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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ness on 2005 October 24, 00:46:26

Title: save the trees?
Post by: Ness on 2005 October 24, 00:46:26
just wondering if this hack is NL compatible...  can't see it listed anywhere as ok or not - getting sick of visitors pillaging my money trees!

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 00:48:13
I put it back in and it works fine in my game!

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 00:57:38
just wondering if this hack is NL compatible...  can't see it listed anywhere as ok or not - getting sick of visitors pillaging my money trees!

it works in my game no Issues for me   and I have nightlife

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 01:10:40
I just wish the same could be said for the beloved phonehack!  It works after a fashion, but whenever a sim calls my currently playable sim on the phone, as soon as they hang up, the caller simply appears in the house!  Wierd!  I keep having to use the Clear offworld loiterers opton on the debugger if I don't want this sim to visit!

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Ness on 2005 October 24, 01:52:14

save the trees goes back in...  I'm counting the minutes for phone hack as well...  although, some say it works ok, others have problems...  I'm not sure what to think!

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 01:59:26
Well, if it works ok for some, then it might work for you, it just doesn't work perfectly for me, although it's better than not having it at all.  and you can always pull it out again if it doesn't work.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 24, 04:03:41
It depends how you use it. I turn the ringer off so I don't have that problem.  ;D I'm guessing the problem only occurs when other sims call you because it doesn't when I call them and they don't call me anymore thank goodness.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: kewian on 2005 October 24, 04:07:26
hee hee  imagine what a problem the phone is after you boolproped your way into 49 friends....aaauugh!!!  I had 20 popups saying so and so isnt friends with you anymore...ah waahh!! i was just using them for my foul purposes anyway.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 24, 04:36:18
hee hee  imagine what a problem the phone is after you boolproped your way into 49 friends....aaauugh!!!  I had 20 popups saying so and so isnt friends with you anymore...ah waahh!! i was just using them for my foul purposes anyway.

Egads!  I've so many times fulfilled the 30 best friends want (not with cheats, though)  I can't imagine 50!   :o

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 24, 04:45:24
hee hee  imagine what a problem the phone is after you boolproped your way into 49 friends....aaauugh!!!  I had 20 popups saying so and so isnt friends with you anymore...ah waahh!! i was just using them for my foul purposes anyway.
Hah!  Didn't they tell you boolprop was EVIL???

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: kewian on 2005 October 24, 04:46:42
But being Ebil is fun! ;D  until it messes up your game...

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 24, 04:52:03
But being Ebil is fun! ;D  until it messes up your game...
Yah, and then you come here to get help.  ;D  Who else would you go to ask help from but the one who is more Evil than you?

Title: Continuous Paint?
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 24, 10:19:58
Does anyone know if continuouspaint still works in Nightlife?

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: hyperCat on 2005 October 24, 11:51:05
hee hee  imagine what a problem the phone is after you boolproped your way into 49 friends....aaauugh!!!  I had 20 popups saying so and so isnt friends with you anymore...ah waahh!! i was just using them for my foul purposes anyway.

Just having 13 friends is driving me nuts, with the phone ringing off the hook and people calling to insult my sims--"can't you even make an effort?" Well, I tried calling 5 seconds ago but YOU WEREN'T HOME!

I think my brain would literally explode if I had 49 friends.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 24, 13:22:23
I've got a Sim with 42 best friends, and no phone hack.  The best friends were made without help from hacks.  I really don't have any problems with them, as I have my Sim throw a party and invite everyone whose relationship has decayed to around 80 or under, usually 8 Sims at a time.  A single Admire/Bust a Move/Gossip with each gets the daily relationship back to 100 and results in a Roof Raiser.  The downside?  You gotta clean up after the party. :)

Since dating gets the aspiration into platinum quite easily, I no longer have my popularity Sims making friends with everyone the meet.  Unless you like throwing parties, it's just too much effort.  Without JM's hacks, of course. :)


Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 14:22:55
I've got a Sim with 42 best friends, and no phone hack.  The best friends were made without help from hacks.  I really don't have any problems with them, as I have my Sim throw a party and invite everyone whose relationship has decayed to around 80 or under, usually 8 Sims at a time.  A single Admire/Bust a Move/Gossip with each gets the daily relationship back to 100 and results in a Roof Raiser.  The downside?  You gotta clean up after the party. :)

Since dating gets the aspiration into platinum quite easily, I no longer have my popularity Sims making friends with everyone the meet.  Unless you like throwing parties, it's just too much effort.  Without JM's hacks, of course. :)


I hear you popularity sims are a pain at times with their party wantsI have my pop sims strike up converstions with people they see walking around and then use the phone to build the relation ship up. my pop sims all have tons of best friends and very few partie were thrown . the exception was  grad parties and wedding parties . so my pop sims are happy with that as they were roof raisers

Title: Re: Continuous Paint?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 24, 15:39:19
Does anyone know if continuouspaint still works in Nightlife?
I haven't tried it.  It was listed as obsolete by Dr. Boris/JMP.

Title: Re: Continuous Paint?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 15:42:07
Does anyone know if continuouspaint still works in Nightlife?
I haven't tried it.  It was listed as obsolete by Dr. Boris/JMP.
I tried and it didnt do a thing in my game so obsolete is correct

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 24, 16:02:52
I hear you popularity sims are a pain at times with their party wants
I used to throw parties for the aspiration score, but any more getting platinum is almost a no-brainer.  The only time I throw parties now is to top off the relationships with a bunch of Sims.  If my Sim rolls up a want for a party and I know I'm going to have one soon anyway, I'll lock the want.  Otherwise I ignore it.

This has an added advantage that I don't get any phone calls wondering why some Sim hasn't heard from my Sim lately.  Or if I do, it's very seldom and usually some Sim who just left a party. :)  The only phone calls I get now are from what JM calls "The One" who is always calling anyway, and from the "My friend snogged you on the first date and I was wondering if you'd like to snog me" thing (thanks to Ancient Sim for that one!).


Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 16:07:59
 I get those and invariably the caller has a sheet of green over their picture in my Sims relationship panel neer mind that my sim has never met this sim before :D

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 24, 16:17:04
I think it's supposed to be blue. :)  Even tho this Sim will have a daily relationship of 30 they count as a friend for job promotions and... well, whatever they call the thing that gets full when you get 12 friends.  They're usually pretty easy to get to friendship status if you invite them over.   Automatic friendship status expires when the "clock face" over the Sim is no longer blue.


Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 16:37:55
I think it's supposed to be blue. :)  Even tho this Sim will have a daily relationship of 30 they count as a friend for job promotions and... well, whatever they call the thing that gets full when you get 12 friends.  They're usually pretty easy to get to friendship status if you invite them over.   Automatic friendship status expires when the "clock face" over the Sim is no longer blue.


in my game its green but I usually let my sim go if his/her needs are high enough and  work or class isnt  pressing. as my sims have picked up many best friends this way :D

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 24, 20:43:08
Those sims with the blue/green over their face are called contacts.  And Hook, that thing that gets full when you have 12 friends is called the influence meter.  :D

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 21:15:06
Well, I do eventually turn the ringer off myself, although it's a bind having to do it on every lot you play. 

The whole phone thing with Popularity sims is a pain!  (Easy with AutoYak, but I haven't tried that since NL - has anyone?)

What I thought was, only let them have the Popularity aspiration after they become elders, after all if they haven't achieved platinum before, the 20 best friends is something they can achieve before they die!

And now that we can change their aspirations it might be an idea to give them a new one each time they achieve their LTW, just to keep their wants reasonably achievable (and less annoying).

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 24, 21:21:18
The whole phone thing with Popularity sims is a pain!  (Easy with AutoYak, but I haven't tried that since NL - has anyone?)

Yup, autoyak works great for me. My Sims are obsessed with calling each other so it makes filling those wants so much easier.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 21:21:50
Those sims with the blue/green over their face are called contacts.  And Hook, that thing that gets full when you have 12 friends is called the influence meter.  :D
I notice that Family doesnt count in the influence meter it has to be non family in my game

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Velax on 2005 October 25, 02:00:16
The whole phone thing with Popularity sims is a pain!  (Easy with AutoYak, but I haven't tried that since NL - has anyone?)

I had heard it wasn't working with NL, but was getting so sick of being called every two seconds by idiots wanting to know why I hadn't called (my main is a Romance sim who has a rather large number of....errr..."romance partners"), I threw the hack in anyway. No problems so far.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 25, 02:09:33
Yes, autoyak works great in NL.  So does autosoc.  I love it.   :D

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 26, 13:23:50
Nice to know!  I'll put it in next time I close my game.

The influence meter has always had to be non-family and the sims own friends - jobs can be family and anyone in the household's friends.

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 17:22:06
Nice to know!  I'll put it in next time I close my game.

The influence meter has always had to be non-family and the sims own friends - jobs can be family and anyone in the household's friends.
thanks for the Info :)

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 27, 10:22:08
Glad to help - just hope I'm right and they haven't changed anything with Uni - such as you need at least one vampire friend to max out the influence meter! ;D

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 27, 19:09:20
Glad to help - just hope I'm right and they haven't changed anything with Uni - such as you need at least one vampire friend to max out the influence meter! ;D
They must not have as I have a sm who is maxed in influence with 30 or so friends and is at Uni and  he doesnt even Know a Vampire  let alone befriended one

Title: Re: save the trees?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 27, 20:55:04
They must not have as I have a sm who is maxed in influence with 30 or so friends and is at Uni and  he doesnt even Know a Vampire  let alone befriended one

Yeah as far as I can tell they didn't make any changes to the fluence system with NL except for adding the ability to influence vampires to bite people (and infleuncing people to drink the vamprocillin but that is broken).