is the only site I have donated to in order to get their fantabulous donation pack.
Also Mango sims for objects and Simpathethic for hair and clothes for my sims of color.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 28, 18:33:47

And adult stuff can easily be made available for elder. I'm actually going through all the Maxis adult stuff and making everything adult or young adult available for adult, young adult and elder. I'm also unhiding some hidden outfits like the warrior woman and the female camo pants with suspenders and I'm making all the npc outfits buyable. I actually only need to modify the property values to do this so the actual package file is pretty small. It's not hard at all, just a lot of tedious work because I haven't found a way to edit the flags in a batch so I have to do them one by one and there's about a thousand entries.  :o

I'll post the files here when I am done or a link to them if they're too big to be uploaded.

Excellent. I did do that once, making some YA male stuff available for adults. I'd forgotten about that.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 18:47:29
I noticed the husband in your story has those male body bright blue pajamas for Elders made made Dgandy. ;) Actually, it's sad but I knew where almost of your custom content came from lol.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 October 28, 18:50:43
Hey, I don't think anyone's mentioned yet. And

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 28, 19:19:03
I noticed the husband in your story has those male body bright blue pajamas for Elders made made Dgandy. ;) Actually, it's sad but I knew where almost of your custom content came from lol.

I surf quite a lot for new stuff. :) I've been to simsquirts, but never looked at their teen stuff. I think I didn't realize they had that. I used to be a furniture/decor junkie. Now I'm a clothes and hair junkie. I recently downloaded a whole bunch of male facial hair. The selection in-game leaves a lot to be desired and I like a nice mustache and/or well-kept beard on a man.

I'm probably one of the few that doesn't mind paying for stuff. I'm a member at TSR and Well-Dressed Sim and I often donate to other sites. I also donated to Holy Simoly for their donation pack. Awesome stuff in there. Shtinky does beautiful work.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 20:02:54
I actually didn't know about Holy Simoley, but I do have some of Shtinky's stuff from TSR. If anyone gets the Arizona set from Holey Simoley definitely check TSR because they have loads of recolors for it. They were on free rotation recently too, not sure if they still are.

I actually don't have a membership at TSR not only because I have issues with them (the boards and the 'management' not the creators) but also I think I would go nuts and spend way too much time and download too much junk if I did. :o TSR is kind of like the Exchange, not so bad if you know a specific item or creator to search for but otherwise you have to sift through a whole bunch of junk to get to the good stuff.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Myrddin on 2005 October 28, 20:08:24
Geeze Louise guys!  I thought my favourite fansite list was big before.  Now of course due to my cc compulsion I have forced to check out all the sites that others provided and I'm sure my list will grow again.  And that means that I will be forced to spend hours editing my current abundance of items already in my game. 

Why oh why am I unable to resist custom content?!  >:(

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 20:11:04
Because Maxis stuff is mostly bland and boring (or way too flashy) and practically non-existant for certain genders and age groups. ;)

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Myrddin on 2005 October 28, 20:15:55
Because Maxis stuff is mostly bland and boring (or way too flashy) and practically non-existant for certain genders and age groups. ;)

No, no, that is why I started downloading.  I want to know, now that I already have more than enough, why I can't stop! :P :D

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 21:00:40
Was wondering about this. I've been looking for good sites, and have found some good stuff, but the sheer volume of content is just kind of overwhelming. Seeing as several of my favorite sites (Decorgal Designs, Gigge's Simply Skintastic) I've been directed to from people here, I figured that asking where people here got their clothes, objects, and build mode things for their sims would be a good place to start.               has a few nice free downloads up this week. otherwise its a subscription site

 and of cours Mod the sims 2
 checkout  yahoo groups as well there alot of yahoo groups with really nice downloads for the Sims2

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 October 28, 22:26:18
I actually don't have a membership at TSR not only because I have issues with them (the boards and the 'management' not the creators) but also I think I would go nuts and spend way too much time and download too much junk if I did.

I so agree. Whenever I'm tempted to pay for a TSR membership, I remind myself of the exponential rate at which my downloads folder will grow as a result of such a membership, and then the temptation is effectively squelched.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 23:32:43
I actually don't have a membership at TSR not only because I have issues with them (the boards and the 'management' not the creators) but also I think I would go nuts and spend way too much time and download too much junk if I did.

I so agree. Whenever I'm tempted to pay for a TSR membership, I remind myself of the exponential rate at which my downloads folder will grow as a result of such a membership, and then the temptation is effectively squelched.
I use the free downloads at TSR not the subscriptions downloads

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 28, 23:40:04
I do too, but sometimes they have a free mesh without a texture or vice versa. They have gotten a lot better about that lately but it still happens. Personally, I think every mesh should come with at least one texture inside its package file but apparently the people who wrote the tutorials didn't tell everyone to do it that way. It's useless without it. You can't even do a recolor yourself with just the mesh because you have no idea how the UV map is laid out and it won't show up in the bodyshop.

There's also an annoying bug that was in older versions of SimPE where if you had a mesh and a recolor but did not have the original texture the creator made for the mesh, the outfit would not show up right. I still run across a few clothing outfits like this.  :P

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 23:46:07
I have one adult male outfit that shows up in body shop as a big, creepy toddler head. Is that why? A mesh mish-mash?

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 29, 00:00:56
LMAO! Maybe, but I'd love to see that.

Usually for me if they don't work right it just ends up using one of the Maxis default, usually that frumpy assed red shirt untucked and the white capri pants and flats if we're talking adult female.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 00:05:31
Oh, yes, I have several of those frumpy red capri-clad asses in bodyshop, now that you've mentioned that.
So you don't have the creepy toddler head? I'll have to take a screenshot of that one...

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 00:57:31
Okay, Motoki, this one's for you:


Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 29, 01:22:36
Haha! Will the sim actually get the toddler head if you try to wear it? If so I want one!

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 01:53:18
Hmmm been too scared to try it! It's creepy.
I'll go experiment. I have the game running in the background.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 02:04:38
Nope, no toddler head. but now I know which outfit it is:

Why in the world would it show up as a toddler head???

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 29, 04:06:20
Hmmm been too scared to try it! It's creepy.
I'll go experiment. I have the game running in the background.
thanks for the Laugh Brynne. ;DI hate to say it though the toddler head looks better than the out fit though

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 29, 05:45:20
That was bizarre, Brynne. I think we have done a lot of shopping in the same stores for custom content because I have all those outfits. I didn't get the toddler head, though: no fair.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 07:19:32
I have no idea why I have the toddler head, either...always kind of spooky to be just going through your outfits like that and see what, under normal circumstances, would be cute. A big toddler head.
And, bangelnuts, I immediately redressed Joey Jr in his original outfit. He didn't like it, either...

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 October 29, 07:21:58
That toddler head thing is most likely the result of a screwed up Thumbnails file. Are any of your other thumbnails messed up? I get it all the time with pre-made sim heads. I download a ton of sims and then delete them as soon as I create a live sim from it. However, because I delete from outside the game rather than inside, I often get totally screwed up thumbnails as a result. Bearded guys in the toddler girls section, and such. You can delete the thumbnails file(s) is this is bugging you, and they'll regenerate... but this will make the catalog hella slow the next time you load the game, so I personally wouldn't bother unless you have a LOT of screwed up thumbnails, not just that one.

Just to drag this thread back on topic, here's a site with nice walls and floors. If you like pastel colors. LOL. I use them a lot in nurseries.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 07:26:58
Thanks, SaraMK. Since I only have the one weird thumbnail I think I'll just let it be for now.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: twink on 2005 October 29, 07:55:43
Does anyone remember McTrick from Sleepy Hollow Sims1..well she has a new site with the same ghoolish ideas...bad bedspreads, scarey pics, vampire bedding, etc.


Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 08:04:47
Didn't that site also have the dungeon set?

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 29, 11:05:48
I have no idea why I have the toddler head, either...always kind of spooky to be just going through your outfits like that and see what, under normal circumstances, would be cute. A big toddler head.
And, bangelnuts, I immediately redressed Joey Jr in his original outfit. He didn't like it, either...
LOL sorry Brynne that I didnt like the outfit.  but I guess !m not alone in that when  a pixelated person agrees with me  ;D

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: twink on 2005 October 29, 11:57:46
Yes girlfriend, it had dungeons, butcher shops, killers and they victums and outfits, and everything macabe......I just loved the site. She has just started the new one but the theme seems to run the same.


Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: twink on 2005 October 29, 11:59:54
Yes girlfriend, it had dungeons, butcher shops, killers and they victums and outfits, and everything macabe......I just loved the site. She has just started the new one but the theme seems to run the same.


Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: twink on 2005 October 29, 12:02:48
Yes girlfriend, it had dungeons, butcher shops, killers and they victums and outfits, and everything macabe......I just loved the site. She has just started the new one but the theme seems to run the same.


Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 29, 12:06:30
Wow, you must have liked it. You posted 3 times!  ;)
I had all that stuff, too. Really cool stuff.

Bangelnuts, don't worry, I wasn't offended. I don't even know where that outfit came from. It must have been in a collection or something.
Joey Jr. sniffed "I don't do mustard yellow sportcoats."

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 29, 16:49:02
Wow, you must have liked it. You posted 3 times!  ;)
I had all that stuff, too. Really cool stuff.

Bangelnuts, don't worry, I wasn't offended. I don't even know where that outfit came from. It must have been in a collection or something.
Joey Jr. sniffed "I don't do mustard yellow sportcoats."

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 31, 20:19:48
The only place for mustard yellow anything is in a coffin.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 31, 20:36:04
Joey Jr. only does Grey Poupon

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 31, 20:59:29
Joey Jr. only does Grey Poupon
ROFL I hope Justin Likes Baby siblings. because he is  about to get 2 of them . thanks to my accidental clicking of Try for a Baby Iwas going for woohoo and must have hit the wrong one by Mistake.Bella Justins Mother and Joe his Father are now expecting twins in my game wonder if I will get a pixelated hottie like Justin from Joe and Bella

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 31, 21:09:56
Well, as you can see by the Joe/Bella offspring that Don adopted, as well as my Justin and his full-blooded Goth-Bayfield siblings,  there's yet to be an ugly one in my game...

I'll put some pics of the Lothario Goth-Bayfield offspring on my site.

Title: Re: Where do you get your custom content?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 31, 21:22:02
Well, as you can see by the Joe/Bella offspring that Don adopted, as well as my Justin and his full-blooded Goth-Bayfield siblings,  there's yet to be an ugly one in my game...

I'll put some pics of the Lothario Goth-Bayfield offspring on my site.
well these two will definitely be full blooded siblings to Justin. My Bella is an exact Clone of Bella in Pleasant view right down to her personality traits and according to simPE the DNA. so there is no doubt that the Justin in your Game and the one in mine are the same person.  in Both the Joe I have and The Bella I have  match the SimPE clone of Justin that you sent me.. she even came with th exact aspiration she has in Pleasantviews files .when I was cloning her a little box popped up asking if I wanted an exact duplicate I clicked yes . and when I went into simpe plesant view simbrowser after pl acing her in my neighborhood.I was stunned to discover that she was an eact match trait for trait.