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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 23, 15:33:08

Title: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 23, 15:33:08
Perhaps it has been discussed before..sorry if it has...I'd appreciate it though it anybody could point me in the right direction.

Last night my sims started going quirky after age transitions.

I first noticed it in a household where a sim aged into an elder.  Two of them to be exact.  They would age normally but then about 1 sim day later they would revert back to their adult looks.  Their age bar would be correct...but they no longer looked like elders.

Then the most extreme cases came with my toddlers transitioning to children and my children transitioning to teens.

They would age as normal but after 1 sim day their icons would revert back to the child or toddler icons.  Any wants concerning the sim would also show up with their child/toddler icon for other sims.    After about 2 days the sim child/teen in question would become invisible.  I could still control them, but they were...invisible. ANd I seem to have no way of getting them back.

This has happened in every  household I've played recently where somebody transitions to a new age.

I have all the same downloads that I had when I first installed NL minus the ones that proved to cause problems.  I haven't downloaded anything since then accept new object meshes/objects/clothes...none of these seem to be causing the problems.

I've honestly had more problems  with this game since installing the patch.  I've even done a reinstall and am still having issues.  I'm  half tempted to reinstall everything..put in critical fixes and say screw the patch if my game keeps acting's starting to get very frusturating.    I'm about to upload some pics so you can see some of what I'm talking about.

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 23, 15:40:31
Okay here's hoping photobucket isn't completely retarded...sometimes it doesn't work for me

First we have the dreamer family

Maemi is a child now...she is posing in the child pose... but obviously in the family screen she is still a toddler...when I load up the house she invisible..her icon is that of the toddler version of her 


Next is the Pleasant Family...Seth is holding his niece..he is supposed to be a teen but his icon is still a child.  Again he has aged into a teen..become invisible..but still controllable and his icon shows a child instead of a teen


Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: gali on 2005 October 23, 20:01:10
It happened to me too several times. You have to "change appereance" of the transiting sim, by buying new clothes, plan outfits, and put them in front of the mirror. The simulator doesn't accept the default clothes they are given during the transition, and treats them as if they didn't make transition at all.

Sometimes my sim is already a student, but in the SimPe I see his teen picture; only after I "change appereance", I receive the real appereance of him.

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 24, 00:26:10
Interesting..I would have never connected the two.

Of course I went tinkering around with Simpe before I read your reply to give it a try the elders will probably die very early deaths now..but ah well.

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 00:52:06
Just use SimPE to put their ages back to the beginning of the elder stage.

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 26, 05:28:02
I've only had that upon re-entering lots after a game crash and letting Sims transition. Probably not the same thing as they look the new transition but act the old one.
I know it's frowned upon here by many, but the Insiminator is useful to reset ages without exitting the game.

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 26, 11:17:42
I did use the insiminator to help out with a few problems when it came to this "bug".

I know many many have bad things to say about it lol...but it works for me in my game w/ no problems so that's all that matters to me lol

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 11:18:56
Me too. No inseminated issues to report in my game, either.

Title: Re: Ack..bugginess..anybody want to take a stab at this one
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 26, 12:19:49
It does work for aging issues, although with that sim modder tool that comes with NL in debug mode no (oh no boolprop run away!!!  ;D ) it's not as necessary for those issues.