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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: laylei on 2008 January 27, 07:32:43

Title: College Rampage borked?
Post by: laylei on 2008 January 27, 07:32:43
I'm having a problem with College Rampage, but only occasionally. The "college/do research" option on my bookcases just vanishes. Sometimes it's there, and sometimes it's not, but when it isn't, college rampage fails. The sim will go up to the bookcase and just stand there, with the college rampage icon flickering up in the corner, and they'll stay there, needs dropping, until I manually cancel it. They won't move on to do assignment instead. This is really getting frustrating, because I'm trying to get the last four Gen 3 spares of my Legacy graduated, and half the time college rampage isn't working. This happens on both regular bookcases and the Education career reward bookcase- either all bookcases work, or all don't have the option. This first started happening on their old Greek House lot, I moved them to a new lot but the problem keeps happening.

I forced error on the bookcase and attached the log. I'm not sure if it is what you need, but I figured it was worth a shot.

Title: Re: College Rampage borked?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 January 27, 07:42:38
Unsolicited force-errors are meaningless. However, if your "College/Research" option vanishes on the BOOKCASE, something is simply wrong with your game. The option is supposed to be there, for all non-graduate YAs, ALWAYS. No exceptions. So if it's not there, somethong is wrong with your game, period, and it is undoubtedly the work of the NON-AWESOME. College Rampage is not intended to cope with third-party hacks made by stupid people who want to disable the research option at random.

Title: Re: College Rampage borked?
Post by: laylei on 2008 January 27, 07:58:12
I'm pretty sure I haven't added any hacked related to college or bookcases or anything like that recently, but I'll look again.

Title: Re: College Rampage borked?
Post by: croiduire on 2008 January 27, 11:26:23
Dizzy has two that would interfere (I'm pretty sure) included in his dump-bv12 download. Since there are so many, you have to RTFM very carefully to avoid conflicts.

- less-college-study: Requires Uni EP. Makes sims research autonomously only between midnight and noon.

- less-homework-uni: Requires Uni EP. Makes sims do assignments autonomously only between midnight and noon.

Title: Re: College Rampage borked?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 January 27, 11:34:39
I suspect "autonomously" broke "manually" as well.