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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Emma on 2007 November 24, 07:59:59

Title: Lemonade stand error
Post by: Emma on 2007 November 24, 07:59:59
Worked fine when his dad used it, but got my sim-kid to sell lemonade and the kid jumped and generated attached error.

Title: Re: Lemonade stand error
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 November 24, 08:48:17
I have no idea how it is logically possible to reach this error, but it looks like your lemonade stand was run over by an invisible bike. Does this continue to happen, or was this just a one-off fluke?

Title: Re: Lemonade stand error
Post by: Emma on 2007 November 24, 19:58:15
It continued to happen with this one sim-I will test with others when I play later.

Title: Re: Lemonade stand error
Post by: Emma on 2007 November 28, 23:01:33
Okay, tested in a few lots now-no errors thrown with any of them. There is a problem with the lemonade stands, they are fine for the first use, but after that it is like they break and you cannot direct any sim to buy lemonade. Visitors and walkbys stand blocking the stall but can't buy the lemonade. I haven't a clue what is causing it.