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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Delandis on 2008 January 25, 20:54:21

Title: Game crashes when try to create pets in CAS
Post by: Delandis on 2008 January 25, 20:54:21
Hello everyone new here, asking a question, please don't make fun of me (I am sensitive LOL  ;D)

I have had Pets since it came out but I don't really don't really give my sims pets that often unless they have a "want" for it. So as I played my game I realized that I never see any stray pets, so I went to add the pets family that comes with that EP that is in the family bin (I think they are called Critter or something) and there is no picture there, so I added them to an existing house/family they are there but they are invisible (if I click on their icon the plumbbob shows up but there is no pet there). Also when I try to create a pet in CAS it crashes the game and I get an error message. I have no idea what happened, I have taken out all CC and this still happens, I uninstall the game reinstall everything back up to Pets EP (all patches installed as well) and its still happening, I am at a loss now I cannot play my game, even a few moments at a time if the Pets EP is installed without it crashing. I uninstall the pets EP and I seem to have no issues with the game for the hour that I played, but I want the pets EP installed that's why I purchased it. Also I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but when I uninstalled the Pets EP, the game still have pets related option but grayed out, like they had the section in buy mode where you can buy pet bowl etc... But grayed out, they have the pet's option in CAS but grayed out not sure if this is normal.

I know basic PC stuff but this I have now idea how to fix it. Can anyone of your really smart, computer savy individuals help me. Thank you!

PC Info
Dell Inspiron 531
Window Vista
NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT graphic card (just installed the latest drivers)
3582 MB RAM
AMD Athalon Dual processor