More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 09:34:15

Title: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 09:34:15
I have a sim who's recently graduated, and I expected him to have a particular kind of voice (he's a very outgoing and playful Leo) which I usually associate with leos.  However, he's got this much deeper voice which I tend to associate more with Taurus.  Is there any way to safely change a sim's adult voice?

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: U_Dog_U on 2005 October 17, 10:08:33
If there's another sim with the voice you want, you can switch their voice types with SimPe.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 10:14:41
I can't just give them a new voice then?  If I know what the one I want is called?

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 17, 11:13:37
I've done this a few times, myself. Copying and pasting the voice-type of a sim with the voice I want in simpe has worked so far for me. I don't really understand how the voice-types work, as each sim seems to have his own unique voice-type, so I hope I'm not doing any harm with two sims having the same voice-type. I never thought about "switching" them.  :P

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 11:22:59
Well, Leos have, as far as I know, a different voice type than most other sims, but for some reason this one hasn't got it.  He says Stuvay! a lot, and Stosso!, but I want him to say (forgive the spelling here) Abaladabijay!

So I need to find the reference number of the voice I actually want, and copy that over the existing one?  If I take it from a sim in a different game, that shouldn't cause any problems, should it?                                         

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 17, 11:38:37
Hasn't with my game, so far, knock on wood. Are the voices astrologically-related? I know their nice points (or lack thereof) will give them a few different sounds. The teen male voice with 3 or fewer nice points cracks me up the way they screech "craw frabah!" when they're frustrated! But I have several tauruses in my game (I like their personalities, so I make a lot of tauruses, and they always seem to have taurus children), and one, I know for certain, has the higher male voice. The one that goes "weh WOO!" a lot. That still makes me laugh, too.But his Taurus father (Joe!) and Taurus brother both have the "stosso!" voices. So does his Gemini brother.

I often have to change my female adult voices as well, as the higher squeaky one seems to be dominating my game. It just doesn't fit with some of my characters. One interesting thing, though, is that I had an adult female whose voice I changed to that of another elder female sim, just to see what happened. The result was pretty cool. She still looks like an adult female (no saggy boobs! And I have given her salt and pepper hair and a few wrinkles) and is wearing her "adult" outfit, but has the voice (and age group) of elder. She unfortunately still has the obsteoporosis slouch, when she's standing still.  :P

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 14:22:45
Now if you turn an elder into an adult again, they keep the hair and clothes etc., but they gain the voice, body and activity of the adult - and no need to pee every five sim minutes!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 17, 15:44:08
I didn't know there were different voices other than different age groups and genders.  I know Don Lothario says that "Abaladabijay" you were talking about, ZZ.  It gets me when they graduate and their voices are suddenly deeper because when they transition to YA, they keep their teen voice, but when the become adults, they keep pretty much the same face and body but change to an adult voice.  Some of them I'm still not quite used to.  I thought it had to do more with being outgoing and other personality factors.  My outgoing teen males are always going around saying "Givanni!"  The one that gets me though, and it's not every time, but sometimes when a YA female woohoos, they will do this high pitched yoddeling sound toward the end.  It's weird!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 16:47:41
I think only teen females yodel!  I suppose they're having an orgasm!!!!

Well, it is mainly outgoing males who have this voice, but mostly that's Leos with high fun and low niceness, i think.  brandi's thrid son also says it (when he's born leo, I have had him born under a different sign, I think, but only once.

I'd actually love it if someone did a complete list of all sims' expressions - and attempted to give them a meaning!   (Annoys me, though, while they're eating lunch, they can say the same thing half a dozen times - not that human males are necessarily any more inventive than - nice meal, darling. Like the mint sauce, darling. Any more gravy in that jug, son?)

Oh, and I think CAS YA's do change their faces quite a lot, I know some of mine are no where near as nice looking as adults as they were as students!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 17, 16:50:54
I'd actually love it if someone did a complete list of all sims' expressions - and attempted to give them a meaning!   

Someone on the BBS did this quite a while ago, I came across it once.  Maybe if you try a search you'd be able to find it.  It was a very long post as quite a few people added more words to it.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 17:00:40
If I went to the BBS I'd have a look, but I don't, it's too confusing for me!  Never mind, if all the posters were thirteen, I wouldn't want to know what they came up with!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 October 17, 20:15:42
I get a kick out of the adult females who sing in the energizer machine.  I have to laugh and watch them every time they do it!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 17, 21:37:55
I get a kick out of the adult females who sing in the energizer machine.  I have to laugh and watch them every time they do it!
I have to wonder what that machine is doing to them.  ;)

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 October 17, 21:39:32
I get a kick out of the adult females who sing in the energizer machine.  I have to laugh and watch them every time they do it!
I have to wonder what that machine is doing to them.  ;)

There's an interesting mod to the energizer over on MTS2 - you're not left to wonder what the machine is doing to them.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 17, 21:41:26
heh. you naughty person you.

Apparently men sing in the machine as well.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 October 17, 22:39:59
I already imagined that it was a - well - big - er well, you know!  What other kind of machine would make you sing?  ;)

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 18, 00:04:12
If I went to the BBS I'd have a look, but I don't, it's too confusing for me!  Never mind, if all the posters were thirteen, I wouldn't want to know what they came up with!

I compiled a list a while back, myself, that I posted on MTS2. This was around the same time the bbs did it. I'll see if I can dig around and find it.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 18, 05:31:58
Thanks Brynne, I'm sure your list will make a lot more sense!

As to singing, why didn't they include the bit from TS1 where happy sims sang in the shower?  I used to use that to gauge how happy my sims actually were!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 October 18, 14:10:32
Well, Leos have, as far as I know, a different voice type than most other sims, but for some reason this one hasn't got it.  He says Stuvay! a lot, and Stosso!, but I want him to say (forgive the spelling here) Abaladabijay!

Not to mention "bafangool"  :P

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 18, 14:44:59
Here is a bbs simlish dictionary

The wikipedia has some info that may (or may not) be useful

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 18, 15:23:48
Thanks, I'm so much wiser now that I've seen these links!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 October 18, 20:43:03
Hmmm... I didn't see
when an adult female sim answers the phone
means "You again?  Quit calling me, Marsha!"

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 18, 21:36:59
In the last neighbourhood I was playing before I loaded my trial of NL today, the stalker was a romance YA called Lothario something (can't remember what) and whenever a sim Called Friends, and he was one of them, he'd call straight back again!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 18, 22:53:53
I couldn't find my list. I still have the hand-written version, so I'll need to type it up again. I think I left it on my old laptop. I posted it at MTS2 and was quite proud of it, because I had several things the other lists did not have, and I got a slew of replies pointing me to the "you know you play the sims too much when..." threads.  :P

I have another voice question. Can an adult be given a YA voice and still remain an adult? I feel the same way someone mentioned earlier, where the adult voice is too drastic a change from what I'm used to for certain sims. I've been able to keep sims at the YA stage while living in the regular neighborhood, but there are a lot of problems with it. The not being able to dress for work thing and the spontaneous aging into adult while pregnant or moving, to name two. I have a pregnant female who I want to keep the YA voice. Neither of the adult female voices seem to work for her.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 October 19, 03:13:29
means "You again?  Quit calling me, Marsha!"

Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: vecki on 2005 October 19, 04:32:16
I set up a new neighbourhood last night, deleteallcharacters'ed and then set the NPC maker to spawning new townies and downtownies.  One of them, Ash Centowski, has no chemistry with my new sim Eldrene, although she thinks he's HOT.  That doesn't stop him from calling 3-4 times a day though!  7am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm!

He's a worse stalker than Marsha could ever manage.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 23, 00:45:51
I have another voice question. Can an adult be given a YA voice and still remain an adult? I feel the same way someone mentioned earlier, where the adult voice is too drastic a change from what I'm used to for certain sims. I've been able to keep sims at the YA stage while living in the regular neighborhood, but there are a lot of problems with it.

I want to know this as well. I have a sim who is based on a real-life person, and for some reason the game has assigned him a deep, booming voice. The real-life person has a fairly high-pitched, quiet voice (when he sings, it sounds like he's whispering). I want to change it!

Loaded every house that contains an adult male to listen to their voices and made a list of sims with vaguely appropriate voices - but looking in SimPE, every single adult male sim has a different Voice Type. I have 19 sims here with 19 different numbers. I can't see any pattern in the (hexadecimal) numbers - it's not something simple like high number = high pitch and low number = low pitch. Has anyone looked into this?

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 00:51:20
I'm hoping someone will be able to explain this soon. The voice-types baffle me.
For now, my adult female has the adult squeaky voice, which I can't stand on her. The husky one won't work with her personality, either. I so strongly identify her with the YA voice, but I can't seem to make her stick at the YA age group. Before NL, you could cheat and set the age to YA even in the home neighborhood. I think NL changed this, because she keeps transitioning back to adult, now.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 23, 07:36:40
I've messed with the voices quite a bit in PE but it never really occurred to me that different voices said different things.
I just assumed that Outgoing Sims were the ones that said something each time they passed someone and so on...(seems true in my game) As far as singing in the energizer, don't they all? I guess I never paid attention, but again, I was under the assumption that voices were either random or related to personality. I will have to check this out now.

I've had my fair share of glitches (I'll admit, I deserved many of them) and done a lot of voice replacing where data went missing after a crash. I just scanned through age groups and genders and listed what number meant what. (age/gender)

There was a bigger variety than I'd thought; at least a dozen for each and that was just copying from one neighbourhood, but I wasn't able to establish a pattern that clearly distinguished gender or even age. I did realize that I could get rid of the voices I really hated though. I had one really masculin Sim that had that really stupid high pitched laugh so I just replaced it with a the voice of a Sim I didn't mind listening to. I haven't noticed any fiery balls resulting. (could notice be the key word? nah, I don't have any voice or sound issues)

As for the age change thing... heh heh, due to yet another glitch, I had an adult that had recently transitioned up. When I re-entered the lot, she still looked elder, but was an adult. It was wonderful.
Ok, so she was saggy (easy to fix, find or create clothes based on adult meshes, then give them the elder code in PE property setting) but she was active and peppy and cute as a button.
I married her off to a funny looking repairman (the Remington Harris face with the sad eyes and big ears) and had her produce several babies, just so I could watch an 'elder' give birth.
I liked it so much that I changed a handful of nannies to adult in SimPE, while leaving them elder 'looking'. They seem better that way.

Brynne - could you not try just replacing her adult voice with the the YA voice you like in PE? I've had 'child' robots with adult voices, though again, this was through one of my 'transition' glitches, but maybe voice and age are not so important?

Hmm, considering voice testing... again, anything to continue procrastinating cleaning neighbourhoods so I can install the EPs.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 23, 18:37:05
I tried replacing her voice with a YA voice, but she still sounded like an adult. This was a while ago. I wonder if giving her a teen voice would work?
Your comment about the masculine sim with the "stupid high-pitched laugh" cracked me up. I know exactly the one you're talking about!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 23, 20:23:47
Hmmm... I didn't see
when an adult female sim answers the phone
means "You again?  Quit calling me, Marsha!"
I didnt see martha kay lene used by Elder females either- some sort of frustration phrase.I hear the nannies use it the most or ochi Kwa zeeo  used by nannies when they greet the family or toddlers.Flateemee blah blah blah wasnt there either (used by adult males at the table during meal times) MokaTeal . used by nannies. none of those were listed

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 00:57:13
Wish Maxis would include the option "Blow whistle down phone" when Marsha calls!

Title: sort of an idea, but not sure
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 24, 01:13:03
I'm totally failing to see a pattern, too - and I'm passably familiar with hexadecimal numbers. My male Adult sims have voices in the range 0x18C9 to 0xF564 - and my female sims similarly. My Young Adult males generally have higher numbered voices, from 0x9423 to 0xC2F1, but that could be coincidence as I have fewer of them to look at. Without writing down every number (I'm not THAT sad), I can't be sure whether the numbers are even exclusive.

A theory I have is that the number corresponds to the pitch of the voice within a certain range, and the range is set in different places for the different ages and genders. So a male Adult sim and a female Child sim could both have Voice Type 0xC106 (say), but for the male Adult the pitch would be at position C106 on the Male Adult scale, whereas the female Child would have pitch at position C106 on the Female Child scale. Does that make sense to anyone else?(C106 is just a number, we could call it 49414 if you prefer). And then the idea is that between these pitch changes and the different things that different personality type & age sims say, our brains fill in the rest of the detail so the sims' voices sound different - in the same way that with TS1, we used to see facial expressions change even though they didn't.

My overly low-pitched male had Voice Type 0x5229. I swapped it for 0xC2F1, which is the voice my Young Adult Ripp Grunt has - fairly high pitched for a man but not actively girly - and it didn't come out the same as Ripp. But it's stil appropriate for the real-life person the sim is based on, so it'll have to do. 'Tis weird.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 01:18:46
But they still haven't done anything about the kid who calls on the phone sounding exactly the same as the adults!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 15:40:35
But they still haven't done anything about the kid who calls on the phone sounding exactly the same as the adults!
what I hate is the Nannies voices  they are so whiny

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 24, 19:32:08
Well, replacing the adult female's voice with a teen one didn't work. She still had an adult voice.
Interesting observations, baratron. Thanks for the information!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 24, 20:46:18
Did you try changing her to a teen in SimPE?  I've done similar with elders, (changing them to adults) and they retain their appearance (minus the stoop) but they gain the adult voice.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 21:33:47
Wish Maxis would include the option "Blow whistle down phone" when Marsha calls!
my thoughts exactly ;D

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 02:31:54
Did you try changing her to a teen in SimPE?  I've done similar with elders, (changing them to adults) and they retain their appearance (minus the stoop) but they gain the adult voice.

No, I didn't even think of that!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 26, 13:39:35
Can't see why it wouldn't work - only problem would be, I don't think she'd be able to woohoo or get married etc.  But she'd have the voice.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Syera on 2005 October 27, 05:21:38
Whoa... am I dreaming that I'm reading this topic?  Because voice variation in a Sims game was something I'd fantasized about, and as far as I know, all my Sims sound the same.  So, a stupid question: is there a setting you have to activate to get variated voices?  Does this only appear on higher-end machines?

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 27, 10:45:16
There are two or three noticeably different adult male voices, and either two or three adult female, but the variations beyond that are not really noticeable, I think it may be that they make slightly different combinations of expressions, and different pitches.  I don't think it matters whether your machine is high or low end, but it may make a difference if you raise the sound quality bar.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 27, 19:10:40
There are two or three noticeably different adult male voices, and either two or three adult female, but the variations beyond that are not really noticeable, I think it may be that they make slightly different combinations of expressions, and different pitches.  I don't think it matters whether your machine is high or low end, but it may make a difference if you raise the sound quality bar.
the one group that seems to all have the same voice is the elder females

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 27, 20:17:02
Okay. This is the thread I was trying to post in when the forum decided to have issue. I couldn't remember where I was, but I knew I was in the middle of posting something.

The personalities of the sims will affect what phrases the sims will use, too. For example, a male teen with 4 or more nice points will try to get your attention with a calm "rahchee nikoh...", but take away one nice point and he does this hilarious "Kom fraga!" thing. Even the grouchy children have their own sayings.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Baddmark on 2005 October 28, 01:06:24
Every conversation my "me" Sim has, involves him sticking a finger in the air and announcing "Hamm Lataplatti". I think it's something to do with a Scandinavian Rally driver...

Sid Meier's latest Pirates! game (I think the aptly named Hook has been playing this, too) has some great Simlish dialogue. Obviously an early dialect, and you can tell the differences between the Dutch, French, English and Spanish.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 01:13:11
Okay. This is the thread I was trying to post in when the forum decided to have issue. I couldn't remember where I was, but I knew I was in the middle of posting something.

The personalities of the sims will affect what phrases the sims will use, too. For example, a male teen with 4 or more nice points will try to get your attention with a calm "rahchee nikoh...", but take away one nice point and he does this hilarious "Kom fraga!" thing. Even the grouchy children have their own sayings.
that is true  the onlygroup that has the same Identical voice is the nannies regardless of nice points

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Baa on 2005 October 28, 01:29:50
Uhg. I wish there was a way to replace the female teen voice entirely. It is so whiny, the most earsplitting thing I have ever been exposed to. I hate it with a passion. It's high pitched, whiny, and outrageous.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 01:32:04
Uhg. I wish there was a way to replace the female teen voice entirely. It is so whiny, the most earsplitting thing I have ever been exposed to. I hate it with a passion. It's high pitched, whiny, and outrageous.
my teenfemales all have different pitches based on personality

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 06:30:07
Uhg. I wish there was a way to replace the female teen voice entirely. It is so whiny, the most earsplitting thing I have ever been exposed to. I hate it with a passion. It's high pitched, whiny, and outrageous.

I agree with that, for the most part. I can't stand the way they sound when they're cuddling in the hot tub.
If I make them a little less nice, they're more tolerable in other situations.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 06:32:22
Hey Bangelnuts, which voice does your Justin have? Does he say "weh WHOO" or does he say "Eeklobe...!" when he has to pee? LOL

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 13:56:34
Hey Bangelnuts, which voice does your Justin have? Does he say "weh WHOO" or does he say "Eeklobe...!" when he has to pee? LOL


Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 October 28, 16:15:17
Hey Bangelnuts, which voice does your Justin have? Does he say "weh WHOO" or does he say "Eeklobe...!" when he has to pee? LOL

LOL!  Poor Justin.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 17:14:32
Hmph. My Justin is of the "eeklobe" variety...No "weh WHOO"s for him! ;)

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 17:29:17
Hmph. My Justin is of the "eeklobe" variety...No "weh WHOO"s for him! ;)
ahh but My Justin Like yours is a skirt chaser he wiil happily Woohoo with any thing in a skirt even if he has zero chemistry for that particular skirt. ;DHis only odd want here and there is to talk to the paper boy LOL. for the most part he wants Romance and woohoo .it willl be interesting now as his kids  and half brother and father have moved  in with him to see how much Romance he is able to obtain with them there. I did motherlode him and move him and the family to an english country estate. it has four Bedrooms and three Baths. I downloaded the house from Mod the sims 2 had to get rid of his sports car though and get him a minivan so he could take the kids to school which he did without complaining. I then sent him off to work as this promotion will put him in Permaplat.

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 17:33:37
I downloaded the house from Mod the sims 2 had to get rid of his sports car though and get him a minivan so he could take the kids to school which he did without complaining.

A minivan?! Say it isn't so!  ;) I'm kidding.
My Justin crams all the kids into his little sportscar like sardines.

How's Joe doing?

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 17:50:19
I downloaded the house from Mod the sims 2 had to get rid of his sports car though and get him a minivan so he could take the kids to school which he did without complaining.

A minivan?! Say it isn't so!  ;) I'm kidding.
My Justin crams all the kids into his little sportscar like sardines.

How's Joe doing?
Joe was painting a picture when I left Justin's Fancy new House and has a LTW to have 20 simultaneous loves.I spent the morning in simpe putting in memories for the kids.Josh/Jeremiah was on the Computer playing ssx3 after having gotten a Job as a mvp.Joel,Jory,Jude,Lexie and Tiffany were at school.Justin is at work in his Dorkie coaches uniform he should come home with  his LTW fulfilled to be a hall of famer. His house is now furnished with everything except a stereo  and he sstill has a hundred grand in funds in his bank. I figure I will wait on the stereo until he  rolls wants to be a dancing fool. right now his wants are mostly related to his kids except the want to talk to the paperboy ???

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 28, 18:03:08
Just let him go and talk to the paperboy. Get that want off the panel, at least. He must romance the skirts!

Title: Re: Dumb Question about voices
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 18:08:22
Just let him go and talk to the paperboy. Get that want off the panel, at least. He must romance the skirts!
ok when he is home the next time Alon shows up I will send him running to talk to the paperboy. as thats the specific paperboy he wants to talk to.