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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: raiu on 2007 October 30, 22:58:43

Title: Platinum pets
Post by: raiu on 2007 October 30, 22:58:43
I've been lurking for a while now, mostly looking for a solution to this and a couple of other bugs. I found stuff for some of the others but not this. All my pets have platinum aspiration! I tried taking my hacks out one at a time, that didn't help. Then I thought maybe it was just a bug with existing pets so had a sim  adopt a new one (a puppy that never belonged to anyone else) but that puppy hopped out of the police car with platinum aspiration too   :-\  And this is after I installed the Maxis BV patch. Does anyone else have this problem? Did you fix it? How?
Ya'll's most awesome assistance would really be appreciated   :)

PS the other problems were: college kids going on two vacations in a row, kids not being able to drink juice, and always getting the "maxed out __" when an adult drinks juice (which i think is kinda funny b/c before BV I couldn't get that memory at all from juice)

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 30, 23:16:09
Have you checked your hacks for conflicts with the Hack Conflict Detection Utility from Paladin at (

If this checks out, it could still be a problem with a hack that hasn't been upgraded for BV, so there are various options you can try.  There is a program for checking if you have such a hack, I think, somewhere here, but not having access at present to the folder it's in on my other PC I can't give you the details.

Taking hacks out one at a time is not necessarily going to show up a conflict problem, it will only pinpoint a corrupt or outdated hack.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: kutto on 2007 October 30, 23:39:46
EAxis thought it would be a good idea to make pets' portrait platinum at all times. This is not a bug, but a "feature." I hate it, too.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 01:19:14
Sorry, raiu, I misunderstood - thought you meant the pets were actually getting aspirations....and I must admit I'd never really taken much notice of the portrait, not to actually take in what colour the background is.  What I really hate is if, for some reason, a pet gets stuck somewhere, or is in everyone's way, and you move it with moveobjects on, then the game confuses it with one of the sims on the lot, and the sim gets the animal's info and the animal suddenly gets wants!  It doesn't last long before you get it sorted by clicking on another sim, but it's annoying just the same.

I suppose EAxis in their "wisdom" thought that all dogs and cats have attained their lifetime goal when they have a bed, food, company and access to somewhere to pee!

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 31, 01:33:34
PS the other problems were: college kids going on two vacations in a row, kids not being able to drink juice, and always getting the "maxed out __" when an adult drinks juice (which i think is kinda funny b/c before BV I couldn't get that memory at all from juice)
1. College kids taking two vacations - not restricted to uni students. And don't even bother trying to force an error on a sim who accidentally gets in the van. I had this happen with a teen and had a hell of a time getting him back.

2. Kids not being able to drink juice - apparently there is a missing animation. Pescado created a fix for it, available in the Firing Range.

3. Adults getting maxxed out - never seen that one, but then I don't use juice. Veges are for eating.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 01:39:02
Pity when they have an inventory full of apples and they're hungry, they can't eat an apple!

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 31, 02:38:11
Pretty sure I fixed the max juice thing, "eggjuicememfix" in the Director's Cut.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: veilchen on 2007 October 31, 05:19:57
Pity when they have an inventory full of apples and they're hungry, they can't eat an apple!

Pity indeed. For some reason I thought that the sims would actually be able to use/eat the fruits and vegetables they grow. Silly me.

That platinum pet thing shocked me too at first. But after years of dealing with EAxis, it didn't surprise me all too much.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 31, 05:24:18
"Platinum Pets" is just a display issue, it has no meaningful effect one way or another. Perhaps it is even intentional, to just display the pet-heads on a white background, because you are not normally empowered to influence those values anyway.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 05:33:49
I tend to think it's just as you say, JM, a matter of displaying the pet heads clearly (probably why it never dawned on me to think of it as platinum rather than just white).  Maybe it shows the pet collars or markings (can't even think whether it does show the collars) or something like that to help identify similar pets more easily.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Process Denied on 2007 October 31, 15:19:10
I noticed this and thought that it might be related to my weird aspiration problems with graduated Uni Sims.  Some lose their extra want slots and others have 7 instead of 6--I guess They aren't related--too bad cause it is really annoying.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 15:35:03
Well, you should be able to solve that with the debugger - click on fix and click on fix my want slots and locks.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Process Denied on 2007 October 31, 15:50:29
Well, you should be able to solve that with the debugger - click on fix and click on fix my want slots and locks.
I know how to fix it but I'm probably more afraid of why is it happening--I ran hack-diff and mod conflict and tryed to be careful not to put outdated hacks in so I'm puzzled.  I even played a Sim who was fine and later when I was playing another family I checked on her at a community lot and she only had 4 slots and she is a Uni grad.  Annoying cause she also lost her want to have a baby lock that was worth a lot.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 16:43:53
Have you actually opened the hack folders and visually checked them?  Also, checked with Clean Installer for duplicates?  Something may have sneaked into the wrong folder, and thus be in your game twice.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Process Denied on 2007 October 31, 17:03:03
I did all that but I had another glitch that was caused by a hack that was updated and didn't conflict with anything--sometimes it can be with a hack that seems ok.  I thought that it might have been because my neighborhood was too large it is doing weird things and unexplained crashing but I went to a smaller hood and the same thing had occurred.  Maybe it is because of a hack that used to be there isn't anymore.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 19:36:36
You could in that case try replacing your objects.package files with clean copies and then making them read only, if you haven't already done so.  Also try deleting the NeighborhoodManager.package in case that has become corrupt.  The game will generate a new one.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Process Denied on 2007 November 08, 02:55:20
I used to have a read only objects file but I completely reinstalled and forgot to do it again--never knew I could de;ete the manager--I'll try both--in my smaller neighborhood, I think they are all fixed and I haven't had anyone new lose any spaces again so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 November 08, 05:36:47
EAxis thought it would be a good idea to make pets' portrait platinum at all times. This is not a bug, but a "feature." I hate it, too.

Is this a new thing since BV? I only have up to Seasons, and my pets are still green when their motives are high, or yellow to red when low.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 November 08, 16:11:41
Yup, new with BV. I thought something similar happened with Pets originally, but I may be hallucinating.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 November 09, 09:16:33
Honestly, it doesn't really make much of a difference. Pet motives are not things you're actually empowered to control yourself under standard rules, and they tend to handle themselves just fine without the distraction of a blinkenlight you're not supposed to be able to do anything about anyway.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: Buchignani on 2007 November 09, 11:54:04
Well if you've forgotten to fill up their food dish, you can have a sim fill it and give them a treat so they don't starve, or if their social is low, a sim can give them a snuggle or play with them for fun. Also if their bed or litter box is dirty so they won't use them, a sim can fix it. So you can effect it...

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: HelloKit on 2007 November 09, 20:39:48
Honestly, it doesn't really make much of a difference. Pet motives are not things you're actually empowered to control yourself under standard rules

Funny... I feed and bathe my pets.

Title: Re: Platinum pets
Post by: dizzy on 2007 November 10, 06:57:00
It's an annoying bug, but I don't see any way we can fix it without altering the exe itself.