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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MrsSoares on 2008 February 01, 15:02:27

Title: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 February 01, 15:02:27
Ok, I am still having the Mahjong problem, but now I am seeing another, much more annoying one and I *think* it may be one of my custom townies.

Every so often, my game will crash back to the desktop. First, whatever sound is happening in the game starts to sound like a record skipping... then I get a Windows pop-up telling my the application has crashed... and then my game closes.

This is unlike a previous crashing problem I was having... prior to a vid cards that barely met minimum requierments and a power supply that was 70 watts too low for said vid card... >.> (Dont ask, VBT). Then my game would just close, no warning, nothing... or my puter would shut down all together. This current prob seems as if the game is trying to load somthing... and whatever that something is, is making it crash. It has not happened over night yet, which makes me believe its a custom townie. I think maybe the game is trying to loadsomeone with perhaps a bad mesh or something and my game goes poof.

I have run Wardrobe Wrangler and Delphi's Thing-a-ma-bobin and I come up with no broken or orphan files... so, is there a way I can force a specific walk by, and go through my batch of townies one by one to see? Though, as I think now, I have summoned them all to a lot to make them townies... so maybe thats not the problem... and if thats not the problem... I need someones awesome help again. Is it possible to grab an error report if the game is crashing? (Clueless)

*crawls back into corner, looking around timidly*

Thank you...

eta: Would sounds make the game crash? I am noticing now, aside from the stuttering sound before a crash... sometimes I have static in the background... this never happened before...

*checks Downloads for stow-away sound files*

Title: Re: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 February 02, 12:19:46

Title: Re: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 February 02, 12:45:56
Ya really think so? I have 1.5G now... hubby wont be happy if I tell him I need more.

But I do *believe* that I have solved the problem... I had two versions of a YA Walkby mod... one for YA shoppers and one for YA walk-bys. I removed the walk-by one, and so far (Please Lord) have played through 6 semesters without a problem. I think I thought they were the same as they were in two different folders, and it took me a few to figure out that they were in fact two different mods by two differnt peeps.

But I still like the moar rams idea.. that would never hurt, now would it... >.>

Title: Re: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 February 04, 18:32:09
Sounds like you need the Hack Conflict Detection Utility (HDCU), to be found over on Paladin's site (  It's indispensable when you have a lot of hacks that may potentially affect the same thing.

Title: Re: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 February 12, 17:43:11
Ok, I am still having the same stinking problem. Everytime I think I have it isolated, it creeps back in. I can't grab an error log cuz the thing just crashes. Does the attached mean anything? Can anyone makes heads or tails out of that?

My next step will be to reinstall my neighborhood to a seperate account and run unattended for a while. This is not something I can reproduce at will.


Title: Re: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 February 12, 18:22:46
SimsException logs mean nothing. I am inclined to blame Dodgy Meshes.

Title: Re: Force specific walk-by - Or WTF is my problem now?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 February 12, 19:17:34
Meh... thats the only bloody thing the game produces when this happens... though I do believe that you must be right... cuz you're awesome and all that. But I figure out how... gonna have to do a test run without some meshes and see how it goes. I wish I could at least reproduce it at will so I dont get lulled into thinking "AHA! I got it..." when it doesnt happen for a while.

Thanks again O Awesome One.