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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sivany on 2008 February 24, 18:58:27

Title: Furious behaviour on non-furious sims?
Post by: Sivany on 2008 February 24, 18:58:27
I have several sims in my neighbourhood that keep doing that weird furious stance (clenched fists, furious expression) but no thought bubble about anyone pops up. Also they are not furious with anyone when I check their relationship panel and I'm pretty sure that at least one of the sims showing this behavious has never been furious with anyone in her life. What is going on? How can I stop this?

I've done a few searches on this site and I couldn't find much about this but I know there are tokens that can be looked at in SimPE and either I'm looking in the wrong place or these sims don't have any furious tokens. Where do I need to look?

Title: Re: Furious behaviour on non-furious sims?
Post by: Count Four on 2008 February 24, 19:21:59
Have they ever been burgled? Even after they have stopped being 'furious' with the burglar (the buglar's face is no longer red in the relationship panel) they will still do the furious thing when thinking about the burglar. Or sometimes about anybody else they've ever been angry with. The lack of thought bubble is probably due to lack of RAMs or similar.

I don't know, but maybe someone else does; will they do this when thinking of a rumored burglary they've heard about.

Title: Re: Furious behaviour on non-furious sims?
Post by: Sivany on 2008 February 24, 19:42:22
It's happening to sims who have never been burgled. I've also tried clearing out all gossip tokens but it still happens so it can't be a burglary they've just heard about.

I do have sims that have been burgled who get the furious action and a burglary thought bubble so it isn't that thought bubbles don't show up in my game.

Thanks for the suggestions though!

Title: Re: Furious behaviour on non-furious sims?
Post by: Angie on 2008 February 24, 22:01:43
I have several sims in my neighbourhood that keep doing that weird furious stance (clenched fists, furious expression)...

Do these sims happen to be low in nice points?  Mean sims will do this behavior whether they're furious or not.

Title: Re: Furious behaviour on non-furious sims?
Post by: seelindarun on 2008 February 24, 22:47:09
I think about 3 nice points is the threshold.  I have a few sims with 1 or 0 nice points, and they seem to do this as adults.  They're not furious, just mean.  ;D  I don't remember them being so grouchy as children, or teens.  Anyway, why do you want to stop them from doing it?  I like it.  :D  I much prefer it to the idiotic sighing that super-nice sims do.

If you have macrotastics, put them on macro...procrastinate.  While they're standing there waiting for your instruction, they'll fidget, sigh, do the palm-fist, or whatever, depending on their personalities.

Title: Re: Furious behaviour on non-furious sims?
Post by: Sivany on 2008 February 25, 00:43:47
One of the sims that does this is a nice old lady that I made in CAS and I'm pretty sure I gave her more than 3 nice points because I was intending for her to be... well, a nice old lady.

Also one of my sims keeps throwing up this error and although I have no idea what anything in these error logs mean it does keep mentioning things to do with her fury tokens. I have about 6 of these errors all refering to this same sim and at least two that reference the child of one of the sims who keeps doing the furious action.

I've probably broken something. The neighbourhood is pretty old it goes right back to the base game when it wasn't known that certain actions were a very bad idea and liable to cause a BFBVFS.