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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MidnightVoyager on 2007 December 31, 23:19:35

Title: Overly Clear Water
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2007 December 31, 23:19:35
Yeah, I'm using a GeForce 7950, updated all drivers, everything. The water in the Landgrabb pool is... FAR too clear. Here, let me show you:


I've updated the drivers, yes, I've changed the settings around, I've destroyed and remade the pool. Nothing. Couldn't find anything helpful in the search either. Any ideas?

Title: Re: Overly Clear Water
Post by: Angie on 2007 December 31, 23:31:23
Do you play with shaders off?

The oceans on my beach lots look similar when I turn shaders off.

Title: Re: Overly Clear Water
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2007 December 31, 23:55:34
I have everything turned on in the options. Shaders... er, isn't listed in the graphics options for Sims 2. Huh. How can I check that?

Title: Re: Overly Clear Water
Post by: Angie on 2008 January 01, 00:10:22
Enter in the cheat window:

"boolprop useshaders true"                        To enable shaders
"boolprop useshaders false"                       To disable shaders

Title: Re: Overly Clear Water
Post by: MidnightVoyager on 2008 January 01, 00:25:48
Oh dear.

So shaders ARE on. When they're turned off, this happens:


Title: Re: Overly Clear Water
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2008 January 01, 12:47:41
The water looks pretty normal to me - it's so "clear" only because of the light wallpaper of the pool. I'd recommend trying with one of the default pool walls or darker ones if you don't like the look.