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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: blossyblossy on 2008 February 25, 00:38:30

Title: BUY evicts staff and customers
Post by: blossyblossy on 2008 February 25, 00:38:30
I have a home business which I built as a separate building on the lot.  I equiped it with poker tables, jukebox, tv, buffet table and ticket machine.  As soon as I put the terlet roll into the stall terlets all the customers and business owners exited the building at a gallop and lurked about outside the door with the thought bubbles of walls and footsteps.  When I remove the terlet roll everyone re-enters and business carries on as usual.  I do have them installed in the home and they work fine there.  The mass exodus happens before I configure the roll and I have tried different combos to get them to come back in, without success.  What I'm missing here?

Title: Re: BUY evicts staff and customers
Post by: kutto on 2008 February 25, 00:40:29
I have a feeling that you don't put your stalls in a separate room, thus the whole thing is considered a bathroom. Is this correct?

Title: Re: BUY evicts staff and customers
Post by: Kyna on 2008 February 25, 01:48:24
I had the same happen recently in a residential lot - people being evicted from the living room.  I'd built a bathroom next to a staircase, but hadn't built a wall on the staircase side of the bathroom, so it was seen as part of the living room of the house.  Putting in that wall, so that the bathroom was an enclosed, separate room, fixed it.

Title: Re: BUY evicts staff and customers
Post by: blossyblossy on 2008 February 25, 02:26:00
Of course, simple when you put it like that.  BUY is telling them to bugger off as the whole room is seen as the bathroom (I hadn't used the stalls before).

Title: Re: BUY evicts staff and customers
Post by: cwykes on 2008 February 25, 12:30:09
I don't think it's the stall that's the problem.  I've used stalls outdoors and I think even I would have noticed if they caused a mass exodus.  Don't use BUY and the stalls will work fine.

Title: Re: BUY evicts staff and customers
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 February 26, 03:55:05
Use the floor dividers to box in the stalls and the problem should go away, since then the terlets will be considered a seperate "room".