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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Elvie on 2005 October 20, 17:58:08

Title: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: Elvie on 2005 October 20, 17:58:08
Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find the Memories in a Bottle hack (quickly deletes/adds all memories) at MTS2.  Does it still exist?  Or am I looking at the wrong site?

Apologies in advance if it's actually easy to find  ::)

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 20, 18:01:27
It's on VS now. Carrigon's moved there. (

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: Elvie on 2005 October 21, 00:40:59
Thank you!   ;D

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: Elvie on 2005 October 21, 00:54:05
Poop.  It's not compatible with Nightlife.

Well, thanks again, anyway.

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 October 21, 01:08:58
Why would anyone want to edit memories?

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: witch on 2005 October 21, 05:11:41
Many people actually. I don't bother myself, I only rarely check memories and then mainly to see whether a certain event has occurred or not, but some people like to keep sim's memories tidy I guess, and get rid of all the memory spam.

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 22, 17:15:03
I personally use it to check how much money a given sim has accumulated. I do any memory editing needed in SimPE. Occasionally, a sim gets memories that it shouldn't, or doesn't get memories that it should. Also, in certain situations you may want to create some memories and relationships for a neighborhood before you start playing it.

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: dusty on 2005 October 22, 20:52:58
Why would anyone want to edit memories?

I'd quite like to get rid of the caught cheating memory my sim got when that cow mascot flirted with her - she even rejected the flirt, so why should it be considered an affair and cheating?  ???

Title: Re: Memories in a Bottle
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 22, 22:30:46
That's a big pet peeve of mine, as well. I always delete those memories. I also get a little weirded out when the "caught 'x' cheating" memory is using the wrong sim as the subject. For example, I have a pair of brothers in my game. One brother had an affair with the other brother's wife. When caught, the second brother slapped the first brother and got a memory of "caught Joe cheating". Ew. Shouldn't it say he caught his wife cheating???