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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: sudaki on 2008 January 02, 05:44:53

Title: Seasons Bodyshop won't save Sims
Post by: sudaki on 2008 January 02, 05:44:53
I recently installed Seasons (I'm behind the times) and after doing so BodyShop would always crash upon loading.  I removed some downloads, my SavedSims folder, and deleted cigen and so forth and finally got it to load.  Now it works fine...... except it won't save new Sims.  I hit the "Done Building Sim" button and it takes me back to the Sim bin seemingly as usual, but my new creation isn't there. Ideas, anyone?

Mac user, FYI. I'm hoping this isn't a Mac-specific issue, or if it is, that someone knows how to fix it.  :P

Title: Re: Seasons Bodyshop won't save Sims
Post by: jsalemi on 2008 January 02, 22:54:46
I had a similar problem after Pets, and it turned out the install didn't update the icon for Body Shop, so it still pointed to an older version rather than the Pets version. Not sure how Macs do it, but you might want to check and see if it's a similar problem.