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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: gethane on 2007 November 14, 17:51:00

Title: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearing
Post by: gethane on 2007 November 14, 17:51:00
Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearing like there is to see the file name of the lot files in the neighborhood?

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearing
Post by: Gwill on 2007 November 14, 21:05:16
No easy way, no.

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: veilchen on 2007 November 15, 02:32:32
The only thing I can think of is the Testingcheatsenabled true. When they are enabled in my game, it seems that when I hover over an item with the pointer, it gives me the full name of the item, including the file-name (or parts thereof). I wish I could go see if it shows the whole filename every time, for all items, but I can't play TS2 at the moment.

If that's not what you mean, I apologize.

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearing
Post by: nocomment on 2007 November 15, 14:02:16
The only way I know to do this is absurdly complicated.

1.  Wait for SimPe to be updated.

2.  Export a copy of the sim using Sim Surgery.

3.  Put the copy in your SavedSims folder.  Open bodyshop, chose that sim.  Package that sim.

4.  Open the package with Clean Installer.  This will list all the custom content.  Hover over an item description, and you will see the filename.

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: gethane on 2007 November 15, 14:23:56
Thanks for all the input!

As usual, I've let my downloads folder get to big, so I was trying to figure out a way to take out custom content not currently used by any of my sims.


Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: Leticron on 2007 November 15, 14:32:58
Same problem here  ;D
I wonder if it's possible, to pack a complete hood with all sims/Houses/items in use.
Then delete the old hood (and the download folder).
And finally re-import everything. If that works it would take care of orphans and all the useless junk I keep downloading
(just another download addict)

Only the amount of work involved (without the reassurance that it's really possible) keeps me from trying.


Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 November 15, 14:35:02
See, this is why I keep my CC sorted by who uses it. For instance, Uglybutt's uniform, hair, etc., is all kept in torture/uglybutt. Brynne's goodies are all kept in torture/silly. And soforth.

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearing
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 November 16, 07:06:21
Sounds like a good idea, but don't you have to make notes of who's wearing what first?  Or do you put a clothing item into your game with the specific intention of giving it to a particular sim?

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: angelyne on 2007 November 20, 22:25:57
It's not necessary to use SimPE.  Package your house with its family using the package game option.  This should package all the custom content your sims are using, as well as the stuff from your house.

Now pay attention to this step.  Log on to a different user created for this purpose.  You might have to launch the Sims once in order to create all the game folders.  I'm not 100% sure if that's necessary or not, but it won't hurt.  Then shut the game and browse to where your packaged houses are (I think in packaged lots in the ea game/the Sims 2 of your main user.  Install those houses using the clean installer.  Whatever you do, don't install occupied houses in your main game.  In a throw away game that's fine though.  If you check the download folder you'll find all the custom content that your Sims was wearing including genetics, clothes etc and some of the custom content in the house.  If you are only interested in the clothing, just check out the folder with the clean installer and delete the irrelevant stuff.  But at least this way you are working with a much smaller subset of custom content

So leticron you were on the right track, and your plan would have worked, has EA not messed up this process.  But please never do what you suggested.  Your new game would be messed up in the extreme.  You see when you package a house it packages not only your Sims, but all the Sims they know.  So if you were to import several houses, you'd get duplicates, triplicates or more of some Sims.  And internally, your neighborhood file would be a huge mess that would implode in a big fiery ball visible from outer space, in short order.  HOWEVER, what you CAN do is follow my suggestion above, package all your houses and Sims.  Install them in a throw away game (not a neighborhood!!, a separate game altogether).  Then move the download folder of your real game to the desktop, and replace it with the download folder created from installing all those houses in your throw away game.  That would get you most the custom content currently in use.  This isn't 100% perfect however.  Currently BV is not including maxis recolors when you package houses.  And I am not sure if custom meshes are properly packaged.  But you can always go hunting for the missing stuff afterward in your old download folder.

Oh and once you've done that, take the opportunity to use clean installer to organize your new download folder.  You can sort items by type (clothing, makeup, eyes, etc) and then select several items and move them to a sub folder.

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: gethane on 2007 November 20, 22:54:07
Oh that is a good idea. Might be a tgiving weekend project.

Title: Re: Is there a way to see the file name of the custom content your sim is wearin
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 November 21, 01:06:59
Sounds like a good idea, but don't you have to make notes of who's wearing what first?  Or do you put a clothing item into your game with the specific intention of giving it to a particular sim?
The only reason I install CC is because it is part of a specific sim. Everything else goes in the slushpool of uninstalled items.