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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Cynarra on 2008 February 16, 14:32:20

Title: *FIXED* Tracking down bug with toymaker bench
Post by: Cynarra on 2008 February 16, 14:32:20

I am not sure how to track down a bug I have with the toymaker bench.

I installed Clean Maxis only hoods and use the moreawesomethanyou hack to prevent additional townie regen.  I opened up my Pleasantview and Bluewater Village suburb and played the Tinker family.

The toymaking bench on the lot was first only usable by the females in the household.  It is greyed out for Steven Tinker.  So I exited the lot, reloaded and now it is not usable by any of the household.  I had a similar error with all the kitchen appliances with Darren Dreamer, but I forced error on him and did RESET and he was fine.  This didn't work for the Tinker family.

Is there a way I can reset the lot or household?  Is there a debug function I can use to trace the problem?

I do have SimPE but have only used it to change a couple of sims to custom skins, but if there is something I could open and look at in there, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

Title: Re: Tracking down bug with toymaker bench
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 February 16, 16:35:29
Have you tried deleting and replacing both the bench and the sims?

Title: Re: Tracking down bug with toymaker bench
Post by: Cynarra on 2008 February 18, 14:58:27
Yes, I have.

Should I try deleting the other family members?

Title: Re: Tracking down bug with toymaker bench
Post by: Cynarra on 2008 February 21, 02:11:28
I found one defective download that caused the issue.  I am not sure if moving it to my back up computer while my computer is in the shop broke the download or what.

It never showed as conflict or anything in SimPe, The Download's Organizer, or Sims 2 Clean Pack Installer.

But now it is fixed!