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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kyna on 2008 January 04, 14:57:43

Title: Skillinator Query
Post by: Kyna on 2008 January 04, 14:57:43
I couldn't see a thread for the skillinator in the Firing Range or in the Armoury, so am posting this here.

Does the skillinator not recognise the grand piano from BV, when skilling creativity? 

I instructed a sim to skillinate/creativity, his mood was good, and nobody else was using the grand piano, however the command dropped out of his queue for no reason that I can see.  The only creativity object on the lot is the grand piano.

Title: Re: Skillinator Query
Post by: Aner-Dyfan on 2008 January 04, 15:10:35
My version of skillinator came with Macrotastics from the BRY thread. The one I am now using however is the DC one.

However despite that the grand piano doesn't seem to be recognised by skillinator. Did the same test as you, only creativity item on lot, and skillinator just gets stomped.

Title: Re: Skillinator Query
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2008 January 06, 09:08:14
I will investigate the piano. As a new item, it is probably not recognized by the old piano logic.

Title: Re: Skillinator Query
Post by: jolrei on 2008 January 07, 15:06:54
Seems since BV, whenever I have tried to skillinate for creativity, sims choose the easel.  I thought perhaps it was just that the easel was present on the lot and advertised more than the piano.  Since BV I have replaced most of the stand-up pianos (which are ugly IMO) with nice shiny grands, so my test is likely fail (no old piano control group).

Title: Re: Skillinator Query
Post by: Ness on 2008 January 07, 22:29:48
Old pianos are always chosen over the easels.

Title: Re: Skillinator Query
Post by: ReneeFox on 2008 January 08, 08:40:51
That stupid piano is buggy!  Sims get stuck in the seat after playing (standing up), and can't move away.  I have a grande piano from someone before BV came out, and it works like a charm.  The one from Maxis has problems.  I could probably use the code from the one that works to fix Maxis' grande piano, but I just use the CC one.

Title: Re: Skillinator Query
Post by: jolrei on 2008 January 08, 20:04:41
That stupid piano is buggy!...I could probably use the code from the one that works to fix Maxis' grande piano, but I just use the CC one.

Not something that I have noticed.  So far this problem does not exist in my game.