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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2008 February 22, 23:33:59

Title: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 February 22, 23:33:59
 What on earth has happened with ghosts since BV? First I got a bizarre (and very aggressive) haunting from a tombstone held in Inventory, something I did not think was possible.

Now I'm getting total wussy ghosts in my community graveyards. Instead of scaring the hell out of everyone (and I rely on this to fulfill my knowledge sims ever-present "See A Ghost" want) these mild-mannered wimpy liberal excuses for the vengeful shades of the underworld merely jump in and out of their tombstones a few times then bugger off without even trying to make anyone cack their pants. This is not on.

I want proper scary ghosts. What the hell is wrong with these deceased denizens?

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 February 23, 03:25:02
Maybe the ghosts are on strike because they're tired of the EAxis pee obsession.

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: jolrei on 2008 February 23, 04:18:42
Your graveyards are too nice and well kept, and your ghosties are content?  Make death more stressful for them.

I have no idea if this will actually work, but it's worth a  shot, just for the fun of doing it.

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 February 23, 06:08:22
According to Celina, ghosts in BV are working as can be expected.

Spoilery for the two people who read my blog (, so don't blame me for not warning you (

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Argon on 2008 February 23, 07:14:00
Now I'm getting total wussy ghosts in my community graveyards. Instead of scaring the hell out of everyone (and I rely on this to fulfill my knowledge sims ever-present "See A Ghost" want) these mild-mannered wimpy liberal excuses for the vengeful shades of the underworld merely jump in and out of their tombstones a few times then bugger off without even trying to make anyone cack their pants.

Isn't that by design? I thought ghosts on community lots never scared people because it was supposed to make them "happier" (at least according to the prima guide).

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Gwill on 2008 February 23, 12:46:22
Isn't that by design? I thought ghosts on community lots never scared people because it was supposed to make them "happier" (at least according to the prima guide).

Got any shinies for this, Pes?

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Liz on 2008 February 23, 16:58:23
Now I'm getting total wussy ghosts in my community graveyards. Instead of scaring the hell out of everyone (and I rely on this to fulfill my knowledge sims ever-present "See A Ghost" want) these mild-mannered wimpy liberal excuses for the vengeful shades of the underworld merely jump in and out of their tombstones a few times then bugger off without even trying to make anyone cack their pants.

Isn't that by design? I thought ghosts on community lots never scared people because it was supposed to make them "happier" (at least according to the prima guide).

I've always had success sending Sims to the Gothier-Whatever-Greens cemetery downtown for their "See Dumb Ghost" want. Of course, that's after *extensive* modifications to include showers, turbo-grill, hot tub, and espresso bar so that my guys can camp out for a couple days if needed. Probably not the most restful place anymore for an eternal rest, but that's kinda the point, I guess.  What I'd love is for my Uni ghosts (both at the dorm and at the Landgraab Haus) to get off their rest-in-peace-ing bums and get to hassling my nouniprotected dormies already. MOAR dead dormies FTW!

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Lorelei on 2008 February 23, 20:33:51
these mild-mannered wimpy liberal excuses for the vengeful shades of the underworld merely jump in and out of their tombstones a few times then bugger off without even trying to make anyone cack their pants. This is not on.

I want proper scary ghosts. What the hell is wrong with these deceased denizens?


Sounds like you have the Scooby Doo hack. That's Mortimer Goth under that sheet.

Get a dog and some meddling kids to confront the old bastard. You're guaranteed one wacky chase scene in a hallway with scads of doors..

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 February 23, 20:49:38
I've always had success sending Sims to the Gothier-Whatever-Greens cemetery downtown for their "See Dumb Ghost" want. Of course, that's after *extensive* modifications to include showers, turbo-grill, hot tub, and espresso bar so that my guys can camp out for a couple days if needed. Probably not the most restful place anymore for an eternal rest, but that's kinda the point, I guess. 
Oooh. That's what my 'hood needs. A campground in the middle of a cemetary. I have just one generation before a bunch of townies are scheduled to be offed.

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Liz on 2008 February 23, 22:07:30
...I want proper scary ghosts. What the hell is wrong with these deceased denizens?

Sounds like you have the Scooby Doo hack. That's Mortimer Goth under that sheet.
Get a dog and some meddling kids to confront the old bastard. You're guaranteed one wacky chase scene in a hallway with scads of doors..

If the ghost were actually scaring people, I'd say it's Old Man Landgraab trying to clear the way for a new strip mall development.

I've always had success sending Sims to the Gothier-Whatever-Greens cemetery downtown for their "See Dumb Ghost" want. (snip)
Oooh. That's what my 'hood needs. A campground in the middle of a cemetary. I have just one generation before a bunch of townies are scheduled to be offed.

It actually comes in quite handy, even for sims who *don't* have the "See Ghost" want rolled. Specifically, since it's a lot I've embellished with tonnes of fun, food, & energy items, if I can keep their Asp. meter high enough (play, socialise, studying in the 'library corner', even whip out a quick date for some easy points), it's a dead useful place to send a sim who needs more friends before her next promotion.

Heh, I just made myself snicker. The cemetery's "dead" useful. Yeah, I'm so hard to amuse.  ::)

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Tchan on 2008 February 24, 19:51:17
I've only got two ghosts, graves being in the back of their daughter's house, and they're both annoyingly placid. I wish they WOULD scare people! As it is, my sims can stand next to the ghosts without batting an eyelid, as if it happens every day. It's infuriating!

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2008 February 24, 21:43:16
Well that is exactly what I mean. These ghosts are a bunch of "living-disabled" big girls blouses. They are total rubbish. They obviously spend all their time at ghostie workshops entitled things like "The Living And Why You Should Not Go BOOYAH"

Frankly I've seen scarier Sims. What is with these crunchy-granola organic ghosts?

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 February 24, 23:04:45
I've always noticed a great difference in ghosts. I've had tombstones that never gave up a ghost. I've had ones that would pop out of their tombstone, drift around the yard for a bit, then turn in for the night. I've had ghosts that the very night they passed went on a killing spree. I've had ghosts tag-team scares.

Since BV, I've only had two tombstones I've let stick around. One was Arianna's. She just drifts up to her death spot and cries a bit, then goes back to her tombstone. Her son was the one pictured. Same day of his death, he goes on a haunting crusade.

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Liz on 2008 February 25, 17:48:34
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that a sim's personality played a role in her ghost's behaviour. No evidence it's true, just a wild theory. And probably sadorandom, but on my current "main" lot, ghosts tend to come out for their progeny's birthdays.

In happier news (happiness being relative ;o), one of my dead dormies finally woke up, and boy is he Pissed! He's particularly taken to haunting one of my playables he was best friends with - of course, said playable keeps rolling constant 'see ghost' fears but somehow manages to keep just out of failure. I'm not trying to send him into failure on purpose, but I'm finally over the whole shiny, happy style of sim management. If their wants aren't reasonable and sensible (yes, I have wfsanity, but I'm not buying expensive crap for the dorm just to make Whiny McWealthSim's plumbob change colours), nuts to 'em, but I'm still looking forward to the first drop into actual failure.

And derailing just that little bit more... McWealth has me currently pleasantly surprised. He's maxed Creative and has an easel in the dorm but has no interest in Selling a Masterpiece. Colour me refreshingly stunned! Wonder if it has anything to do with him being 0 Nice, 0 Outgoing? He's also 10 Playful, which had me expecting a real terror of a jerk, but the 0 Outgoing seems to keep his more aggressive tendencies in check... though I do have him swimming and doing other Body-skilling in preparation for the day when he finally snaps and starts spewing MOAR Fight on some unlucky townie asses. ;o)

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 February 25, 22:48:18
I've always thought that mourning occasionally at the grave would prevent the appearance of the ghost. I'm not sure how to test it, though.

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 February 25, 23:02:19
Supposedly kicking their tombstone will piss them off. "They moved the headstones, but they left behind the BODIES!!!!1111"

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: asthehind on 2008 February 25, 23:10:13
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that a sim's personality played a role in her ghost's behaviour. No evidence it's true, just a wild theory. And probably sadorandom, but on my current "main" lot, ghosts tend to come out for their progeny's birthdays.

Most of my ghosts tend to come out whenever there is a birthday or a party. Birthday parties are murder, sometimes literally. :P The twins' birthday bash was very nearly a tragedy...

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Liz on 2008 February 25, 23:47:32
Supposedly kicking their tombstone will piss them off. "They moved the headstones, but they left behind the BODIES!!!!1111"

Damn, good one, Jelenedra. I watched every single one of those way too many times, thanks to HBO, etc. Good times...  ;D

Title: Re: Bring out your undead (please)
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 February 25, 23:49:59
Hecks yeah! Here's to TV-In-The-Bedroom-It's-Past-My-Bedtime-But-Mom-Doesn't-Know-I'm-Up-Watching-Scary-Movies days! Good times.