More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MrsSoares on 2008 January 29, 13:30:42

Title: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 January 29, 13:30:42
Ok... admittedly, I have a lot of CC... and right after installing BV, I went to make a community lot - a game room type place - Saloon on The Lawn - (Take off of Tavern On The Green.) Anyway... I put in the new majong table... but no one plays it... they sit at the table for a moment, the allasudden, everyone jumps out of their seats and is standing next to the table.

So, I did the first thing I always do when I encounter something I think is a bug... I removed ALL CC and mods and loaded the game with a clean hood using AnyGameStarter from MTS2. And still I cannot get simmies to play mahjong.

Is this somehting that can only be done on vacation lots? Do they need to have a knwoledge of the game from someone else first? I know it cant be the result of any unawesomeness... because, well... the games not even being loaded WITH the awesome, never mind anything else at this point.

NOTE- I am a total BV n00b... none of my simmies have even gone on vacation yet... I have been too busy creating a totally custom hood... and this seems to be the last bug/glitch I need to work around... or perhaps I need to gain some knowledge of how the dang thing is supposed to work in the first place?

Can anyone offer me and assistance and/or advice?

Title: Re: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: Lord Darcy on 2008 January 29, 14:07:33
The Mahjong table is not limited to vacation lots. It works fine in my game either at home or community lots, and I have oodles of hacks, Awesome and non-Awesome alike. Nothing is required to play Mahjong. Unlike poker, even kids can play it, though they can't play for money. In fact, it works too well, as it's on par with the poker table in the addiction level. Visitors are glued to the Mahjong table until they leave for bladder failure.

Try apply all patches available for each EP you own if you haven't done it already. Run the game in the debug mode and see if you can get an error log. Maybe someone more awesome than me can decipher the log and can give you an idea.

Title: Re: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 January 29, 14:22:22
Run the game in the debug mode and see if you can get an error log. Maybe someone more awesome than me can decipher the log and can give you an idea.

Here I go, showing off my unawesomeness....

How do you get an error log? I think I know what debug mode is ... Boolprop testingcheatenabled true, right? Then I would preform the action that causes the jump... then what?

*humbly await a response*

Title: Re: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2008 January 29, 14:29:53
How to get an error log is explained here (,7437.msg208014.html#msg208014)

Title: Re: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: MrsSoares on 2008 January 29, 15:36:57
Thanks very much... working on it now.

I will edit this post with the log as soon as I do it correctly... >.<

ETA: Here it is.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 January 29, 16:17:05
Not to hijack, but I'm not getting a jump bug from mahjongg. I have sims sit there, start moving the tiles around, and just stay sitting there motionless for hours. Even when there's only four sims on the lot and everyone's at the table (so they can't be waiting for another player). No errors are popping.

Title: Re: Majong Glitch - Or Normal?
Post by: Tyraa Rane on 2008 January 29, 18:26:43
Not to hijack, but I'm not getting a jump bug from mahjongg. I have sims sit there, start moving the tiles around, and just stay sitting there motionless for hours. Even when there's only four sims on the lot and everyone's at the table (so they can't be waiting for another player). No errors are popping.

Not to contribute to the thread hijacking, but I've been having the same problem with the poker tables since BV. Four sims will sit down to play, but never get around to the actual playing. I don't use the tables that often though, so I haven't really dug down into trying to figure out what the problem is. Haven't even tried the mahjong tables yet.