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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 22:27:25

Title: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 22:27:25
Once again, not an incestuous issue. Not technically. Sorry, sanmonroe.
Can anyone explain to me how in-law status affects chemistry? I have a situation that perplexes me. I have a sim named Josh, who, since NL, apparently has a thing for his brother Bradley's wife. They have 2 lightening bolts for each other. If I have any sims in the room that Josh shares 3 lightening bolts with, including Josh's fiancee, when asked to "scope room", Josh will always say "Dayna is hot!". He always, without fail, chooses Dayna over any other sims in the room, even those he has more chemistry with. He's obsessed with her when she's in the same room as him. I have so many pictures of Josh doing the "la la la"...thing over Dayna; it's become a new storyline. Dayna is romance, Josh is romance, Bradley is popularity. Bradley and Josh are both Taurus and have almost identical personalities. Bradley and Dayna have 3 bolts together. I can't figure out why Josh and Dayna don't also have 3 bolts for each other, and why Josh is so taken with her with just 2 bolts. The only thing I can think of is that the familial ties must factor into the equation. Josh has all the flirt options available for Dayna, but Dayna has only the family options for Josh. Could that lose them a bolt? And is Josh reacting as though he has 3 bolts, because maybe they actually would have 3 bolts if Dayna wasn't his sister-in-law? Just guessing.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 22:48:14
Is it just me, or is the site slow as molasses right now?
Anyway, I set up a situation and took a screenshot. You can see in the relationship panel that Josh has 3 bolts for the sim with the bladder desperation going on, lol. He also has 3 bolts with the female sim in the orange dress, but she doesn't show up in the relationship panel in this shot. And you can also see he has 2 bolts with Dayna. Josh is scoping the room, and Dayna is the only one glowing.


Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 October 22, 23:26:17
It *could* have something to do with her marital status.  I use "could" loosely based on what I just experienced.  This one girl I had living at college had two bolts with the Lahma mascot and three bolts with her boyfriend.  But when she graduated and I got her married to said boyfriend, she went down to one bolt with the mascot.

I guess its the chemisty systems way of dischoriging cheating or whatever.  95% of my sims would be adulterous little scampes if I didn't intervene, slap them on the wrist, and tell them "NO!".

There are exceptions however.  Take John and Jennifer Burb for example.  In my game, even with complimenting turn ons and offs, the best they can hit is two bolts.  Jennifer's zodiac is repelled by John's.  John will swoon over her when I use "Check Sim Out", but she just goes "meh" when I do the same for her.  When the welcome wagon came by to greet them after I moved them in Brandi Brooke was in the group, and John instantly got three bolts with her.  And they were both swooning over each other.

I usually play my families monogamously, but I think I'll use this as an excuse to throw some drama in.  Happy families get monotnous after a while.  And if Jennifer doesn't care one way ot the other about John, he should probably go and find someone who does...

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: gali on 2005 October 23, 00:31:58
You have to test 3 fits:

1) Zodiac-sign fit (Taurus is attracted by Aries and Libra) - what is the girl sign?
2) Turn-ons and turn-offs - perhaps one of them lack the same turn-on with the other, which can reduce the bolts.
3) Mutual interests - if they have not mutual interests, it can reduce too the bolts; they have to have at least 5 mutual interests.

You can arrange it with the SimPe.

In this case, you have to decide which one of the brothers will stay with the girl, and reduce the relationship between the girl and the other brother. If Josh is turned on by blond hair - make the girl with black hair, and so on.

It is natural that a romance sim will drive attraction, no matter who is in the room.

I have much more hard situation than yours: Tank Grunt is now Knowledge (Capricorn), married to a beautiful townie (Aquarius), with a baby, and wants to flirt with each "skirt" around, no matter if he has 3, 2, 1 or zero bolts with her...:).

His mother, Lyla Grunt. was a romance sim, and inherited him the romance genes...:).

I always am on guard, because he is a dangerous sim, and can "slip" quickly to an affair, although he is madly in love with his wife...:). He forgets the flirt wish right after I fulfill any of his other wishes, and again concentrate only in his wife.

He has 3 bolts with the fiancees/wives of his brothers (Ripp and Buck), and every now and then he wishes to flirt with them - tough guy...:).

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 00:45:26
The brothers are nearly identical in personality, have the same zodiac sign, almost the exact same interests, are in the same career field, same career level (not that that matters), the only difference, really, is that the husband is Popularity and his brother is romance. The two brothers also have the same traits that Dayna is attracted to. She likes hats and fitness, they both fit the bill. I'm thinking you're right, Trepie, and the family status is what's keeping them at two bolts. If I have Dayna scope the room, she will always swoon over Bradley. If I have Dayna ask Josh if he likes what he sees, he...well, likes what he sees. If I have Josh ask Dayna, she says "meh". And, like I said, she only has the family options available for Josh. If she wants to kiss him, it's a family kiss. Even though in her wants panel she wants to "woohoo" Josh!

I *could* change it so that there would not be any attraction between Josh and Dayna, but this is kind of a fun storyline. They haven't woohoo'd, yet, although there has been some casual kissing and flirting. I don't know if there will be any woohoo between them. But there will be plenty of woohoo-al tension!

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 23, 17:28:10
Wooo!!  From the looks of that screen shot, Dayna IS hot!  I don't blame your Sim.


Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 17:45:49
Is she sparkling for you too, Hook?  ;)

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 23, 17:59:29
Is she sparkling for you too, Hook?  ;)

Oh YEAH!!  Hehe!

I've only had a couple of Sims affect me that way.  Abhijeet Depiesse had a pair of twins by my very first CAS Sim.  As children they weren't anything special, but once they aged into teens they were absolutely gorgeous!  You wouldn't think Abhijeet would have daughters that beautiful.


Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 18:17:17
Dayna and Bradley's daughter,Taylor, is also very pretty. This is her, with her husband, Jeremy. She is Brandi Broke's granddaughter, believe it or not! Bradley is Brandi's son with Joe.


Joe is a nice little breeder sim. He has yet to produce an unattractive child. He has 4 sons with Brandi, 3 sons and 2 daughters with Bella, 2 sons and 2 daughters with one of my CAS females, and another son by another CAS female. All very nice looking.

Dayna is a CAS I made when I first got the game a long time ago. She has huge Maxian eyes, which is something that I try to avoid, now, as it can look cartoonish, but it suits her. Looks kind of funny on her son, though.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 23, 19:44:48
It's interesting given the Aspirations of the three sims.

Romance -> Popularity = + attraction
Romance -> Romance = + attraction
Popularity -> Romance = neutral attraction

So if I'm reading this correctly, there should be slightly LESS chemistry for the couple because the husband is Popularity.  Whereas the brother/sister-in-law combo should merit slightly higher.

I would guess the marital status effect and some combo of turn-ons/offs are what's affecting it.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 19:55:18
Yes, that's what I would have thought, as well. But the husband and wife have higher chemistry, even with the Popularity/romance combo. It has to be the family thing. Or else I have a sim who's taken on a life of his own and is saying, "Screw the bolt system, Dayna's hot!" :D

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 23, 22:18:20
I posted about as similar problem somewhere on here.  Desdemona Goth-Dreamer has the super-duper hots for Jonathan Burb (identical personalities, aspirations & sun-signs) and all the normal interactions aree open to her, but he can only give her family kisses and friendly hugs.  They're not blood relatives, but Jonathan is married to Desdemona's niece (Desdemona is Darren's daughter, Melinda is Dirk's daughter).  When I tested by giving them a crush, it was like a tap being turned-on, they were all over each other.

The stupid thing is that Jonathan IS related to his wife, except it doesn't show-up in the game.  His mother (Jennifer Burb) is the auntie of Lilith, who's Melinda's mother, so Jonathan's mother is his wife's great aunt.  I suppose they're some sort of cousins - still not a barrier to 'relations', but it seems a bit silly that he's rejecting someone with no blood relationship for someone who has.  JM reckons that this can happen if one party is present at the marriage of another, that sort of thing.  In other words, that told Jonathan Desdemona was family so a block went up.  Something like that.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 24, 19:52:03
JM reckons that this can happen if one party is present at the marriage of another, that sort of thing.  In other words, that told Jonathan Desdemona was family so a block went up.  Something like that.

Hmmmm, but Josh attended Bradley and Dayna's wedding. He was still a teenager, then. Or does that only matter to the sims at the altar, and not the guests?

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 26, 05:35:11
My game may be crazy, but I found that in a Legacy home, where I moved out 2 Siblings, the baby born the next day is not considered related to his aunt/uncle, and in fact wants to flirt with whichever happens to stop by to visit the old family home.
This is with the original game only, it will be interesting to see what happens when I install the EPs.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 06:22:21
Ooo...that's not right. :P

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 06:48:40
Okay, I really don't understand this jealousy, family loyalty thing, now. Brandi Broke caught Josh (who is her son) and Dayna mid-flirt. Bradley (Josh's brother, Dayna's husband) is also Brandi's son. Gary (who is Joe's brother, and Josh's/Bradley's uncle) also witnessed the flirting. I noticed that the relationship scores for Dayna dropped significantly for both Gary and Brandi. For Josh, they went from 100/100 to 80/100. I was curious, so I set the scores back to 100/100 on all sides. If Dayna flirted with Josh, the previously stated scores were the result. If Josh flirted with Dayna, no point loss occured for either Gary or Brandi. So, basically, as long as Josh did all the flirting and kissing, it was A-OK by Brandi and Gary. If Dayna initiated, both Gary and Brandi would watch distressed, with penalties to both Josh's and Dayna's scores. Dayna's score suffered the most, going down to -100 easily. Yet another bass-ackward thing, if you ask me. 

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 26, 08:47:31
My game may be crazy, but I found that in a Legacy home, where I moved out 2 Siblings, the baby born the next day is not considered related to his aunt/uncle, and in fact wants to flirt with whichever happens to stop by to visit the old family home.
This is with the original game only, it will be interesting to see what happens when I install the EPs.

I can top that! In my Legacy, the grown daughter has dreams of her mother with the little attraction hearts floating around. Very, very bizarre. And speaking of bizarre, no spoilers, but have I got a doozy of a three-bolt romance going on. You can never tell with these Sims.....

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 10:52:59
My game may be crazy, but I found that in a Legacy home, where I moved out 2 Siblings, the baby born the next day is not considered related to his aunt/uncle, and in fact wants to flirt with whichever happens to stop by to visit the old family home.
This is with the original game only, it will be interesting to see what happens when I install the EPs.

I can top that! In my Legacy, the grown daughter has dreams of her mother with the little attraction hearts floating around. Very, very bizarre. And speaking of bizarre, no spoilers, but have I got a doozy of a three-bolt romance going on. You can never tell with these Sims.....

Oh! Oh! Oh! Gotta go read!

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 11:16:15
Oh, man, your stories are too funny!
I noticed Ivory has the same outfit on that one of my sims wears...hmmm. Nerdy chic, huh? And here I thought he was all stylin' and stuff.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: reggikko on 2005 October 26, 18:19:55
Oh, man, your stories are too funny!
I noticed Ivory has the same outfit on that one of my sims wears...hmmm. Nerdy chic, huh? And here I thought he was all stylin' and stuff.

Thanks Brynne. :) The crazy 3-bolt romance is coming in the next installment, actually. I should have been more clear on that.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Assmitten on 2005 October 26, 18:29:25
I agree with Brynne--I read Reggikko's stuff for the first time the other day. HILARIOUS! The captions were killing me. I will keep watching for future installments.

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 26, 20:29:04
Oh, man, your stories are too funny!
I noticed Ivory has the same outfit on that one of my sims wears...hmmm. Nerdy chic, huh? And here I thought he was all stylin' and stuff.

Thanks Brynne. :) The crazy 3-bolt romance is coming in the next installment, actually. I should have been more clear on that.

Eagerly awaiting!

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 November 07, 23:24:35
I have a weird situation,Consort married a romance sim with a romance teen daughter.  And Tybalt caressed her the first time he saw her(at the wedding) I wrong but aren't they considered family usually.  Seems to me that Maxis is pretty strict with family.  Is this a glitch or is it normal.  He has three bolts for his step mom too but he hasn't seen her since starting college so I don't know if there are options.  He has all options with his step sister I tryed to keep them apart but her grabbed her and started making out with her when my back was turned--perve!!!

Title: Re: Familial chemistry
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 08, 01:06:17
I have a weird situation,Consort married a romance sim with a romance teen daughter.  And Tybalt caressed her the first time he saw her(at the wedding) I wrong but aren't they considered family usually.  Seems to me that Maxis is pretty strict with family.  Is this a glitch or is it normal.  He has three bolts for his step mom too but he hasn't seen her since starting college so I don't know if there are options.  He has all options with his step sister I tryed to keep them apart but her grabbed her and started making out with her when my back was turned--perve!!!

Huh.  FWIW, I got myself in a bit of a spot (no expansion packs installed at the time).  My major plot when I started playing involved two teenagers who I intended to marry off.  Everything went beautifully (true love, going steady) until their single parents met and married.  When the teens transitioned to adulthood, they were flagged as family and could no longer interact romantically.

I fixed it in SimPE, as I was quite desperate to continue my plot.  (No yick factor, the parents met through the already in love teens.)

I think the game intention is to flag step siblings as off limits, but in my case it didn't happen until age transition.  It's easy to check and uncheck "family" flags in SimPE, if you want to give a go.