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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwykes on 2008 January 24, 14:15:22

Title: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: cwykes on 2008 January 24, 14:15:22
Is the pond supposed to stay frozen in spring?  I used the reward point object to change the season from winter to spring last night so my sims could go fishing, but the pond didn't unfreeze.  Is that normal or glitchy?

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: Emma on 2008 January 24, 14:16:49
It is normal. Now if it stayed frozen all throughout summer, then that would be a glitch. ;) My ponds stay frozen until mid-spring usually.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: Kyna on 2008 January 24, 14:30:17
I find it normal for the game, and irritating.

It doesn't snow in winter where I live, and I set up one of my 'hoods to reflect that, with spring-double summer-autumn.  The pond will freeze over on the first day of spring in this neighbourhood and stay frozen for a few days, which is silly.  Ponds never freeze here.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: cwykes on 2008 January 24, 15:15:58
Thanks Emma - it had unfrozen in summer so I guess it's 'as intended'.  I don't expect ponds to be frozen in spring either. 

I suppose that seasons actually run from quarter day to quarter day and 'winter' weather doesn't just happen in winter.   I'm sure the designers are pretty proud of it, but it does give you odd effects when you re-arrange the Seasons.  Frozen ponds in spring when there's been no winter doesn't make sense.   I find it irritating that there isn't a good setting for Strangetown either - it's a Maxis 'hood so you'd have thought they'd design weather that would work for it.  I've got it set to perpetual summer and it rains way too much.  I guess I'd really like customisable weather.  Don't suppose there's a hack out there to let you tweak the chance of rain etc. is there?

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2008 January 24, 15:26:45

   He/she has several weather/Neighborhood related hacks.  I haven't looked at them too close so don't know what they exactly do.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: cwykes on 2008 January 24, 15:56:04
Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

It just occurred to me that I'm not actually sure what happens to seasonal effects like the Fall skills boost when you re-arrange the seasons.  Do you cycle through those independently of the Season?  I may have set Strangetown to all summer, but I haven't played it enough to notice whether or not I'm stuck with summer effects all year round.

What's the fascination with the Myers Briggs?  OK it's well known, but I learned more about how I work with others from the Margerisson McCann team role stuff, or even Belbin.  I'm ENTP - or was 10 years ago.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: Nepheris on 2008 January 24, 16:04:48
Nope, the seasons linked boosts really depend on the seasons. If you set up a neighbourhood fall-fall-fall-fall for example, you will get a year round of skillboostinz. (I'm lame and my uni hoods are set up like this :P)

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: cwykes on 2008 January 24, 16:22:45
When the game lets you make things easy like that, it feels like you have to take advantage doesn't it.  I've only had Uni a month, but all the sims I've put through so far had maxed most things already.  Still the fall boost would help on term papers etc.  It might be more fun to set up a romance Uni to make things interesting or a 'family and friends' uni so I can pretend they are homesick.

I've checked out the hacks.  Crumplebottom_Marky4444 has done quite a few so there's quite a lot of choice about what you do to the weather.  The big downside is that they are all global hacks and conflict with each other.  You have to live with your choice it for all 'hoods, though I suppose an organised person could keep several around and swap them in and out according to today's game plan. I'll have to think about what I actually want to do before downloading and I guess I'd have to run hackdiff or something over them to see if they conflict with anything awesome.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 January 24, 17:54:42
I find it normal for the game, and irritating.

It doesn't snow in winter where I live, and I set up one of my 'hoods to reflect that, with spring-double summer-autumn.  The pond will freeze over on the first day of spring in this neighbourhood and stay frozen for a few days, which is silly.  Ponds never freeze here.
Odd. They never froze in Queen's Cove. But that was Summer-Summer-Fall-Spring.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2008 January 25, 01:32:53

I've checked out the hacks.  Crumplebottom_Marky4444 has done quite a few so there's quite a lot of choice about what you do to the weather. 

I use no summer rain and no falling leaves in fall, both work great and neither conflict with any of the other hacks I use.

Title: Re: pond stays frozen in spring - is it supposed to?
Post by: cwykes on 2008 January 25, 20:07:36
Good to hear there are no conflicts.  I was wondering if warmthfixes might be targetting the same code.