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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Regina on 2005 October 19, 22:10:47

Title: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 19, 22:10:47
Criminy!  It didn't even dawn on me last night after I moved this family into their house, but when I moved them it reset all their aspiration meters down to default, like they'd just been created brand new, and not only did it do that but it took away my sim's Perma-Plat!

This re-setting the aspiration is something new that's happened since installing NL's 'patch'.  When this family moved to their other house, their aspiration meters were reset and I thought it happened when I tried to reset a bed that had not made the move well.  Then last night they moved to another house and I didn't try to reset anything (just decided to sell off the bugged objects and buy replacements) and their aspiration meters were back down.  When they moved before, Alistair wasn't at Perma-Plat.

I haven't played the family long enough to see if it might stay full once it fills up, but this is ridiculous!

Also, pre-NL 'patch', when a sim fulfilled one lifetime want another one rolled.  Well, that's no longer happening either.

I'm going to go post this on the BBS Tech Board, too.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 20, 01:14:08
"Also, pre-NL 'patch', when a sim fulfilled one lifetime want another one rolled.  Well, that's no longer happening either."

I wonder if from the start this was not a bug that they corrected with the patch.  For me a Sim should have to fulfill only1 lifetime want since the name does say lifetime.  But if when they move they would loose that permanent Platinum aspiration meter it is another thing.

I will check in my game and let you know if I have the same problem when I move my sims.

EDIT:  Same thing happened to me when I move a family into a new house.  Both were in gold level, now they are in lower green.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 01:19:21
I think I'd be reluctant to move mine (unless I've just backed up the game, of course!)

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 October 20, 01:25:41
You could put them back to permaplat with the lot debugger.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 01:33:42
I've never seen that option on mine!

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 October 20, 01:35:25
I think it's called "toggle lifetime want bit" or something. You can use it to turn permaplat on and off.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 01:43:04
Well, maybe you can turn it off and then on - but if they've lost permaplat for some other reason, then I don't know if it would work.

You could, of course, use one of gnomon's flamingos of excellence, but then all your sim on the lot would go into platinum for most of the time.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: buddha pest on 2005 October 20, 01:52:11
The lot debugger thing would most likely work. I think it works on pretty much anyone. When I first got uni, I gave all my existing elders permaplat with it because I didn't think it was fair that they never had a chance to earn it in the first place. Well, maybe some of them still had a chance, but I was too lazy to start striving like that when they were so late in life. That's another story anyway.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 01:56:18
Oh, well that's good to know - I hadn't realised it would do that!

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 20, 04:03:34
I wonder if we use the new cheat "lockaspratiion on" before we move if it would work or does that cheat only applies in the lot itself?

I guess I will have to try it and let you know.

EDIT:  I just tried and it does not work but, until this is fix (if ever it is) you can use the cheat "aspirationlevel #" 3 will give you high green, 4 will give you gold and 5 will give you platinum aspiration.  With that you can at least set them back to approximately the level they were before they move.  It is kind of a work around.  I will also report this to Maxis.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 20, 04:29:14
I think it's called "toggle lifetime want bit" or something. You can use it to turn permaplat on and off.

Really?  I've never been able to get that to work properly.  I'll have a look if any of my permaplats have lost it for some reason and will check it out (I don't have many).

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 06:15:47
I was hoping to get back on here sooner but life kinda goes this way and that sometimes.

You know, I just love testing this game--sure wish they'd pay me (and everyone else) for it!  And with my Legacy family to boot!  It's no wonder I keep starting over and over--not like I keep real score anyway because I use too many mods and such.  I just do it for the fun of it.  :o

At any rate, I decided since they were all in platinum when they moved out of their old home and arrived in their new one in green there was no way I was sending them to work and school like that so Merola's Multi-Painting to the rescue!  I boosted the whole family to platinum and the really great news is, Alistair's aspiration meter is Perma-Plat again!

Since one of the kids was online I went ahead and played with the family for a while.  Braun turned into a teenager and very oddly, he didn't get a lifetime want at all.  When I moused-over the aspiration meter it read like one that had been fulfilled.  I pulled out the Renu-U-Sensor Orb and changed his aspiration momentarily to Pleasure Seeker and he then came up with a LTW of becoming a Mad Scienist.  I changed him back to popularity with the Renu-U-Sensor Orb and he still has the LTW of becoming a Mad scientist.  I'm going to say this could possibly be from the more variety in aspirations mod I have in my game so I'll take that out tomorrow and re-program him again and see what happens.  This is strange.  His dad's Knowledge and wanted to be a Mad Scientist.  His older sister is Knowledge and rolled up with the Mad Scientist want which I thought was pretty normal.  Now a Popularity sim wanting to be a Mad Scientist? LOL

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 07:01:35
I've just put the LTW mod back into my game, before moving the Burbs into a house.  John wants to be Chief of Staff!  Well, so I shall let him fulfill that - so much more motivating for the idle bugger than lounging around trying to get poor jennifer to be a baby machine!  and next time he gets the baby want, he gets the expensive telescope (hacked version).

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 07:06:27
and next time he gets the baby want, he gets the expensive telescope (hacked version).

LOL!  I won't let a family man marry anything but a family woman.  A family woman works with other aspirations, but I think it's so unfair if the sim has to have a bunch of kids she doesn't necessarily want just to keep her hubby happy.  Jeesh!

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 October 20, 09:25:48

LOL!  I won't let a family man marry anything but a family woman.  A family woman works with other aspirations, but I think it's so unfair if the sim has to have a bunch of kids she doesn't necessarily want just to keep her hubby happy.  Jeesh!

Yeah, but it makes for some good stories.  ;D

I play the wants heavily, striving to always keep everybody in platinum, as full as possible. When I mix up the types, I'm much more likely to have a good story evolve from couples with competing wants. (Since I don't let my Sims fight much, I have to have conflict somewhere.)

I love the Burbs, even if I don't like Jennifer that much.  (She wouldn't win the "Sim I'd Most Like to Have Tea in RL With award).  John does walk around moping for a baby...but I can "satisfy" him by getting a flirt/kiss/woo hoo chain going, and that is the story.

Meanwhile, little credit to Jennifer please.  They started out my game with no money cheats - she worked her ass off, to pull them out of near poverty to a very nice house and a comfortable way of life.  John has been very supportive (can anyone say macrotastics "clean" and "garden"), so eventually he'll get his baby...

I use the family aspiration more sparingly, I think, than a lot of people do.  Much more likely to get bored by a family/family family than any other combo.

I don't want to derail this thread too horribly.  I think I am going to take the plunge and install NL this weekend.  Need to know if there are compensations that have to be made if I start moving families around.  (I'm lazy and am letting everybody else test the game out for me!!)

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 10:08:58
Well the main compensation, I think, is that the game loads more quickly, especially when going to community lots or downtown.

I just tried the toggling LTW bit with the Oldies and after about half-a-sim-hour, they suddenly went into perma-plat - I think before I've tried it, then switched to another sim, so I think if you want it to work you may have to stay with that sim until it happens.

I don't dislike the Burbs, some installations they work fine, others she gets so bogged down in Buy a counter costing at least 900 simoleons that I lose patience with her!  How many top-of-the range counters do you need in your kitchen and bathrooms?

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 20, 17:35:23
This is happening in my game, too.  I moved a family where both elders were perma-plat to a new house and they reset to default green, as did their teenage son who'd been gold or platinum when they moved.  I shoved both elders up to top whack via boolProp, but as the day progressed they started to drop down.  I had one or two others who lost it and eventually settled back into perma-plat, but I can't remember if they'd moved house or not.

As for the no Lifetime Want when transitioning to teen, I read today that once they satisfy their first want, they get their Lifetime Want. 

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Marvelleaux on 2005 October 20, 17:48:36
In addition to loosing his Platinum Aspiration status my sim lost his only friendship credit as well. 

I moved out Husband sim and into a larger house and noticed that although his relationship score with his wife remained the same his influence meter dropped and the number of friends shown in the career field showed Zero.

Very annoying.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 17:50:41
I don't dislike the Burbs, some installations they work fine, others she gets so bogged down in Buy a counter costing at least 900 simoleons that I lose patience with her!  How many top-of-the range counters do you need in your kitchen and bathrooms?

I enjoy money sims from time to time but for me they get pretty dull with all those wants.  If I can steer them in the right direction they're much more fun.  One a while back kept wanting to buy counters and I was thinking, 'Honey, there's just no more room in that kitchen!'  And this kitchen wasn't exactly small. ;)

I don't want to derail this thread too horribly.  I think I am going to take the plunge and install NL this weekend.  Need to know if there are compensations that have to be made if I start moving families around.  (I'm lazy and am letting everybody else test the game out for me!!)

I think you'll find if you can get past the darned frustrations it can be really enjoyable.  I was extremely happy when I found out they actually fixed the clothing problem that was introduced with the original patch--the one where all sims were age transitioned in the same clothes and they didn't actually own any of those clothes.  I had something like six teenage girls walking around the neighborhood in that short little beige skirt and blue halter top because their parents were just getting to where they could afford to buy a couple articles of clothing.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 18:01:50
Me too - and before I had the clothing tool I had to waste time taking them all down to the shops to buy something reasonable!  I'm glad, also that some of the more way out teenage/YA clothing is still available for adults, so you can at least keep a sim with a particular style looking the same - but if there is a Maxis version of the teenage outfit, why on earth can't they just transition to that?

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 18:47:41
Speaking of that clothing tool, how does it work?  I downloaded it and follows the instructions on putting it in my game but it doesn't appear to be functioning.  It seemed to me like the globals package might belong somewhere other than Downloads, but I don't know for sure.

I've been almost afraid to ask for fear of my lips getting ripped off.  They're chappy enough as it is!  ;D

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: knitro on 2005 October 20, 18:56:35
Has anyone reported this bug on the official board?

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Venusy on 2005 October 20, 18:56:56
Speaking of that clothing tool, how does it work?  I downloaded it and follows the instructions on putting it in my game but it doesn't appear to be functioning.  It seemed to me like the globals package might belong somewhere other than Downloads, but I don't know for sure.

I've been almost afraid to ask for fear of my lips getting ripped off.  They're chappy enough as it is!  ;D
Clothing Tool: Buy in Misc.../Misc for $5. Then, snarf clothes, or buy clothes. The globals package works so that when Young Adults age transition with a clothing tool on the lot, they are presented with the buy clothes dialogue to help in their adult life. The globals package may or may not be compatible with NL.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 20, 19:03:56
Has anyone reported this bug on the official board?

Better yet, I filled out one of those 'official' bug report forms.  I also posted on the BBS.

Clothing Tool: Buy in Misc.../Misc for $5. Then, snarf clothes, or buy clothes. The globals package works so that when Young Adults age transition with a clothing tool on the lot, they are presented with the buy clothes dialogue to help in their adult life. The globals package may or may not be compatible with NL.

Oh, silly me!  (Okay, folks, start ripping off what's left of my lips!)  From what I've read, the Clothing Tool is compatible with NL so I went ahead and downloaded it.  At any rate, I'll give it a check-out this afternoon.  Thanks so much for your help!

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 19:12:07
Clothing Tool: Buy in Misc.../Misc for $5. Then, snarf clothes, or buy clothes. The globals package works so that when Young Adults age transition with a clothing tool on the lot, they are presented with the buy clothes dialogue to help in their adult life. The globals package may or may not be compatible with NL.
The globals package is NL compatible.  I have graduated several YAs recently.  But I don't think you have to have the clothing tool on the lot.  I think JM said you didn't necessarily have to have it on the lot.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: hyperCat on 2005 October 20, 19:22:36
I've had sims lose perma-plat before. Angela Pleasant just moved into a sorority when I noticed she had gone out of platinum (fulfilled her "have 20 best friends" want whilst living in the dorms). A few minutes later, I heard the bup-bup-bup noise and she was back in perma-plat. I think Dirk Dreamer had the same thing happen when he moved into a frat house. Since the problem resolved itself, I didn't bother filing a bug report.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 20, 19:24:42
Before NL, I know that when I would move a family, they would lose their platinum status until one of their wants was filled.  I was told this was normal.  After that, they stayed platinum as normal.  I haven't tred this since NL though.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 October 21, 01:22:05
Interesting. Makes me wonder what some folks have installed in their download folders.

I've had multiple sims fulfill multiple LTW's since NightLife and they're all fine. I also have some pre-Nightlife sims who had their LTW's fulfilled prior to NL installation an they're fine as well.

They are supposed to re-roll new LTW and select something new based on their aspiration. If you'll refer to the memory, it'll read something like "I wonder what I'll do now?"

Seems like something has gone afoul in Denmark. Remove hacks, re-fufill LTW without them (it's not difficult for most after you've done it once) and see what happens.

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 05:09:02
Interesting. Makes me wonder what some folks have installed in their download folders.

I've had multiple sims fulfill multiple LTW's since NightLife and they're all fine. I also have some pre-Nightlife sims who had their LTW's fulfilled prior to NL installation an they're fine as well.

They are supposed to re-roll new LTW and select something new based on their aspiration. If you'll refer to the memory, it'll read something like "I wonder what I'll do now?"

Seems like something has gone afoul in Denmark. Remove hacks, re-fufill LTW without them (it's not difficult for most after you've done it once) and see what happens.

I'll be the first to admit I use hacks (I prefer to call them mods because hacks just sounds too bloody).  I've moved sims from house to house previously without this problem occurring and didn't put new hacks in my game in the meantime.

Since there's no lifetime want to fulfill it's going to be a bit tricky, isn't it? LOL

I don't have University, so this whole new LTW thing is new to me.  I'm basing my assessment of what should happen on the way it worked between the time I installed NL and installed the patch. 

Title: Re: Sim's no longer in Perma-Plat!!
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 21, 22:59:44
Since I'm trying to troubleshoot the problem with the Golden Anniversary want being fulfilled I'll just double-check on this thing, too, and see what I find.

I'm going to run errands this evening, though, so will do it after I come home.