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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 01:16:04

Title: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 01:16:04
So...when I open up my neighborhood in SimPE, and check out the relationship resource, there are a ton of Unknowns.  Unknowns feelings towards my sims, my sims' feelings towards unknowns, unknowns feelings towards unknowns.  There are only about 50 sims total living in the neighborhood, and none of them came from other neighborhoods or anything like that.  Yet there are still over 2000 relationships showing, most of them being Unknown's feelings towards Unknowns.  Lots of Unknowns.

Can I safely delete all of the Unknown relationships?  Any guesses?

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 18, 06:16:59
Have you downloaded any houses from the exchange or anywhere?  If so, they could be characters from the neighbourhood the house was originally part of, which would all come out as "Unknown".  If you're going to delete them, the best way would be with the new version of SimPE (49) which is currently available to members of the QA Forum (not released officially yet) as that one deletes all the memories as well.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Inge on 2005 October 18, 07:39:47
I think the unknowns are not actually unknown, I think it means something is set wrong somewhere and SimPe is displaying them like that erroneously.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 18, 08:09:55
From what I can tell, Unknown toward Unknown means they haven't met yet.  (Hopefully I'm talking about the same thing as you.)  If they've met the other sim it says something like Alistair Ambrosia towards Amy Ambrosia.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 17:00:35
Ok, real quick.  No, I haven't downloaded any sims from anywhere.  These are either computer generated sims (townies) or CAS sims.  I only have 2 families currently in the hood.  They've haven't even met a single townie yet because I haven't played them yet.  Yet somehow, one of the mothers knows about 50 Unknowns.  I don't believe these are simply placeholders for actual sims (so I don't think "Prudence Crumplebottom's feelings towards Unknown" will change into "Prudence Crumplebottom's feelings towards Ivy Copur" because then all of my sims would have the same number of "feelings towards Unknown" (one for each sim they haven't met yet) and this isn't the case.

I'm going to back-up my neighborhood and just delete them all.  Wish me luck.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 18, 17:03:30
I noticed this too in the QA Simpe, it used to be that you could adjust the relationship in Simpe by selecting a sim and creating a relationship. All I get is greyed out unknowns.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 October 18, 17:05:03
I had this problem too, but it was because I had FUBAR'ed my neighborhood.   :(

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 18, 17:52:00 neighborhood being fubared would be really weird, because I just started this neighborhood.  Created 2 families, and moved them in.  They haven't met anyone except each other (one hasn't been played at all, except for about 5 seconds when I moved them in).

One thing, though.  All the houses in this neighborhood came from the other three neighborhoods.  I moved the sims out, deleted any tombstones, put the houses in the lots bin, and moved them to this new neighborhood.  And I notice my sims are doing that "jump" thing a lot, jumping out of actions and dropping stuff from their cues.  They also get blank memories (I did a seperate post on this).

I'm wondering if it's the houses themselves that are causing the problem, which would be kind of strange.  I did use Inge's "Stuff stays when family moves out" shrub, and I noticed that the Goth house (where one of my families is living) had a table disappear when I loaded it for the first time, and a chair that was "occupied" - you know, you can't delete it because it's "in use" even though no one is sitting there.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 19, 00:01:02
I think the sims your sim hasn't met is listed in the sim pool section of his relationships. You have to right-click them to add the relationship. I have a lot of "unknowns" showing up in my sim pool, and I would like to know what that means as well!

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 19, 01:38:53
Are these the Mr. Potatohead Unknowns? I'd love to know who all those are (and if they are safe to delete)!

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 19, 12:53:15
Yes. the Mr. Potato Head unknowns.  I've deleted all the "Unknown's feelings towards Unknown" and my game hasn't exploded (yet).  Going to keep playing and see what happens.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 20, 02:56:32
I'm under the impression that getting a Neighbourhood full of Mr Potato Head Unknowns was caused by a bug in an older version of SimPE (0.42, iirc) that allowed you to go into the Sim Browser BEFORE neighbourhood_whatever.package had finished loading. I emailed Quaxi about it and now, with 0.48, I get maybe one or two Mr Potato Head Unknowns in the whole Neighbourhood. The rest of the dead/ghost/unlinked characters appear with a dark blue background, but their correct names & pictures.

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: uaintjak on 2005 October 20, 14:50:07
Well, except that there aren't any ghosts or unlinked characters in my neighborhood, and I'm using the latest version of SimPE, but when the new neighborhood was created and my first sims added, there were a ton of unknowns (not in the Sim Description, but only in the Relationships).  At any rate, having deleted all of the Unknown relationships, nothing bad seems to have happened (yet).

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 22, 07:52:49
Is it possible that Inge's shrub has maintained the relationships that the previous sims in the homes had?
I use the shrub too, but plan it out in advance, move the entire family outside so they won't be using anything when I pull them out in the neighbourhood screen.

You're just talking about deleting relationships right? I delete them all the time (not just unknowns, but anyone they didn't shouldn't actually know, such as someone who popped in for 6 minutes while they were babies) I delete the corresponding memories as well (if there are any) and I haven't noticed any problems so far. (I've even deleted parental, sibling and family relations)

Title: Re: Unknown's feelings towards Unknown
Post by: Marvin Kosh on 2005 October 22, 08:42:59
I've noticed that the initial stock memories which Sims get when they are first instantiated (for Adults, this is 'Went to College', 'Met Mystery Sim', 'Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim', and 'Kissed Mystery Sim For the First Time') seem to get passed around a lot sine I installed Nightlife.  Or maybe this happened anyway and I didn't notice it before.  I dunno if they cause jagged-lines memories, but where possible I have either removed the memories outright to halt the spread, or specified the actual subject to which they should refer (so that a want for First Kiss doesn't roll up again, for example) and I'm just going to take a look and see if it makes any difference.  They're only test Sims, so if they spontaneously catch fire well, I know not to do that again.

Thanks for the guide (above) though :)