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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: SarahKOM on 2008 January 20, 17:08:03

Title: Flashy, Dancey screens.
Post by: SarahKOM on 2008 January 20, 17:08:03
My game is not a disco, so this is seriously annoying.

It was acting perfectly normal until I was adding Sim State Uni to Plesantville and the border of the dialog box began to 'bleed' into the surrounding screen, it went out pretty far too.
Me, being an unawesome eejit, still added the college. Anyways, when the college was created, the screen was the loading screen. It also keep flashing on and off really fast. Everything else was fine, the HUD reacted normally (Heck, better than usual). Anyways, I figured it'd be best to go back to the main hood.
When that loaded, the screen kept 'dancing' and jerking back and forth. Again, the HUD was normal. I loaded an empty house to check it, and that was normal.
When I went exited to the hood again it showed the flashy loading screen again. I went to delete the college but I couldn't find the little trashbin icon anywhere. The OK button also began to flash green.
After that I used CtrlAltDel to get out, but it wouldn't react so I turned off my computer, it did a DiskCheck before shutting down.

I have a lot of CC but I've downloaded nothing new since last night when it was working fine and the FFS Debugger five minutes ago.
I have Uni, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, FFS, Holiday stuff, TSS, GLS and H&M stuff, if it's relevant.

I would really appreciate help here. I'm off to delete the college in case it does anything.

Title: Re: Flashy, Dancey screens.
Post by: Charamei on 2008 January 27, 00:24:36
This happened to me today, too, in my Legacy hood - but no adding of subhoods was involved, it just started happening. I rolled back to an earlier backup: I'd been trying something new with SimPE (permanently altering Sim heights) and thought that had caused it. Seemed fine at first, but my game just crashed out.

I'm now wondering if it's something to do with Windoze, since I allowed it to install updates last night. Are you on XP? If so, has it updated in the past X days?

Title: Re: Flashy, Dancey screens.
Post by: SarahKOM on 2008 January 31, 12:40:48
I'm on XP, but I didn't upstate anything recently.

Title: Re: Flashy, Dancey screens.
Post by: floopyboo on 2008 January 31, 12:46:48
your graphics card or drivers may have crapped itself/updated/uninstalled itself/etc.

I had a lovely flashing hot pink hood when mine did that the other night. Check your settings.

Title: Re: Flashy, Dancey screens.
Post by: SarahKOM on 2008 January 31, 21:43:56
What should I be looking for exactly? I'm kind of an idiot...

Title: Re: Flashy, Dancey screens.
Post by: Charamei on 2008 February 01, 18:36:13
your graphics card or drivers may have crapped itself/updated/uninstalled itself/etc.

I had a lovely flashing hot pink hood when mine did that the other night. Check your settings.
Though mine had sorted itself out, but it hadn't; for me at least, it seems to have been a precursor to this (,10735.0.html), which I'm now getting as soon as I load the hood. Haven't tried with different, smaller hoods yet: will do so at some point.

My drivers are updated, so is DirectX, and the card is reasonably new, and it's not an overheating issue (I've just checked: computer is currently open, elevated, freshly hoovered and not at all warm), so I'm going to take a look at the power supply next. I wouldn't be surprised if it's drawing too much, although it ran Oblivion without trouble. YMMV.