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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2007 November 30, 12:20:34

Title: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 November 30, 12:20:34
I acquired and installed TSS, and then checked the new stuff in-game with no CC, just to look at it, and I looked at it through both the buy catalog and the collections that were added.  Everything seemed fine and I didn't have any problems installing it or anything.

I noticed a couple of days later that everything was gone when I was looking for something specific I saw, though my computer still says it's installed.  I checked the collections, which are still there but they're empty.

The only things I can think of that might have changed it somehow, is using the Numenorian AnyGameStarter program a couple of times.  I've uninstalled it since, since I only needed it to check for something.  Anyone have any insight or theories, or have you run across this?  Thanks.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: Emma on 2007 November 30, 12:31:59
Yep, it's the Basegame/anygame starter that has lost all your objects. I had to do the uninstall/reinstall dance last week due to this same issue. I didn't even think about it as I only had base game & NL versions of the game (plus my full game of course) and I didn't think it would affect the full game. Backup your stuff before unin/reinstalling then put it back in and it will all be back :) I think the basegamestarter has been updated although I haven't downloaded it yet. Dunno about the anygamestarter.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 November 30, 12:42:44  That sucks ass lol.

So what exactly do I need to uninstall/reinstall?  Just TSS?

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: Emma on 2007 November 30, 12:54:13
I did the whole lot. I don't know if I needed to or not, but just to be on the safe side I did. ;)

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 November 30, 13:02:36
Well my laziness sorta trumps the safety factor, so I guess I'll try just TSS first to see if it works :P  Thanks for your help, Emma!  :-*

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: Emma on 2007 November 30, 14:17:01
Any time Blue :-* ;D

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: notovny on 2007 November 30, 23:49:04
I just uninstalled and reinstalled Teen Style Stuff, and got them all back.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: Emma on 2007 December 01, 06:10:11
There you go, you don't need to do what I did :P

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 December 01, 09:38:45
Well apparently I do need to reinstall it all, because I did just try TSS, and I don't have anything back. :(

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: Emma on 2007 December 01, 10:12:02
There you go, you do need to do what I did!

Never mind Blue, at least you'll know it will work properly anyway :)

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: veilchen on 2007 December 01, 15:17:17
I'm sorry you have to do all that work, Blue.

I have acquired TSS too, but I have to install everything anyway. As soon as my new computer arrives, that is. Oh the things I lost. Right now I'm trying to acquire GLS. It must not be a popular stuff-pack, but I do love the PJ's.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 December 03, 10:32:04
Hmm I have GLS, but that was like the only one I actually bought, from the EA downloader.  I don't think it's possible to share it but if anyone knows of a way, let me know XD

I just started this massive redo of my game when I reinstalled it all too, so it sucks I have to reinstall again, but at least I can save the game, I guess. :\  The PJ's are fantastic, aren't they?  Probably my favourite ever.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: veilchen on 2007 December 03, 14:46:31
Yeah, I have a lot of work ahead too. I'll have to re-install everything, I just wish my new computer would hurry up and arrive. I'm telling ya, Finding the big girls and boys for mods was a cinch. I'm still hunting for the little stuff, the here and there things. One of my favorite re-color site has closed up shop. Some of their stuff is in the graveyard, but no pictures. Sigh.

I had some GL stuff in my old game. I know I had the pajamas and the clothes. I have no idea where I got them from. Someone on one of the sites must have briefly put them up for download, because I don't have the pack.

When you buy things from a game-company's downloader (whatever that is called), do they send you a disc later on? I've never downloaded anything but demos directly from the seller, and I wonder how that would work. If you don't have a disc, do you lose everything if you have to re-install? And possibly have to buy it again? Hmmm....

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 December 03, 23:30:13
Now that I think about it, I think simbaby extracted the pajamas and I put them up for download on The Laden Swallow (  They're probably still there.

I have had to reinstall several times since I bought GLS.  I've always been able to redownload and install from the EA downloader, and they've never sent me a disk.  I don't think there's a cap on how many times I can use the downloader.  It keeps the games I've purchased in my account.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: veilchen on 2007 December 04, 14:28:40
Thanks for the tip, Blue.

I'm typing on my new laptop, as we speak. So I'm getting ready to put all my stuff on it as soon as finals are over. I'm not looking forward to all the installing.

As far as using their downloader, I guess I'm just a little paranoid, especially where Eaxis is concerned. I always like to have a disc, but if you are not restricted to a certain date, or a certain number of downloads, it should be find. Like a virtual storage drive.

I like some of the H&M stuff, and would put it on my holiday list but I'm hesitant to get it in any form from EAxis. I don't want the sony malware on my new computer. I've looked around, and I think I saw it falling off a truck. I might wander over and pick it up sometime. Way to go EAxis.

How did you fare? I hope you were successful with your own computer re-do. I would really like to know how the stuff managed to disappear. It seems to happen to quite a few people.


I found them, thanks again Blue. I did look in the Swallow, but of course, I managed to look in the wrong forum parts. Searching for Simsbaby brought them up right away. I really appreciate your help, those pajamas are sweet.

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: bowrain on 2007 December 05, 13:48:39
The only things I can think of that might have changed it somehow, is using the Numenorian AnyGameStarter program a couple of times.  I've uninstalled it since, since I only needed it to check for something.  Anyone have any insight or theories, or have you run across this?  Thanks.

I know I'm late but apparently it's a known bug with AnyGameStarter, many people experienced the same thing as you. He had updated it though :)

Title: Re: Teen Style Stuff objects disappeared
Post by: marjchaos on 2007 December 05, 16:38:04
On the EA downloader note, I've noticed that since BV all the stuff packs I got via the downloader have disappeared.  They do not give the option to uninstall, and yet the downloader does not give me the option to reinstall, reading that they are already installed.  So, I picked up used copies of a couple of them and installed them that way.  Yeah, I spend stupid money on this game.  My working theory is that the new game searches for CD codes, and not finding them, disables the pack.  So, I would reccomend not downloading from EA downloader.  Not that anyone but me is that stupid apparently.  Although, I have learned my lesson.