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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: trudy on 2008 February 20, 11:34:11

Title: Stuck on lot
Post by: trudy on 2008 February 20, 11:34:11
Ok I broke it.
My sim went to his shop and after a minute he just left. I was left with the manager. Stupidly a closed the shop. Now I could do nothing.
I can not enter the home because it says someone is at the shop, but at the shop there is no one. So I have no sim to use the scrub.
I tried moving the lost sim in on another lot, which worked, but the house and the shop are still stuck. Is there a way I can get back in?
Poke all you like.

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 February 20, 14:51:15
The Magic Wand ( is your friend.  Install it, find it in the collections, go into the borked shop in build mode and wave it around.  It should fix things. 

(This is from memory, so be sure to read the RTFM first to be sure you're using it right....)

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: trudy on 2008 February 22, 12:51:11
Ok, I read the rtfm, I installed the wand, found the collection, waved till my mouse got bored.
What is suposed to happen?

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 February 22, 14:20:53
You should be able to leave the lot, come back, and the missing sim should be there.  Or he should appear back home.

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: jolrei on 2008 February 22, 14:44:43
Since you moved your sim into another residential lot, you could wave the wand over the old stuck residential lot as well (again in build mode) to unstick that one.

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: trudy on 2008 February 22, 15:37:24
The problem is a can not get to the other stuck lot. The rest of the family is still there but I can not enter since I am allways redirected to the shop.

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 22, 15:58:45
Kidnap someone - I have a hack that allow me to simply click any sim and select it with the sim menu without have to spawn insimenator, I wonder if is one of insimenatorīs features or a different hack, I donīt remember anymore, I have too many hacks, maybe someone knows. I use insim dest version.

So go to the shop, put in slowmotion and kidnap a sim, any sim. Spawn the teleporter and teleport the shopīs owners to make everything works. You can force the game controls/menus to work in debug mode, also.

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: jolrei on 2008 February 22, 16:05:30
Can you summon the rest of the family to the new residential lot where your formerly lost sim now lives?  You could then move them in there and possibly fix the old lot or bulldoze it.

Title: Re: Stuck on lot
Post by: trudy on 2008 February 22, 16:07:35
I was afraid to try that, but I will move the rest of them out too if I can (there is a baby) and see if I can safe the house then.