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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2008 February 06, 19:00:43

Title: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2008 February 06, 19:00:43
... but I have read that there will be no secret lots in CC Vacation hoods, and I want that too !


Would it be possible to add the 3 EAxis vacation hoods and then alter them with Terrain Surgery ???

*geez* I really hope so ... please ...   :D


Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Kyna on 2008 February 06, 21:53:02
It's possible to make your own secret lots.  I've seen threads around here where people have showed pics of their new bigfoot secret lots, for example.  I haven't done it myself so don't know how it's done, but if you search the forum you should be able to find posts by people who explain it.

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Emma on 2008 February 06, 22:01:47
Here is a link to a tutorial on the official site (

Haven't tried it as yet.

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Jelenedra on 2008 February 06, 22:12:03
Ooh, I just had a thought, with a CC hood, it's totally possible to make a cyberpunk vacation hood, isn't it? You'd just have to pick if they were firedancers/slapdancers/taichi locals, right?

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 February 06, 23:28:59
Yup. Once I finally make a vacation 'hood for Prospect Beach, it's going to be very, very unusual.

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2008 February 07, 12:05:33
It's possible to make your own secret lots.  I've seen threads around here where people have showed pics of their new bigfoot secret lots, for example.  I haven't done it myself so don't know how it's done, but if you search the forum you should be able to find posts by people who explain it.
Well ... thank you ! ... I was so sure that it was impossible ... have been seaching for tutorials on how to, but couldnīt find anything, it never occured to me that I should go look at EAxis own HP  ::) so also thanks to Emma for kicking my butt in the right direction  ;D

Off to build


edit : ooops ... forgot to ask. Do you think that I can pack the secret lot (modified with the cheat code) like any other house or should I pack it as a normal community lot first and use the cheat code after I have packed a copy of it ?

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 February 07, 16:24:30
You won't be able to see it from 'hood view after you've changed it to a secret lot. Definitely package it beforehand.

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2008 February 07, 20:22:20
Well yes ... guess that I didnīt explain my self very well.

In the tutorial it says that I first have to use the cheat code, then save and exit the house, then move the house to the house bin and then move the house back in the hood, to make it dissapear.

Thatīs why I was wondering if I could package the lot after the Save & Exit or if I should package a copy of the house before I use the cheat code ... ?

Hope this was more clear :)

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Emma on 2008 February 07, 21:56:59
Try both ways. ;)

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Nec on 2008 February 08, 02:13:30
Actually, you should start with a residential lot (note that all EA ones have mailboxes and residential trashcans), then make it a community lot, then secret. No errors. Works perfectly. I found this out today, informing the creator of the tutorial about it.

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Ilikecoffee on 2008 February 08, 08:28:53
This works for me:

Asian and Island secret lots should start off community.  Mountain secret lot is residential. 
Build your lot.  Save your lot. 
Exit to neighborhood and package a copy of the lot in case the lot isn't right on testing. 
Return to the lot, change the zoning to secret, and exit lot. 
You can't save the lot once you change it to the secret lot. 
Test the lot.

I've been using one of my secret lots almost as long as I've had BV.  It's my version of the asian village lot, it started out as community, and I've had no problems with it. 

Title: Re: I want my own CC vacation hoods ....
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2008 February 08, 10:14:52
That I didnīt know ... the thing with residential vs community ...

and I didnīt think about testing, it might be best to save before the cheat. If I upload it people might want to have a chance to move it around, before placing it :)

Thanks for your help
