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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: scoob on 2008 February 15, 21:13:06

Title: Issues with memory,mouse and keyboard
Post by: scoob on 2008 February 15, 21:13:06
I have been a long time member, but I am a lurker. I have gone over the threads on upgrading memory and such. I am now having a problem that has not been addressed before.

My system specs are: Intel Pentium processor 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
Memory: 446MB RAM
Page File: 1007 MB used, 562 MB available
Direct X 10

I decided I was going to upgrade my memory, so I took my system specs with me and purchased 2 gigs.
Came home and installed. Turned on my computer and the loading screen looked like it was suffering from double vision and system would not start. Just the opening screen. So I took out the new memory and put back the original stick of memory that came with the computer. It started right up with no problems. However now my mouse and keyboard are not working. I made sure everything was reconnected and even tried switching out these items to see if that was the problem. When I connected another keyboard or
mouse they did not work either. I know that they work because I am using them now on our old computer.

So my question is does anyone know what possibly happened? Why did I have problems with the new memory? Could it be that when I installed new memory my graphics card could not handle it? Why all of a sudden will the keyboard and mouse no longer


Edit: After non-stop fiddling, I finally got the keyboard and mouse working. So now my only issue is why I had an issue in the beginning with memory.

Title: Re: Issues with memory,mouse and keyboard
Post by: danicast on 2008 February 15, 22:48:48
Vista ate your drivers when you installed the RAM. Most possible. Bad, bad Vista.

On a second note, I suppose you did NOT touched the memo chips in your own bare hands, did you?
Chips are sensitive creatures, they hate to be touched.

Title: Re: Issues with memory,mouse and keyboard
Post by: Annan on 2008 February 15, 23:39:43
They're also easy to damage with static electricity. I don't know if that could cause what happened to you, but I do know that static electricity is not good for RAM.

Title: Re: Issues with memory,mouse and keyboard
Post by: KatEnigma on 2008 February 17, 21:33:17
You could have gotten bad RAM. Did you make sure they are seated properly and are you positive you got the right kind of RAM?

Title: Re: Issues with memory,mouse and keyboard
Post by: scoob on 2008 February 18, 00:35:58
Yes, everything is fine. I installed a different video card that I had from my previous computer with the ram and everything is fine. I
can't believe how much quicker my load times are now. Thanks