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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 17:46:15

Title: Blank memory?
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 17:46:15
My sims frequently get a memory that looks like this:

[invisible] ---

It seems to happen after they jump out of an action, or maybe they jump out because they get this memory.  Either way, anyone know what I can do about it?  I don't have University or Nightlife, and I do have most of Pescado's hacks, and I also have the patch from Maxis.

Title: Re: Blank memory?
Post by: kewian on 2005 October 18, 17:57:47
This sounds like the blank icon bug. Do you have a remote control on the lot? Get rid of it. This bug starts with a sim playing with it and then you saving the game while he is playing with it. NOw if you had NL there is a patch for this problem or Uni but there is a work around for it. Im not sure if you can do it with sims2 . If you do a search on the blank icon bug there is a link to a workaround.

Title: Re: Blank memory?
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 18:21:34
No one has owned a remote control car though.  Also, it's a memory, and from reading the "blank icon bug" it looks more like that affected wants/fears rather than memories, yes?

Title: Re: Blank memory?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 18, 18:49:58
Did Mrs. Crumplebottom got bitten by a vampire?  If so that corrupts the objects.package file.  You will to replace it, you can find it on Nightlife CD2, make sure after you copy it back to mark the file as "read-only" to avoid it happens again.

Title: Re: Blank memory?
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 20:10:12
No.  I don't have University or Nightlife, so no one has gotten bitten by anything.

Title: Re: Blank memory?
Post by: idtaminger on 2005 October 18, 21:11:51
No, it doesn't just affect wants. It affects memories too. Replacing the objects.package should do it. You could also make the file read only so that it doesn't get screwed up in the future.

Title: Re: Blank memory?
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 19, 00:09:35
It's a new install of the Sims 2, and when I reinstalled it, after I applied the patch, I made sure to make the objects.package read only.  They're still jumping and getting the blank memory though.

I really do appreciate everyone trying to help.  I just wish I could figure out what it was.