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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2005 October 18, 10:13:42

Title: missing decorations
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 October 18, 10:13:42
you know the decorations that you get when you click on strangetown and it is loading, the vultures flying over the spaceship etc,   well, since the patch mine are missing  and the new ones that I put in before the patch are just showing the green decoration box with no animations.   I can't delete them either.

I have tried it with every setting, like I turned on decorations but that did not help.  I believe that setting has something to do with house viewing decorations anyway, nothing to do with the flying birds, rainbows, trees, clouds,  etc.  decorations.

maybe somebody here or the maxi guy that visits here could tell me how to fix this,   thanks

Title: Re: missing decorations
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 18, 18:57:27
Hmmm.  If this is happening in my game I haven't noticed.  Did you try using moveobjects on to delete them? 

If they can be deleted with moveobjects on, I would do that and try placing new ones to see if they'll work.

Title: Re: missing decorations
Post by: FutureCat on 2005 October 18, 19:34:55
At the lowest graphics settings, most of the decorations don't show up.  I know the patch reset most people's graphics, so perhaps it reset yours lower than most?

Title: Re: missing decorations
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 18, 20:36:25
I hope I'm not being too obvious here, but you did know you can't delete the decoration boxes by dragging them to the bottom of the screen?  Select one and press the delete key and it should go away. 

Hope you get the problem solved.

Um, I've never seen vultures flying over the spaceship.  I've never even seen a decoration item for vultures.


Title: Re: missing decorations
Post by: jrd on 2005 October 18, 20:41:32
There is smoke over the crashed spaceship. Not birds.

Title: Re: missing decorations
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 18, 20:46:09
There is smoke over the crashed spaceship. Not birds.

Yeah. Sounds like someone's got some custom neighborhood decorations.  Custom neighborhood decorations with errors.
