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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: danicast on 2008 February 19, 17:39:04

Title: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 19, 17:39:04
Nanny invasion.

They left and only the regular one stayed. I have the norespaw hack.
What in hell I could possible did that caused that?
Is my game doomed again? ::)

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: Liz on 2008 February 19, 22:13:48
-thehell?! Creepy!

I notice none of them is doing anything so novel as, say, taking care of the child in question.  :D
When you say you have "norespaw" in your game, are you referring to "nostrayrespawn" or the more situationally appropriate "antiredundancy"?

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: morriganrant on 2008 February 20, 00:56:30
I thought anti-redundancy would keep that from happening. On that note, it is not that uncommon, it can happen with any of the service npcs, or at least happens with the gardener, the maid and the nanny.

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 20, 05:41:37
I have these ones:


I never teleport NPCs.

I am really clueless why or how I was invaded by nannies. I didnīt changed anything on my downloads folder and I have a test hood to test stuff when I remove things, so I never enter my playable hood unprotected by these hacks.

Ideas? I donīt have hack conflicts, I checked with Simwardrobe hack detector.

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: spaceface on 2008 February 20, 07:37:14
Creepy, and similar to the gardener invasion.

The only time I had so many nannies was when a baby was glitched. Nobody could interact with the baby and I ended up with a group of nannies huddling across the road. They did not come into the house though, and deleting the baby and reloading the lot sorted that out.

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 February 20, 07:52:57
The Nanny Invasion is not something that is covered in any antirespawn, since the Invasion occurs when the game falsely believes you actually NEED them and starts summoning them en-masse. Fortunately, this is easy to spot, so just quit without saving. :P

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 20, 17:05:19
Thank you so much for your awesomeness. I was worried to have borked my hood again. I actually quit without saving and when I return to the lot things were normal.
The baby is ok, it was unborn when this happened and when born was normal.
Thank you guys.

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: Liz on 2008 February 20, 17:14:43
So the nannyswarm happened when there weren't actually any kids there for them to babysit? Maybe that's why the game kept sending over more, hoping the next one on the pile might actually be able to find the little bugger they were supposed to be not-feeding?

Title: Re: Ok, this time, how much I blew it?
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 22, 15:53:42
I had one nanny hired and one kid at the house. The mother was in license cause she was at the final pregnancy stage.
Somehow the game thought they had no nanny, I suppose, so keep sending. It stopped to send nannies because there was no space left for car parking. LOL

You know what I noticed? The game picked up existing sims and made them nannies. I moused over those nannies and they all had known names. I left the lot without saving and things were normal. Then I met the same sims around the hood as non-nannies.