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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pamysue on 2008 January 24, 23:49:45

Title: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: pamysue on 2008 January 24, 23:49:45
I have a few custom staircases that I have used for longer than I can remember.  They do require you to add text to the modularstairs.txt file.

After putting on BV and adding the text to the files, the game won't load.  Near the end of loading I get a "The application has crashed and you will die and burn in hell" type error box.  I take the text out and the game loads fine, but can't use those stairs.

I have redownloaded all the stairs in case they corrupted and went back over the text file again (and again) to make sure I didn't copy and paste something wrong.

Anyone else having a similar problem?  Are those custom stair just no longer an option?  (Which would suck.  I hate Maxis ugly stairs)

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: Emma on 2008 January 25, 00:40:26
Post the stairs txt file here so we can take a look.

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: Emma on 2008 January 25, 07:41:41
Well-that is strange-it all looks fine to me. :-\ I use the custom modular stairs and have modified my script too but mine works!

The only thing I can think...are you putting the modified script in the right folder? It should be in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\Scripts not in any expansion pack folders.

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: pamysue on 2008 January 25, 18:30:49
Yes, that's where I put it.  It's very annoying as most of the 2-story and up houses in my lot bin use these stairs.
I had hoped that redownloading the files would help, but no joy.   :(

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: Ellatrue on 2008 January 25, 18:55:36
Didn't BV add some new stairs? It's possible you need to modify the script, maybe, to leave those slots free for the new stairs?

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: pamysue on 2008 January 26, 05:00:55
You are right.  BV guide lists the "Backyard Pyramid Step It Up" as new in staircases.  Don't think I even noticed it in build mode.

Any ideas on how to change that script or will the creators have to change something with the objects?  (I know nothing about creating objects.)

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: morriganrant on 2008 January 26, 05:19:16
Possibly, modifying the script so that the stairs work, may only be a matter of changing the number that the custom stair is listed as to a higher number, the modular stair number. (So long as you don't change it to the same number as another set of custom stairs.) I am just guessing though, so if it doesn't work, don't blame me.

I use the scriptorium for this stuff. I find it easier to keep track of the custom stairs this way. I d know that most custom stairs normally have a number in the hundreds listed as the modular stair number in order to avoid maxis additions later on.

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: pamysue on 2008 January 26, 05:26:34
Well crap.  I see now that I have the same script in their twice.  Maybe the same number loading twice is fubaring it.  I'll give it a try with that fixed.

Thanks, morriganrant.  I'd have never looked at those numbers.

Title: Re: Custom stairs crash game loading
Post by: pamysue on 2008 January 27, 06:37:55
Yep, the double entry did it.  All is well now.